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  1. #1
    ryan87bort is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Hey guys,any ideas on a dosage limit?

    Hey fellers,
    Iv recently decided to give the oral form a go, and picked up some that a mate had left over (full bottles)
    Got d-anabol 25
    And pituitary growth horemones,
    i love the gym and work out every day,im 6'2 n weigh 94kgs, Just not happy with the body atm n wana put muscle on.. decided this will be the last course i do so i wana get it right.. just dont know to much about the roids side of things,
    Just asking for advice on a dosage requirement and if i shouldnt mix the the 3 and such? Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
    Cheers fellers.

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Any gains you experience from that cycle would be temporary at best. I question weather you would see any rsults at all besides a loss in energy from the lack of testosterone your body will be producing. Any gains you notice would probably just be water weight from the Dbol . That weight would come off quickly after you came off. Dbol is for bulking, Winny is for cutting. Neither should be run without testosterone bc Dbol and Winny with both shut down your testes. There isnt any point in running them together. I can't comment of the PGH. Keep in mind people who take steroids usually don't start out saying "I want to take steroids again and again throughout my life." I'll speak for myself but I'm sure most have similiar stories. My first cycle was supposed to be my "last one" also. Post your stats for more help. Read the stickies and learn about what you'll be putting in your body that could potentially harm you.

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2012
    there from so yeah they should be g2g lol. stack them all together if you want. are there instructins on the bottles?
    also you should head to the nutrition section, post your diet, and see if you can improve on it. just a tip.

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