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  1. #41
    iwitbad's Avatar
    iwitbad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    It depends on where that pound a week is coming from. If you are losing a considerable amount of muscle along with fat then yes you will lose gains more drastically. What does your diet look like from a macros standpoint while bulking and while cutting?

    Im 6'3
    Oh man, I'm 6'3" too, I was eating at 4500 with a breakdown of 50/30/20, then as the weeks went by and I stopped losing I'd cut the carbs, by week 6 of my cut I was down to 3250 at 40/40/20 and then following on i kept everything the same and dropped the carbs. I was eating eating 2500 cals with 325g protein, 125g carbs and 78 fat. I also took creatine after workouts; glutamine before bed and in the morning with breakfast. I ate 5 meals a day and centred all my carbs around my workouts. I got 8 hours of sleep on average besides the few days I had midterm or finals, even though i slept less on those days my diet was still in order.

    How old were you when you first cycled, what were your stats, I ask because you are my height and are at a position I would like to be in the future.
    Last edited by iwitbad; 06-07-2012 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #42
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