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  1. #41
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    Are all 19 year olds seriously this dumb? I swear I wasnt brain dead at 19 but then again maybe I was, at least I didnt cycle...

    BTW mate 28 is not old at all, im 31 and in the best shape of my life, life gets better the older you get. Yep when I was a teenager I thought 30 was the end but oh how wrong we all were and you are too
    This is exactly how I feel. . .

    18,19? WTF are you thinking?

    I am almost 32 and I am in the best shape yet(well, I need to polish off my fat a bit). I am way bigger and a shitload stronger. I hope it just keeps on getting better with age though

  2. #42
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    I agree starts at 30!!! Im 34 and DEFINITLY in the best shape of my life too! If i had started at 19 taking AAS - id be a vegetable by now lol

  3. #43
    Tacfarinas's Avatar
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    Very bad Idea, you will seriously hurt your endocrine system at this age and run a very high risk of permanently shutting down your endogenous testosterone production.
    Way too early to consider AAS, keep learning and learning until the time comes, then you will be ready.

  4. #44
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    I guess most guys are just getting the "I want it now" attitude. Understandable, but the sides could be life long.

  5. #45
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    Well....think back to when we were that age. Just today my brother reminded me of some of the stupid things we did back when "WE KNEW IT ALL"

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    back when "WE KNEW IT ALL"
    No shit, I look back and wonder how I am still alive. I did some dumb shit that could have ruined the rest of my adult life.

  7. #47
    lestat85's Avatar
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    I don't think I will ever understand why these guys are asking for answers that they should know they will not get from this site. If they really were doing the research they say, they would see so many of this very same thread that they would know not to even ask.
    If they are going to ask for advice, they need to be ready to accept it. Not get angry at everyone who doesn't give them the answer they want. They do not actually want advice, but rather to be told they are right and given the ok to do what they want.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestat85 View Post
    i don't think i will ever understand why these guys are asking for answers that they should know they will not get from this site. If they really were doing the research they say, they would see so many of this very same thread that they would know not to even ask.
    If they are going to ask for advice, they need to be ready to accept it. Not get angry at everyone who doesn't give them the answer they want. They do not actually want advice, but rather to be told they are right and given the ok to do what they want.

    could not agree more!

  9. #49
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    19 year olds are getting older every year tho!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183

    Are all 19 year olds seriously this dumb? I swear I wasnt brain dead at 19 but then again maybe I was, at least I didnt cycle...

    BTW mate 28 is not old at all, im 31 and in the best shape of my life, life gets better the older you get. Yep when I was a teenager I thought 30 was the end but oh how wrong we all were and you are too
    Hell ya. I'm having more fun in my 40s than I did in my 20s!!!!!

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420

    This is exactly how I feel. . .

    18,19? WTF are you thinking?

    I am almost 32 and I am in the best shape yet(well, I need to polish off my fat a bit). I am way bigger and a shitload stronger. I hope it just keeps on getting better with age though
    Exactly. I just shake my head at these threads now. Seems like a dozen or so 19-20 something's coming in here daily claiming they tried diet and exercise and have maxed out and MUST DO GEAR?

    I waited until I was 40 and only because my test dropped off. Unless your 19 and guaranteed to go pro, the risks do NOT outweigh the benefits.

    ......but many just won't listen and come here looking for affirmation that steroids are the answer to everything.

  12. #52
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    19... do you even have to shave?

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akrobatik View Post
    19... do you even have to shave?
    I remember, lol. . . Not really yet, you just start to.

  14. #54
    chibull1911 is offline New Member
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    Wow.. Been reading all these posts now, and im realizing that all of you giving this kid warnings are just making shit a lot worse.. Look, he came here looking for INFO. He has already decided to do the damn cycle, so instead of all of you "adults" giving this kid a whole bunch of warnings and giving him shit, calling him a 19 year old idiot and whatnot, how about you actually HELP the kid? He is going to do the cycle, there is nothing u can do about that.. Might aswell give him the right info and make sure he does it right

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by chibull1911 View Post
    Wow.. Been reading all these posts now, and im realizing that all of you giving this kid warnings are just making shit a lot worse.. Look, he came here looking for INFO. He has already decided to do the damn cycle, so instead of all of you "adults" giving this kid a whole bunch of warnings and giving him shit, calling him a 19 year old idiot and whatnot, how about you actually HELP the kid? He is going to do the cycle, there is nothing u can do about that.. Might aswell give him the right info and make sure he does it right
    Because this is the third post today about a 19yr old whos about to or who has cycled. ALL of them are begging us for help to help them get back to normal because they gained a few lbs and now they are smaller than they started and worse yet their sex drive and every other thing is messed up at 19 yrs old hes going to feel funny not being able to function sexually and have to explain that to women or a doctor.. no one will be willing to give him "the right info" because there is none at his age bro.........

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by chibull1911 View Post
    Wow.. Been reading all these posts now, and im realizing that all of you giving this kid warnings are just making shit a lot worse.. Look, he came here looking for INFO. He has already decided to do the damn cycle, so instead of all of you "adults" giving this kid a whole bunch of warnings and giving him shit, calling him a 19 year old idiot and whatnot, how about you actually HELP the kid? He is going to do the cycle, there is nothing u can do about that.. Might aswell give him the right info and make sure he does it right
    The negative or condescending comments are unnecessary sure but a 19 year old has no business using gear. Regardless of training knowledge or experience. He will end up jacked up. No question

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    The negative or condescending comments are unnecessary sure but a 19 year old has no business using gear. Regardless of training knowledge or experience. He will end up jacked up. No question

  18. #58
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chibull1911 View Post
    Wow.. Been reading all these posts now, and im realizing that all of you giving this kid warnings are just making shit a lot worse.. Look, he came here looking for INFO. He has already decided to do the damn cycle, so instead of all of you "adults" giving this kid a whole bunch of warnings and giving him shit, calling him a 19 year old idiot and whatnot, how about you actually HELP the kid? He is going to do the cycle, there is nothing u can do about that.. Might aswell give him the right info and make sure he does it right
    Maybe you should enlighten us on why this would be a good idea. Also can you explain the effects on an under-aged endocrine system and the HTPA of someone under 25.
    Thank you

  19. #59
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Anyone else find it amusing that chibull1911 is also 19 years old and that was his first post?!?!

  20. #60
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    Oh, and he bumped a 5 month old thread!

  21. #61
    demonfox is offline New Member
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    just joined the forum and read the thread. im 20, about to be 21 in 6 months and i was wondering what damage can 8 weeks of cycle with 250mg/wk of test e can do with AI while on cycle and nolva during pct?

  22. #62
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by demonfox View Post
    just joined the forum and read the thread. im 20, about to be 21 in 6 months and i was wondering what damage can 8 weeks of cycle with 250mg/wk of test e can do with AI while on cycle and nolva during pct?
    Most edocronoligists believe that your edocrine system is not fully developed until between 24-26 y.o.. This is the reason you will see 25 as the age recommended before cycling. Use of AAS before your system is fully developed can result in a limit to the systems development. The last thing you want to do is stop yourself from fully developing for a few pounds of muscle that can most likely be gained anyhow due to your high test level that you have naturally already!

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