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06-12-2012, 05:04 AM #1
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First test cycle - 19 years of age
I know and understand the effects of cycling at 19 and how everyone on the board will go off at me for being under the age of "25". However I'm not 100% sure whether I'll cycle yet but will probably as I am planning on competing by the end of this year/early next year. Yes I have mates who are 19 and are currently cycling, all do their regular blood/hormone checks etc and they are good mates who I will be cycling with. I'm on this board because I want more experienced facts so I can get a better knowledge of what my first cycle would be like.
I'm thinking of either test prop at 100 mg EOD or test e at 500 mg/week. I'm after a fitness model look (zyzz is an example, I know you'd probably hate me or think im another zyzz wannabe for saying this) but i'm after a nice dry lean look. Afterall I'd rather have the body of my dreams while I'm young than 28 years of age.
Age: 19
Height: 5 ft 9
Weight: 165 lbs at 8% bodyfat
Thinking of Test E 500 mg/week for 12 weeks or Test Prop 100 mg EOD for 8 weeks.
PCT: 12-13 Nolvadex ED 40 mg 13-14 Nolvadex ED 20 mg.
I believe in IIFYM and follow that but I will follow a much more strict written diet whilst on cycle with 1.5 g protein, 0.45 g fat and rest in carbs.
Also should I run AI with it? My mate told me that it would help more at our age, and can actually even help me grow a bit more as it blocks the estrogen which affects the height stunt.Last edited by XDaRkEsTx; 06-12-2012 at 06:34 AM.
06-12-2012, 05:10 AM #2
Your a fool, need I say more? I will. So, another 2 inces means nothing to you? it will later. You could easily reach 6ft if you wait but not if you dont. Your not a food but an idiot if you think you are done growing. Sorry maybe harsh but true. It's not all about height but filling out. Go ask any 25 year old or 30 year old and see if they think they stopped growing at 19 or 20.
You are going to compete in the next year or so? Post up a picture and let us be the judge.
Knowing the facts and ignoring them, choosing to do the wrong thing is even worse than being ignorant and not knowing before you do something. Show you are more mature and make the right choice. I had friends who used at 17, 18, early 20s and so on. I'm glad I have always been the type to NOT follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing.
06-12-2012, 05:18 AM #3
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Thanks for posting. Obviously I understand the effects that they will close my growth plates and I'm very aware of it. I have sent you a message of my current physique and I want to go further so I can compete further as fitness modelling as a teenager or even hopefully be able to compete in bodybuilding state with my mate. Your friends who started at 17,18 and early 20's. Did they face any bad sides?
Honestly I'd rather have the body of my dreams at an early age than at 28 years of age, no offence but we only live once.
06-12-2012, 05:30 AM #4
One is dead after kidney failure, a couple of others are just in general poor health now, look OLD and out of shape.
PLEASE read some of stories from guys here who started at your age and regret it. There is 1 out of 20 maybe that say they have not had any problems but typically they are still under 30. Most people who are 30+ regret starting early due to sides, long term libido issues or other health issues as well as having low test and having to go on HRT for the rest of their lives. There are dozens of post from people who did the same you are planning and regret it.
06-12-2012, 05:35 AM #5
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Sorry to hear bro, and were their cycles properly done? Because I know plenty of people my age (I live in Sydney, everyone here is on the juice) who have taken d bol only with no PCT or anything and I couldn't even take that seriously...
But I'm sure 500 mg of test e only with proper pct and diet won't do much harm compared to a more harsh cycle including tren /deca etc.? I will be doing my regular blood checks too and if anything's going wrong I will be off it.
Tbh, doing my research and all LOTS of people on this forum have started at 17-20 lol
06-12-2012, 05:36 AM #6
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You seem to be focused only on the Endocrine system, what about your HPTA? Does erectile dysfunction (limp dick) sound appealing to you at 19 or 20? How about chronic fatigue & severe depression? I'd say stopping your growth, while significant in its own stature, should be the least of your worries.
Last edited by The Bear 79; 06-12-2012 at 06:56 AM.
