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  1. #41
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post

    1) If you're only pinning 200mg, what the hell did you expect to happen? Did you think you were going to hulk out of your shirt and crush women and children with your burgeoning erection on a good HRT dose? Try doubling the dose and you'll see some gains. Then again, don't. There's nothing wrong with your gear, just your expectations. And did a pharmacist hand you this vial himself? If not, it could still be fake. Anyone can refill a used prescription vial with oil and crimp a new cap on there.

    2) what was the point behind mainlining the oil? It isn't going to make it work much faster, because of the ester. And coughing from an injection has jack shit to do with the hormone (with the exception of tren , due to the prostaglandin action). You cough because the oil goes straight to your lungs (the first organ that returning venous blood will reach in order to be oxygenated). The coughing fit is your body's attempt at clearing the oil through the cilia elevator so that your lungs can continue to do their job exchanging gases.

    3) I'm surprised you didn't feel anything after that injection, but I wouldn't have expected you to die or anything. 1/2cc is hardly enough volume to cause a serious pulmonary embolism. It takes 30+ CC of air to cause a life-threatening pulmonary embolism according to medical texts (and likely a whole lot more for a healthy male, and not some 90 lb grandma already dying of COPD and CHF).

    i was pinnning 200 last cycle and alot happened when it kicked in week 5 and 6 lol but it shut down out of nowhere , nver kicked in since iam pining 500 this time this week 7 nada from pharmacy test.

    i live in the usa and got it from cvs.

  2. #42
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    i was pinnning 200 last cycle and alot happened when it kicked in week 5 and 6 lol but it shut down out of nowhere , nver kicked in since iam pining 500 this time this week 7 nada from pharmacy test.

    i live in the usa and got it from cvs.
    What brand is it?

  3. #43
    Emperor9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    i was pinnning 200 last cycle and alot happened when it kicked in week 5 and 6 lol but it shut down out of nowhere , nver kicked in since iam pining 500 this time this week 7 nada from pharmacy test.

    i live in the usa and got it from cvs.
    whats your sex drive like?

  4. #44
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    first time it was sandoz it stopped working week 7 onwards and now is paddock labs ,

  5. #45
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    trust me i know when i have elevated test in my system even normal levels it feel like i have lower test level then before, my sex drive is non exsistence.

  6. #46
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Then my best guess is that you are sick, which is negating the effects of the testosterone . Go to your doctor. You could have cancer, tuberculosis, swine flu, mono, or any of a thousand other illnesses. You should also get your test levels checked just to be sure.

    Are you eating and working out?
    What are your stats?
    Are you really fat?

  7. #47
    Emperor9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    trust me i know when i have elevated test in my system even normal levels it feel like i have lower test level then before, my sex drive is non exsistence.
    maybe the stuff you got is very weak. tell your doc and have your test blood levels checked.

  8. #48
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    sick? dude i felt like a million bucks when i was off testonsterone or before the cycle. i had everything checked a while ago i perfectly healthy. why would you say iam sick , somehing is wrong the way my body processes the tessoterone or somethin it's just pissing it away without using it.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    sick? dude i felt like a million bucks when i was off testonsterone or before the cycle. i had everything checked a while ago i perfectly healthy. why would you say iam sick , somehing is wrong the way my body processes the tessoterone or somethin it's just pissing it away without using it.
    If you had an androgen insensitivity (where the androgen receptor does not function properly), you would not have developed properly as a male and would most likely be transgendered or highly effeminate.

    And you obviously have properly functioning esterases, since test C worked for you last time.
    Even pharmaceutical companies screw up sometimes, which is why we are constantly subjected to those ambulance chaser ads about some recalled drug that killed a handful of people.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-10-2012 at 10:59 PM.

  10. #50
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    And you obviously have properly functioning esterases, since test C worked for you last time.
    Even pharmaceutical companies screw up sometimes, which is why we are constantly subjected to those ambulance chaser ads about some recalled drug that killed a handful of people.[/QUOTE]

    damn but both brans screwing up at the same time? sandoz and paddaock

    is there any way to increase esterase natually or take any pill with it? would taking bac water with the test cyp help it break it down faster or somethin iam willing to try different things i dont think a doc will help me cause they dont know shit to begin with about testosterone . and iam not on trt or anything dont have insurance so cant go to the doc, cause iam running low on money.

  11. #51
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    an y experiance

    so any one have any experience with this issue?

  12. #52
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    I have used both Sandoz and Paddock from CVS for trt and never had any problems..

    Maybe your E2 is way up and that is messing with you.

  13. #53
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J DIESEL3 View Post
    I have used both Sandoz and Paddock from CVS for trt and never had any problems..

    Maybe your E2 is way up and that is messing with you.

    naw dude it's just not kicking in.

    when you used it when did u start to feel that you had test in ya like libido , agression etc...

