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Thread: Tren /Clen/T3

  1. #1
    kccrane24 is offline New Member
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    Tren /Clen/T3

    Hey everyone just want some to see what other people think about this combo is it safe or not.

    Just looking around and i was just wondering would it be safe to use Tren A/Clen /T3 together to lose bodyfat or just use Tren/T3 or Tren/Clen? Maybe use Tren/T3 then use Clen on PCT. with using all three together would your blood pressure get out of hand would do you think you would be fine? using the clen 2 week on 2 weeks off

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kccrane24
    Hey everyone just want some to see what other people think about this combo is it safe or not.

    Just looking around and i was just wondering would it be safe to use Tren A/Clen/T3 together to lose bodyfat or just use Tren/T3 or Tren/Clen? Maybe use Tren/T3 then use Clen on PCT. with using all three together would your blood pressure get out of hand would do you think you would be fine? using the clen 2 week on 2 weeks off
    According to your profile you have never cycled before, don't make a stupid mistake do some more research and consider a test only cycle first.
    Post up your stats because according to your profile also you're just trying to get in shape, so maybe your diet needs looking at first, visit the nutrition section and get that sorted out.
    People can't tell you if your blood pressure is going to be fine on cycle, that's an individual thing that you have to monitor, start with one compound first so u know how your body reacts to it, blood pressure being one of the things to watch.

  3. #3
    kccrane24 is offline New Member
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    Done four cycle before! Just wondering if this would be a good combo to gain muscle and lose some fat.
    But i'm reading that taking tren /clen /T3 would be safe since they raise your blood pressure. or should i start the T3 with the Tren and judge from there if i need the clen or just safe it for PCT. just asking question to find stuff out. or would tren/clen be best?

    stats 26/195/11 % bf/ 5,9

  4. #4
    Keit81 is offline New Member
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    You would need to throw in some test in that cycle or you will not be able to get an erection

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I wouldn't start without doing more reading. The fact that you are considering a Tren only (by that I mean as the only AAS) cycle shows you might need to read up on Tren.

    Regarding BP, nobody can predict what your body will do.

  6. #6
    kccrane24 is offline New Member
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    sorry Test P 150 mg eod will be in there i just want to know if the Tren /Clen /T3 mix would be good? I read that you shouldn't take all three of them at the same time or is this just want people say but not have proof to this. Since my plan is test p/tren a/clen/t3 for 12 wks.

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