06-12-2012, 05:41 AM #7
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06-12-2012, 05:48 AM #8
I though you said you have done your research? Yes from Test E alone not even adding the Var or t-bol into the mix. You wont find any/many people here who said they are glad they started to cycle early. You may find some that say they got lucky and didnt have any long term sides, YET but again they wish they had waited. Just saying but you probably know all this since you have done your research.
06-12-2012, 05:56 AM #9
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Yes heard that from Mr Aus and he's even recommended me to do a PH cycle instead of TEST 400 but if I'm going to do a PH cycle I'd rather do a var cycle or a test cycle...he's even told me that there are those who regret starting early mainly my age because they had NO IDEA about their cycles, didn't have their diet in check and didn't even run a PCT after their cycle. However, if done with precautions and everything in check he said you may be unlucky and face sides but most won't. That's just what Mr Aus and a few of my other bodybuilder buddies at the gym have told me. I am no expert so obviously my research means nothing compared to a professional BBer who has their pro cards.
Also are you going to judge my physique? I really want to add an extra 4-5 kg's lean mass for my next comp.
06-12-2012, 06:03 AM #10
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Way to young I think I am playing with fire and I will be 23 next month you have no need for gear you should really stop and get on a good pct program and pray you didn't **** yourself up if you start now your body will continue to stop producing test anytime you stop aka only time your gonna gain and feel good is by doing test since you abused them at such a young age I am not preaching just letting you know once you start especially that young there is no going back
06-12-2012, 06:13 AM #11
PH cycle is just as unsafe if not more but that does not mean it's better to do one or the other. Look, one of my school mates I had gone to school with since 1st grade. He started when he was 18, our senior year and wanted me to do it also since we trained together and were about the same size, height, weight and strength. He won Mr. Teen in our state when he was 19. He died before his 21st birthday when his kidneys quit. No I am not 100% sure or remember what all he was taking but I'm sure it started pretty simple and basic.
06-12-2012, 06:14 AM #12
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lol? Firstly I'm not on anything atm. Also what are you talking about by abusing lol. How is my cycle abusing? Yes maybe if I was on a gram of Test E then I'd say so. And pls tell me how I will stop producing test.... that's what PCT is for... and why is there no going back? You make no sense to me bro, no offence.
Let's be honest, everyone on this board will say you have no need for gear but reality is if you wanna get far you have to start early lol. No matter how high my test level is at this age it still wouldn't compete against gains made on a cycle. All pros start early, even a few of the BBers at my gym I know have started early, even 18. This board is no use for me. All I get is me being told off for my age. As I said I never said I was defs going to take it yet and I obviously understand the effects on my hormones at my age. I am not some 19 year old kid you see at the gym who just goes 2x a week, follows no diet etc. if you know me my diet is already clean and I train hard. My lifts are 42.5 x 12 incline db, 85 x 12 after incline flat barbell, 150 kgs x 10 deadlift, 130 kgs x 10 squat and 35 kgs db shoulder press. I know I can still gain more naturally but I just want more mass QUICKER for my next comp and to enjoy my physique at a young age. I'm not going to wait till 25 as the board will tell me to, to start my cycle lol.
06-12-2012, 06:14 AM #13
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06-12-2012, 06:21 AM #14
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I dont know why these young guns who are barely adults create threads like these. You guys dont care about the advice from "Men" yet ask for advice. If u cant take the feedback then by all means do what you gotta do. But before you do, grow up and grow a pair. And for ur sake, that pair better be huge because u are playing with fire
06-12-2012, 06:27 AM #15
No on the contrary there are lots of people here who will openly admit the NEED gear at least in the for of HRT/TRT even starting in their low 30s mostly due to starting cycle to early and damaging their HPTA and now they have to replace their natural test and forced to pin at least 1x a week for the next 30+ years if they can afford it or not. Not much fun when you dont have a choice.
06-12-2012, 06:31 AM #16
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Okay mate, cheers for your feedback. Always good to get advice from a more experienced user.
Should be fine if I still stay on clen though yeah?
06-12-2012, 06:32 AM #17
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06-12-2012, 06:47 AM #18
What a knowitall.... Dude, good do that 5hit and then we can use you as an example of what happens, so that the next guy asking about it can learn. Like Ron White says... "You cant fix stupid".
