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  1. #1
    wakeboarder2342 is offline New Member
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    My Story, advise requested

    Been lurking a few years but here is my story.

    Im 32 yrs old and have always been skinny. 6'2 170lbs is pretty much where i have been for the past 10 years. I had a friend that had a similar build and had started using AAS and gained about 40 lbs at maybe 8-10% body fat and doenst even look like the same guy!

    So i decided to give a few cycles a try after a lot of research and taking with guys that do this sort of thing i did the following.

    Cycle 1 approx 18 months ago, ran 500mg test enanthate for 10 weeks and PCT with nolva after. During that time i was doing crossfit and triathalons *non competitively* so a lot of cardio but still put on about 20lbs and was very happy with the way i looked at 190lbs. unfortunately within about 3 months i lost about 1/2 of what i gained and was back around 180.

    Cycle 2 sustanon 400mg a week with 5 weeks of DBOL to start off. Went from 180 to 195 but experianced pump so bad i couldnt run more than about a mile and i was doing a 100 mile bike ride in the next few months so i stopped at 8 weeks. Once again within a few months i was back down to about 180lbs.

    I am back now on cycle #3 with 500mg test enanthate and at 5 weeks i am back over 190lbs.

    First of all i really like the way that i feel when on test. Sex drive is way up which is nice, i dont mind the injections twice a week, my wife gives them to me so its pretty painless and simple. I get almost no negative side affects from test, no acne, no hairloss, no bad moods or anything. I have way more energy, higher sex drive, better mood ect.

    My diet is probably crap by bodybuilder standards, i eat around 150-200g protien a day and try to get around 3000 calories a day but sometimes its a challenge with my busy work week, kids ect.

    It is frustrating to get to what i would say is my ideal weight of 190-195 and then always lose it. I PCT as recommended but still my body wants to revert back to around 175lbs and its frustrating. I dont lift hard, i do crossfit 2x a week plus swim/bike/run a fair amount and usually do 1-2 triathalons a year either olympic or 1/2 ironman distances.

    So the question is where do i go from here? As i said i like the way i feel on TEST but im not sure i shoudl stay on it 2 or 3 times a year for the rest of my life. I havent found much research on the long term affects of cycling with AAS.

    I am considering the following
    - Giving it up all together and realizing im supposed to be a skinny guy!
    - Keep cycling on and off test
    - Try something like HGH that i can stay on all the time so i dont lose everything i gain.
    - concentrate on diet and maybe try to cut back on the cardio and lift more heavy weights

    I would like to be able to stay at 190lbs, im not looking to be huge i just like to look good and feel good while being in shape to do the things i like to do.

    Its probably a hard question to answer but what would you do in my situation? Has anyone else been down this road and what did you end up doing?

    thanks for any input

  2. #2
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    From what I can see here, your diet is the major culprit. Also, you may want to look into running an AI while on cycle to keep the false water weight gains to a minimum.

    Head over to the diet section and get some advice on how to do a lean bulk...

  3. #3
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    From what I can see here, your diet is the major culprit. Also, you may want to look into running an AI while on cycle to keep the false water weight gains to a minimum.

    Head over to the diet section and get some advice on how to do a lean bulk...
    i agree

    you eat like somebody who is 175 then thats what your weight will revert back to when you remove aas from the equation

    you eat like somebody who is 190lbs and you will be 190lbs, its that simple

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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  5. #5
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
    NotConvincedYet is offline Associate Member
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    Agree with the others, you must learn how to eat.

    You also hit the nail on the head with regard to lifting heavy weight. You need to get strong on the major lifts (deadlifts, squats etc).

    I'd consider giving up things like triathlon and long distance events. This is not conducive to maintaining muscle. I was in the exact same boat as yourself (doing events like that) and wondering why I never put on muscle. Those events will kill your muscle. Crossfit could be ok, depending on how you structure your training.

    1. get your diet sorted
    2. Get strong and structure your training right
    3. Don't give in to being skinny, you are far from conceding at this point. Sounds like you have much room to grow once your food and training get sorted.
    4. Don't get on roids until the above becomes clear

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You are also burning a lot of cardio and possibly muscle. Get that diet right to accompany your busy schedule and things will change. And yeah, you're fine to continue running the test.

  7. #7
    tapout417 is offline Junior Member
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    It's the combination of diet and cardio, you said you want to keep doing the things you enjoy, which I'm assuming is the swimming, biking, cross fit... Ect, you can do all that and gain weight with proper diet like these guys mentioned, you don't have to give up the things you enjoy to gain weight,

  8. #8
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
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    Hmmm, this may ruffle some feathers, but I dont see too many well muscled endurance athletes or triathletes. Firstly, endurance events use different energy systems and therefore eating for performance will be different to eating for muscle gain. Ever wonder why marathon runners look 'skinny fat' and power/strength athletes look bulked???

    No, you dont have to give up what you love, but you will have to find balance and a happy medium if you dont. As soon as I gave up those events though, I can tell you muscle came on much easier. Endurance events will eat in to your muscle if you are not careful. You'll have a lot of trial and error ahead of you if you want to keep these sports.

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