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  1. #1
    niice13minutesesh is offline New Member
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    First Cycle help

    Planning a cycle for the fall, wanted some help from more experienced guys than me (because this is my first cycle)

    6'1" - 189 lbs - not sure about bodyfat but pretty lean - 20 years old - lifting for 4 years - 4600-5000 cals/day
    First cycle but I have taken two cycles of Prohormones (Mdrol and Androdrol)

    This is what I was planning:
    Weeks 1-6: Anadrol 100mg/day
    Weeks 1-8: Tren Ace 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-12: Test Cypionate 500mg/week
    Weeks 14-16: Clomid and Nolva for PCT

    I understand this is a heavy cycle for the first cycle but here is my question, I was told to run Nolva from weeks 1-16 at 20mg/day but I have also heard that you shouldn't run it with strong 19-nors like Tren Ace. If anyone can offer some advice on that or recommend something else for intra cycle or if it is even necessary to run something during the cycle. I am trying to avoid HCG ( I know thats stupid) but want to run this cycle right. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome to the forums.

    Not only is this a heavy first time cycle, but you are only 19 years old (according to profile). And Tren is the biggest "no no" for a first cycle. You really shouldnt be cycling at that age and focus on your diet and workout.

    What are you trying to accomplish from this cycle?

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    Most here are not going to be comfortable offering advice for a number of reasons:
    1) Still young to be running a cycle. BBettter to wait a few years til mid twenties when hormonal system is finished developing. Too soon can impede devvelopment and cause problems later in life.
    2) I encourage all first cycles to be test only so you can become familar with it and know what it does. Prefer a scientific approach whereby only one unknown compound is introduced into the body per cycle so if something goes wrong, you know what it is.
    Suggest just sticking to lifting and eating right in the mean time. Some here may disagree with me on the age thing, but I'd rather tell you what you need to hear (imo), than what you want to hear.
    Good luck!

  4. #4
    niice13minutesesh is offline New Member
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    Thank you guys for the concern, I appreciate it. I knew this cycle was too much and I am still a bit young but I am more than willing to take the associated risks. I was just wondering what if anything should I run intra-cycle and at what dosages. I know I must sound like a dumbass but I have reasons for choosing this cycle.

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Welcome dude Anadrol and Tren first cycle? Thats quite a stack for a beginner. I'm not saying your stupid, but if you decide to run this cycle, its a stupid decision. I'm curious what your reasons are that you say you have. If you really did appreciate the advice, you'd listen to what people with experience are telling you. Wait a couple more years, It'll be worth it. Good luck Homie

  6. #6
    niice13minutesesh is offline New Member
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    Thanks Flacco, but yeah I know it makes me look stupid

  7. #7
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by niice13minutesesh View Post
    Thanks Flacco, but yeah I know it makes me look stupid
    Ignorant, hard headed, misguided and inexperienced. Not necessarily stupid. You must be listening to someone else who has misguided you. If you did all the research on the compounds yourself, you would have read about all the serious sides associated with them, and how they aren't recommended for beginners. I've never done anadrol or Tren and I'm dealing with with reprecutions from using compounds with less sides. For some reason... I doubt that you're really been eating 5000 Cals a day for 4 years. At 6'1" 190 lbs. I would think you would have gained at least a little more as long as your diet is balanced. I'd recommend not cycling at all. But its your Organs/Hair/dick/mental state so do what you want.

  8. #8
    iwitbad's Avatar
    iwitbad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by niice13minutesesh View Post
    Planning a cycle for the fall, wanted some help from more experienced guys than me (because this is my first cycle)

    6'1" - 189 lbs - not sure about bodyfat but pretty lean - 20 years old - lifting for 4 years - 4600-5000 cals/day
    First cycle but I have taken two cycles of Prohormones (Mdrol and Androdrol)

    This is what I was planning:
    Weeks 1-6: Anadrol 100mg/day
    Weeks 1-8: Tren Ace 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-12: Test Cypionate 500mg/week
    Weeks 14-16: Clomid and Nolva for PCT

    I understand this is a heavy cycle for the first cycle but here is my question, I was told to run Nolva from weeks 1-16 at 20mg/day but I have also heard that you shouldn't run it with strong 19-nors like Tren Ace. If anyone can offer some advice on that or recommend something else for intra cycle or if it is even necessary to run something during the cycle. I am trying to avoid HCG ( I know thats stupid) but want to run this cycle right. Thanks in advance
    What are your lifts like? Bodyfat%?

    Why don't you spend sometime researching first before making a post?

    You should take an AI like aromasin , armidex or letro and make sure you take HCG . Without HCG you won't have an effective PCT and you won't keep your gains, you're HPTA will take too long to recover or might not at all. You need spend more time researching before doing any cycle.

    Do not run nolva all throughout, you would be better of with the AIs I suggest above. Eg: 0.25 mg arimidex EOD.

    19 is too young.

  9. #9
    niice13minutesesh is offline New Member
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    iwitbad thanks that's what I wanted to know I was thinking arimidex but wasn't sure about the dosage.

  10. #10
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    iwitbad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by niice13minutesesh View Post
    iwitbad thanks that's what I wanted to know I was thinking arimidex but wasn't sure about the dosage.
    I still advice against the cycle just so you know. I know you are on them and there is no point asking you to change your mind now as that would just be pointless. Hope you have no problems and best of luck.

  11. #11
    niice13minutesesh is offline New Member
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    Iwitbad i think ill drop the tren from the cycle. I know anadrol isnt a great choice for first cycle either but at least it will be less harsh

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