06-12-2012, 07:03 AM #19
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PCT will not prevent you HPTA from stopping testosterone production, nor will it fix damages to your undeveloped system. PCT, is just an attempt to fix what you already fvcked up.
06-12-2012, 07:04 AM #20
Dont worry, I knew everything when I was 19 also and everyone else was pathetic and inferior. It wasnt until I was almost 30 that I realized what an idiot I was. Quick, go out and earn your millions now while you still know everything because in a few years you will start to realize how much you dont know.
06-12-2012, 07:04 AM #21
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06-12-2012, 07:07 AM #22
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I meant once you have cycled smart ass.
06-12-2012, 07:12 AM #23
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I've shown you a pic of my physique. I'm probably not the most biggest or most aesthetic 19 year old in Australia but I look better than the majority of the people my age.. no brag, just being honest. Why? Simply because when I'm cutting and my mates are all out drinking and I'm with them, I say no to alcohol, when my mates are smoking or doing something else I'm at the gym 5 days a week, when my mates are eating sh*t I'm eating my chicken, rice and broccoli in class. I may not have much knowledge on AAS compared to you users but what I've been doing with the gym has obviously worked for me. I've been trained by a mate PT for my contest prep who has also trained clients placing 1st in the ABN Nationals and top 3 in IBFF Competitions so I do have SOME knowledge in lifting for those that just keep calling me a young idiot who knows nothing. Yes, I'll admit I've done 2 clen cycles prior to my contest to get down to 6% but that doesn't mean I wasn't still training hard and dieting hard.
Reason why I made a thread was so I was able to expand my knowledge on AAS from more experienced users so I don't know why you need to be so ignorant lol. Same concept as how BB forums taught me most things I needed to know. All I was saying was that I have a couple of my mates my age who cycle and they're looking fine (obviously not inside) and from what I have been told by Mr Australia (Yes he probably knows more about anabolics than 95% of the people on this boards) is that I should hop on PH instead at my age but I'm not interested in a PH cycle which was why I made this thread.
06-12-2012, 07:14 AM #24
I just love kids who got all the answers.
06-12-2012, 07:21 AM #25
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06-12-2012, 07:39 AM #26
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Look you come here to ask for info we all give you the right info and yet you think were blowing smoke, why don't you stop and think how long is four years believe it or not it's not that much if your really looking to train so instead of being a lazy teen and truing to use gear to get over your plateau why don't you switch some stuff up in the gym take a week or two off and yes if you start using gear at your age your body will stop producing an adequate amount of test aka when your older one of two things is going to happen one you will continue to use gear to feel like a man in the gym or two you can't afford it stop think your pct is all good and then when you hit your test bottom you will become lazy loss of motivation sex drive everything will slow down and you will really see what's it's like to to have low test levels at 23 24 your nothing but a joke coming on this thread shoving good advice back at those who are really only looking out for you and guess what you have another 20+ years to train and you wanna start messing up already
06-12-2012, 07:45 AM #27
Your the one in red? Well you have zyzz hair but that's about it. I think my forearms are about the size of your biceps. No offense but you can easily gain another 40 lbs naturally. I was a lot bigger than you at your age, closer to your friends size and I was 100% natural. You need to learn how to eat right, eat more. There is no need for aas at your age and especially size.
06-12-2012, 07:48 AM #28
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lol doubt I'll hit 90 kg's at 5 ft 9 8% bf but aight cheers for your advice. Guess I'll hold it back for another year or two... so I'll be 21 + by then lol. If your forearms are 16 inches, then that's pretty solid lol, good job.
Your thoughts of me continuing to use clen when cutting/prepping though?
06-12-2012, 07:52 AM #29
Stop cutting, you are small/thin enough. You need to learn to bulk clean. You are not eating enough and especially of the right things. You can gain a lot of size without any fat if you eat right and take it slow. You can get a lot bigger than your buddy naturally if you learn to eat and train right. When I was your age honestly I THOUGH I knew how to eat/diet. I was SO wrong. If I knew then what I know now I would have been 2x the size. You should easily hit 185+ 85 kg's naturally before using aas.
