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  1. #1
    PropAndTren is offline Junior Member
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    What impedes recovery more: length of shutdown or dosage used?

    keeping HCG at 750iu per week.

    What impedes recovery more 12 weeks test E at 500mg (14 weeks shutdown)


    An 8-10 week prop cycle at 800mg

    What about multiple compounds combined versus a single one?

    Basically is a fast recovery dose or cycle length dependant provided proper PCT and HCG use.

  2. #2
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    I dont know but i want to guess. From what i've read it still takes time to properly shutdown when you start a cycle so i reckon the shorter cycle with the higher dose because either way your going to shut down the higher dose will just cause more androgenic affects/sides without yielding more gains unless your hardened to lower doses.

  3. #3
    PropAndTren is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot
    I dont know but i want to guess. From what i've read it still takes time to properly shutdown when you start a cycle so i reckon the shorter cycle with the higher dose because either way your going to shut down the higher dose will just cause more androgenic affects/sides without yielding more gains unless your hardened to lower doses.
    I would have said the shorter one, but i'm not really sure tbh.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The longer you are shut down the harder it is to come back. However, it does matter which compounds you run. Ex- You can't compare var to tren in the shut down department.

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PropAndTren

    I would have said the shorter one, but i'm not really sure tbh.
    Actually no. You can be completely shut down after two pins of deca at a small dose (300 mg).
    The difference if your shut down between prop and test e are different because of the fast and slower acting esters within the compounds.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    The longer you are shut down the harder it is to come back. However, it does matter which compounds you run. Ex- You can't compare var to tren in the shut down department.
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Actually no. You can be completely shut down after two pins of deca at a small dose (300 mg).
    The difference if your shut down between prop and test e are different because of the fast and slower acting esters within the compounds.
    agreed. the length of your cycle has a huge impact on recovery, but the compounds used play an important role as well depending on what they are.

    another ex: test enth and deca - no comparison..

  7. #7
    Mr.Louaghos is offline New Member
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    You could use 300mg or 1200mg and you will get shut down just as hard. Cycle length is what matters most I would say. If you go up to 1200mg and are recovering fine during PCT you won't feel as good during your PCT as if you only ran 300mg. This being because you were at 1200mg and felt god like compared to 300mg and like a warrior.

  8. #8
    PropAndTren is offline Junior Member
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    So the general consensus is all AAS will shut you down relatively fast.
    Therefore only cycle length has an impact on recovery?

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by PropAndTren View Post
    So the general consensus is all AAS will shut you down relatively fast.
    Therefore only cycle length has an impact on recovery?
    no. but arguably, the length of the cycle (shutdown) has more of an impact on recovery than the chosen compounds.

  10. #10
    PropAndTren is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    no. but arguably, the length of the cycle (shutdown) has more of an impact on recovery than the chosen compounds.
    I see, so a short and sweet prop/npp, prop/tren cycle for 6-8 weeks would be easier on recovery than a 12 weeker of test?

  11. #11
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well now your adding tren into the mix. All this comparing is pointless.
    But no a prop tren for 8 will shut you down worse then a standard 12 weeks test e. Imo

  12. #12
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    There are many factors that would contribute.

    1) amount of time shut down

    2) dosages used

    3) compounds used

    4) also your body's natural tendency to recover. Some recover fine with brutal cycles others dont recover well with simple test only cycles. Your body has a lot to do with it too.

    5) PCT

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Length of shutdown and compounds used are far more pertinent than dosage.

  14. #14
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    gearbox i based my answer on the compounds :-)

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