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  1. #1
    biggy123 is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    Need advice - My story

    Hey guys,

    I've been going around this forum for quite a while now and I've found answers to questions that I have with similar situations but I wanted to be cystal clear so here I am.

    I've always had a weight issue and I am morbidly obese. I'm active (sports) and I do hit the gym and love the burn from a good workout but tend to give up because I lack results. I am standing at 6'0 300 lbs at the moment. 6 Months ago, I was at 345 so it is an improvement but I was 290 a month ago so I'm starting to slip. Seeing as I am active, I have a gut but more of a squared look to me.

    I have been thinking about adding steroids to the mix simply because even though weight loss is my priority, I'd much rather be overweight and muscular. After reading many posts, I read that steroids aren't for weightloss but rather weight gain but to me, it simply seems like we're trading out the bad for the good (fat for muscle) which in return burns more calories per day for an eventual massive weight loss. Also, I figured that faster results and the ability to hit the gym more often due to faster recovery will motivate me.

    Anyhow, I was hoping to see if I'm mistaken about my way of thinking and if I can get tips on how to do this for my first time seeing as I am not a typical case. To be clear, my intentions are to stay on steroids until I can hit somewhere along the 230lbs area. I'm not looking to compete or anything like that, just be in much better shape.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by biggy123; 05-12-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  2. #2
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    You've lost 45 lbs in 6 months... you should be happy with your results and stay motivated from that.... AAS is not magic it takes a lot of work (training) for n e one before there body is truly ready to reap the benefits from AAS..... I would focus on losing more weight first (step up cardio-sweat sauna suit under cloth with cardio) and get to about at least 250 before considering n e type of steriod imho.... stay focused and keep up the good work....

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    I'm going to be real blunt with you, ok? As fat as you are, steroids will fuk you up! Testosteron aromatizes in body fat, the more body fat you have, the more it does this, and will give you a big increase to your estrogen (estrodial) levels in your blood. This will give you a whole host of problems, including the increased risk of gyno. So get the notion that steroids are for you out of your head. They are not. We tell people to hold off taking steroids until they can get their body fat % to below 15%. I'm not even going to guess where you are at, as you may be 35% or more?
    You went ahead and mentioned you workout, but then left off the most important piece for people with a weight problem.... diet!!! I have no clue what your diet is like. You should go to the diet section and post your diet, along with macros per meal and macros per day, and your tdee. I'm sure you've been diligent and have already researched this, and are in a calorie defit of at least 500 cals/day?

    So to repeat, please do not look to drugs like steroids to "just be in better shape". Your body is the result of what you have done to yourself. Eat poorly and/or lead a life of inactivity is typically why people get "morbidly obese". If you want to change your body, you need to change your behaviour, not make things worse by taking drugs like steroids.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like a great idea...if you're looking to have a stroke.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    and did you know steroids will significantly increase your blood pressure? at 300lbs, i'm sure your heart is already having a helluva time......

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