06-12-2012, 07:57 AM #30
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I stopped cutting 2 months ago, I only cut to prep for my first Fitness Model Comp. I'm currently eating 3200 calories a day, of around 240 grams protein, 75 grams fat, 400 grams of carbs. I meant cutting for summer which is in around 4-5 months time. Do you think clen at my age is that bad though?
06-12-2012, 08:13 AM #31
It definitely can be, it's hard on the system/heart. At your age you should focus on cardio. I use to run a LOT, cut wood for a living, construction and many other things that were considered cardio based. I could not imagine needing anything to cut until I hit 35+ I still have never used anything to cut although I probably should but when I think I need it and am ready Ill just up the cardio and clean up the diet. The biggest problem is it's also easy to get dependent on stimulants or supplements. I didnt even drink coffee until my mid/lat 20s and I still go weeks without any but I get a good buzz when I do.
06-12-2012, 08:35 AM #32
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If you are really in for good I wouldn't even worry about cutting till you gain some more not saying your not doing good the way your are and I would stay away from everything except natural foods and your pre workout sups creatine whey stuff like that at your age and mine cutting is extremely easy without sups just push hard sweat gallons and you will be fine
06-12-2012, 08:47 AM #33
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Well done lovbyts.
06-12-2012, 10:16 AM #34
Ima tell you what u want to hear!!!
I used AAS at 20 years old
Did a few cycles during the years
Started to feel fatigued & didn't want to do shit, had hard time to stay in shape
I'm late 26 years old, find out I have low test and get on HRT
28, wife and I decide to have a baby, therefore I had to get off HRT and was for about 8 months when again I started to gain fat and was tired all the time..
Currently going to be 31 years old and are on HRt for the rest of my life.. yea I had the body at 21-25 years old but since then it has been a struggle a struggle that im barley starting to win!!
If I can go back I would of waited, but I also grew a lot naturally and was 225 when I started
07-13-2012, 01:40 AM #35
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07-13-2012, 02:25 AM #36
Dark post a body pic. I wanna see you. I'm 20 and just finished my first. You only live once bro!
07-13-2012, 03:05 AM #37
Are all 19 year olds seriously this dumb? I swear I wasnt brain dead at 19 but then again maybe I was, at least I didnt cycle...
BTW mate 28 is not old at all, im 31 and in the best shape of my life, life gets better the older you get. Yep when I was a teenager I thought 30 was the end but oh how wrong we all were and you are too
07-13-2012, 06:17 AM #38
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Look OP the gains you will make will be amazing. I'm 19 finishing my tren e and test e cycle and this is my second cycle I'm in. I recovered well from my last cycle and my blood tests are good mid this cycle. But one thing in the long run is I'll suffer for damaging my mid developed endocrine system ESP at my age. Which I hope I get the good luck and recover well, but I'll tell you this I'm verY lucky ATM and I didn't listen to lovbyts trust me atrophy isn't fun at allllll
07-13-2012, 06:49 AM #39
You know the funny thing is I can kinda understand not worrying about the HPTA (not that it is smart at all), since it is a future worry and believe me at 16-20 I did not worry about the future. But what kills me is these guys are talking about cycling at 16-20 with the hopes of growing big, however be it physique or bodybuilding either way the proportion of the shoulders to the waist is judged heavily....hell probably more so in physique where asthetics are so important. Yet none of these guys seem to be concerned about determining whether their growth plates are closed yet? If your growth plates are not closed and you close them you will not be nearly as big in a couple of years (again ignoring the rest of the life deal LOL) as you would be if you had held off till they were fully developed then started on the gear....
Just sayin,
07-13-2012, 11:01 AM #40
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I amglad this got bumped so Icould read it. I amazed at all the warnings and yet they still decide to do it. And at 19, them not realizing they can grow naturally for another 5 years at about half the rate of AAS and be able to retain the size so easy. I am 30 and learned by this post I am not "smart" enough yet to be confident in using AAS. Wow, and cutting while at 8% BF? Unreal!
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)