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  1. #1
    cjr579's Avatar
    cjr579 is offline Junior Member
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    test/ tren cycle advice

    Need a little advice from the more experienced....I'm about to start a test e tren hex cycle. Originally it was a test e (250mg) and tren e (200mg) and i was going to pin twice a week. 500mg test 400 mg tren...ending the tren 2 weeks before ending test (14 weeks total)....pretty straight forward, right. My source came back with tren hex (100mg) which throws me off a little. Now i need double amount of tren h to run the cycle.

    I have 25ml of the tren h, 25ml of the test e and 10ml of test prop.

    Should I:

    week 1-12 tren h @ 200mg/wk (too low of dosage I think)
    week 1-14 test e @ 500mg/wk


    week 1-8 tren h @ 300mg/wk (is this long enough for tren h?)
    week 1-14 test e @ 500mg/wk


    week 4-12 tren h @ 300mg/wk
    week 1-14 test e @ 500mg/wk

    i will be taking liq stane from wk 1 till pct
    liq nolva and liq clomid for pct


    156 lbs
    11.5% bf - checked today
    lifting for 10+ years
    diet clean but i dont kill myself

    test/tren a
    test tren a/e, win

    last cycle was last spring/summer
    week 1-16 test
    week 1-10 tren a/e
    week 10-16 win 50mg/day oral/inj
    letro half way through cycle to combat gyno ( waited too long to take AI)
    pct nolva/clomid

    Also, i have 10ml of test p left over from last cycle, should I hit the test p in the begining or the end of my cycle?

  2. #2
    cjr579's Avatar
    cjr579 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    cjr579's Avatar
    cjr579 is offline Junior Member
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    Anybody have advice?

  4. #4
    Will-To-Power is offline New Member
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    Given your cycle experience, I definitely would venture to guess that dosage is too low. Compare it with a min dosage of tren a(75mgeod). That's 525mg every two weeks, with a shorter ester. In comparison, tren hex every two weeks would be 400mg with a MUCH longer ester. With ester wight subtracted, you're losing a lot of tren. Id def up the dosage to 300/week.

  5. #5
    cjr579's Avatar
    cjr579 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will-To-Power View Post
    Given your cycle experience, I definitely would venture to guess that dosage is too low. Compare it with a min dosage of tren a(75mgeod). That's 525mg every two weeks, with a shorter ester. In comparison, tren hex every two weeks would be 400mg with a MUCH longer ester. With ester wight subtracted, you're losing a lot of tren. Id def up the dosage to 300/week.
    You think 8 weeks is long enough for tren h?

  6. #6
    Will-To-Power is offline New Member
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    I personally think tren results come on pretty fiercely and there's little need to run long cycles of even long esters. Would the results be as good as if you ran it for twelve weeks? No. Will they be worth it? Yes. Much more worth it than 200mg of tren h/week.

  7. #7
    cjr579's Avatar
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    Really was trying to get away from pinning every day with short esters. Did that last cycle and boy did it get old. Don't mind it for a few weeks but 8 weeks of pinning everyday is rough

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    No offense but I would work on my diet. That many cycles and your only 150 lbs. you are not eating right. Just my opinion.

  9. #9
    cjr579's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    No offense but I would work on my diet. That many cycles and your only 150 lbs. you are not eating right. Just my opinion.
    You are probably right. My diet could be a bit more strict and yes I could gain more weight if I took in more quality calories but I'm not looking to be the biggest dude out there. I go through times where my diet goes to shit (usually during hunting season) and come spring/summer I tighten up.

    I know I've done a few cycles. (usually cycle once a year) I was young and inexperienced and put whatever i could find into my body that would make me look big and bad. I would listen to friends who thought they knew everything. That was before I found this site and started researching and learning. My first few years of cycling I would get big and lose everything. I knew nothing of proper PCT or AI's to combat gyno. The past few cycles have been done corectly. I'm more about looking lean and ripped up rather than big and bulky. Trust me, if i knew then what i know now i would have did a lot of things differently.

    Is 156lbs really that bad for a small framed 5'6" man? Just asking

    My goal is to be a lean 165lbs

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