  14. #54
    ttufan111's Avatar
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    Quick question, I just started cyp a week ago so I'm not really expecting any results for a few more weeks but typically, when does the arousal factor kick in? When I used ethanate it was almost immediate and their both long esters so I'm a bit confused. Not worried cause I know it's good stuff but confused.

  15. #55
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    what do you mean by arousal and it kicked in immedietly?

  16. #56
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    Well I was trying to be discreet, I'll be more plain spoken.

    Even the first week I was on ethanate my dick was hard as a rock and I wanted to **** 3-4 times a day, it was awesome. Haven't had any of those effects yet on cyp so I was wondering when those affects kick in? I haven't used cyp before so thats why I'm asking.

  17. #57
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    1) Your diet
    2) Your training

    This is going to piss you off but I dont really care. I am straight up saying your gear is not the issue its you. You claim your diet and training are spot on yet you will not post details on either of them. My bet is you are eating like shit, not eating enough, being lazy in the gym and your just expecting the test cyp to do all the work for you. Quit whining about your gear unless your going to actually post details on your diet and training.

  18. #58
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    i not even bitching about the results and the gear, and yeah something is wrong with my body, the way it matabolizes it lol. and i know when it kick in, it kicked in last cycle and boy did i know that it kicked in and all of sudden shut down again. bummer looks iam just ****ed.sad but there seems be no other out.

  19. #59
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    just go get blood work done and stop guessing. Your being ridiculousness now
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #60
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    13,506 are you obtaining this pharma test if you didn't see a doctor to get a prescription? This is not adding up.

  21. #61
    PecBounce is offline Junior Member
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    So if you accidentally inject test into a vein you may die?

  22. #62
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    A rock & a hard place
    Pec - seriously? Are you being sarcastic or is the question genuine???

    Uh ya, injecting any oil based compound into an active vein is potentially deadly. Oil is too thick and once it travels to the heart and off to your respiratory system, your heart rate accelerates, you will experience respiratory distress and possible failure resulting in cardiac/circulatory collapse (worse case). Most of the time this is avoided by aspirating but even in the absence of aspiration, if the injection is gradual, as the oil enters your circulatory system you would experience pain, discomfort, breathing difficulties, and an irregular heart rate. It would take more than a few drops to kill you, but exactly how much is a variale I would not gamble with.

    Bottom NOT inject any oil compounds directly into a vein.

  23. #63
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Pec - seriously? Are you being sarcastic or is the question genuine???

    Uh ya, injecting any oil based compound into an active vein is potentially deadly. Oil is too thick and once it travels to the heart and off to your respiratory system, your heart rate accelerates, you will experience respiratory distress and possible failure resulting in cardiac/circulatory collapse (worse case). Most of the time this is avoided by aspirating but even in the absence of aspiration, if the injection is gradual, as the oil enters your circulatory system you would experience pain, discomfort, breathing difficulties, and an irregular heart rate. It would take more than a few drops to kill you, but exactly how much is a variale I would not gamble with.

    Bottom NOT inject any oil compounds directly into a vein.
    It isn't the viscosity that is the problem, but the fact that oil and water (or blood) do not mix, so the oil displaces blood in pulmonary vessels and prevents gas exchange in the lungs (and this triggers the coughing + adrenal reaction, which accelerates your HR and makes you feel like you're about to die). I once nicked a vein pretty well and injected maybe .3 ml before it hit me. I just got this hot flash feeling, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and chest tightness. But no coughing. It only lasted about 10 seconds.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 09-25-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Blood first returns to your lungs, then passes through the heart. And it isn't the viscosity that is the problem, but the fact that oil and water (or blood) do not mix, so the oil displaces blood in pulmonary vessels and prevents gas exchange in the lungs (and this triggers the coughing + adrenal reaction, which accelerates your HR and makes you feel like you're about to die). I once nicked a vein pretty well and injected maybe .3 ml before it hit me. I just got this hot flash feeling, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and chest tightness. But no coughing. It only lasted about 10 seconds.
    depends on your point of origin

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    depends on your point of origin
    Correct. I misspoke. MuscleInk, I apologize. Lets make that: "returning blood first reaches the right atrium, then right ventricle, then the lungs, then the left portion of the heart". Either way, a bit of oil isn't going to directly affect your heart much, considering that the right side is already only pumping deoxygenated blood, and a large volume of it. The most dangerous place for oil to end up would be your carotid artery, but that isn't going to happen by

    And OP, just get a damn blood test so we can quit trying to guess the issue with little to go on.

  26. #66
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    My opinion is people are different, and react differently. I can personally tell you I have never had good results from Test Cyp the few times I have tried it. Could never really explain it. Test E on the other hand, has always worked wonders for me..

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