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  1. #1
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Test cyp wont kick in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    BEEN ON TEST CYP FOR 6 WEEKS FEEL ABSOLUTLY NOTHING FOR SIX WEEKS, WHAT IS GOING ON? has this happened to anybody else? am i non responder?

    on my last cycle of test cyp it kicked in week 5 and 6 and then it ****en stopped working all of a sudden in week seven trough 12. iam afraid that this may happen again that if it kick in maybe week 8 and then all of sudden shut back down again. has this happened to anybody ? what could be the cause of this.

    please help me iam very very frustrated.

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Post your stats. Age, height/weight. If its pharma grade... gotta be something with your dose or your diet. Post your dosage also. If you have a rough idea of your diet, I'd post that too. Better yet... post your stats and everything you eat in one day in the nutrition section of this forum. From what you've given us, the only thing I would think it could be would be your diet. You need to give us more information to help you.

  3. #3
    dren's Avatar
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    I was just on a cycle my self of T400 (C@200mg/ml & E@200mg /ml)
    I was just taking it slow with 1cc per week
    And 1cc of masterone enth.

    Its week 7 and I think it's just kicked in about a few days ago as I feel stronger and not to mention I never get body pimples and I do now,
    Unfortunately I had already went off of the product in week 5 was my last shot as I taught it was fake, maybe it was maybe it wasn't

    But any way I got a similar situation as you

    Do you use a lot of green supplement? Have you use herbal detox before? Have you went all natural before ( food supplements, become a raw food vegan)
    I don't know but a few years ago I became a holistic nutritionist and I went all natural on every thing that went into my body and I found if I introduce any synthetics my body rejects it

  4. #4
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    bro please believe me nothing is wrong with diet and training, it just not kicking in, i would know if it kick in lol, last cycle was 200mg test cyp a week and boy did i know when it kicked in week 5 and 6.

    i not even worried about results, i feel no difference no labido, agression,oily skin like my body is just pissing the cyp away without using it, ever heard this test kicking in then all of sudden "shuts back down again, but i do hear some people test kick in week 8?

  5. #5
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    so your saying the test was still in your system from week 5 but is kicking now wich is week 7, then why wont you go back on?

  6. #6
    dren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    so your saying the test was still in your system from week 5 but is kicking now wich is week 7, then why wont you go back on?
    Well I don't feel super strong ( that could just be me) still think it fake compare to stuff I used before could just be all in my head

  7. #7
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dren View Post
    Well I don't feel super strong ( that could just be me) still think it fake compare to stuff I used before could just be all in my head
    what did you use before and when did it kick in?

  8. #8
    Flacco's Avatar
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    I know, for me... whatever type of Test I use... UGL, Pharma, Veterinary... Prop/Cyp/E/Sust... I can feel if its real in my Pumps and my energy/stamina at the gym almost immediatly. At least within the first few workouts. With Test E/Cyp I may not see the muscle growth really kick in until week 6-7, but I can feel it in the gym pretty quickly.

  9. #9
    dren's Avatar
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    I just messed around with stuff before

    Winstrol - worked in less than a week was on it for about 18 days
    Sust 250/350. 10 days est started working was on it for 3-4 weeks

  10. #10
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    thats what i dont understand why would my body not use the test cyp it natural, wtf, would you know any reasons why this would happen. could i lack enzymes or sometin?

  11. #11
    Flacco's Avatar
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    let somebody with more experience answer your question than us. IDK what to tell ya

  12. #12
    Get hench Die Trying is offline Associate Member
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    Write out what your taking how much of it your taking and how often your taking it no enough info to say whats going on. are you taking a AI are you taking HCG lay out what your cycle is there could be so many things that can mess with you gains.

    What's your diet look like TDEE and split your on how much pro/carb/fat your eating I could go on and on but more info is needed to help you out

    But the only true way is to think about getting blood works done that's the only l way your going to get to know what's going on for sure

  13. #13
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    Write out what your taking how much of it your taking and how often your taking it no enough info to say whats going on. are you taking a AI are you taking HCG lay out what your cycle is there could be so many things that can mess with you gains.

    What's your diet look like TDEE and split your on how much pro/carb/fat your eating I could go on and on but more info is needed to help you out

    But the only true way is to think about getting blood works done that's the only l way your going to get to know what's going on for sure
    iam not concerned with the results , i just want it to kick in and i know when i have elevated test in my system, because people always say they test levels come back 1500 plus after second day of shot but they dont feel shit. so iam sure it in my blood it just that my body is not using it, i need people with ecperiance to help me out here on my first cycle it kick in and it was only 200mg cyp a week but after week 7 it shut back down and never kick in again.

    and no ai or hcg dont need it at the moment cause test is not doing anything.

    are there such thing as non reponders? but i guess i could not be cause it did kick in for like 2 weeks for me.

  14. #14
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    yeah but iam in week 6 and feel absolutely nothing. i think iam just a non reponder in a weird way.

    i know iam gonna get flamed for this and should have not done so, but i injected half a cc of test cyp direct into my vein and nothing happened no cough or anything nada.
    Last edited by powerclean3; 07-08-2012 at 06:54 AM.

  15. #15
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    well that just shows you how frustrated iam , iam no junky or anything. ill try the dbol but i want to solve the test e problem first if that shit even work with my body or not.

  16. #16
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    yeah but iam in week 6 and feel absolutely nothing. i think iam just a non reponder in a weird way.

    i know iam gonna get flamed for this and should have not done so, but i injected half a cc of test cyp direct into my vein and nothing happened no cough or anything nada.
    maybe thats your problem. maybe your not even injecting in the right spots..

  17. #17
    papa-g's Avatar
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    Here's your problem, you have not given any one any info to go on to try to help you. I can tell you have NO idea what your doing by the few statements you've made already. You have no AI. Which means you have no way to control your estrogen so in turn that's most likely out if whack and you stated that last time you were on 200mg a week..... That is a TRT dose or a cruise dose. Not a proper on cycle dose. Why don't you go ahead and post up what your Stats and cycle history are along with you diet and training and your exact dosages. Plenty of people where will help if you give them something to go with. If not then you will get tards like 1" pecker telling you use more gear, and that is not the answer at this point.

  18. #18
    Get hench Die Trying is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^ that's why I gave up and didn't post again because he didn't even bother to give the info needed

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    Here's your problem, you have not given any one any info to go on to try to help you. I can tell you have NO idea what your doing by the few statements you've made already. You have no AI. Which means you have no way to control your estrogen so in turn that's most likely out if whack and you stated that last time you were on 200mg a week..... That is a TRT dose or a cruise dose. Not a proper on cycle dose. Why don't you go ahead and post up what your Stats and cycle history are along with you diet and training and your exact dosages. Plenty of people where will help if you give them something to go with. If not then you will get tards like 1" pecker telling you use more gear, and that is not the answer at this point.
    i agree, all he is doing is rambling. I dont know how much he is taking. I would bet its an estrogen problem

    OP why dont you just post exactly what you are doing. Or just go get bloodwork taken and end the questions.
    Your not a non responder. I bet 100% its user error
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
    castiron's Avatar
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    bloodwork is the black and white answer. and you are an idiot. dont ever inject oil into your veins. maybe you need an AI as Gix suggested. go to the doc and get some blood drawn now.

  21. #21
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    See I knew you guys were out there, ready and willing to lend a hand. But if you get nothing I guess you can't give much. Anyway, can't say you didn't try and help.

  22. #22
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3
    yeah but iam in week 6 and feel absolutely nothing. i think iam just a non reponder in a weird way.

    i know iam gonna get flamed for this and should have not done so, but i injected half a cc of test cyp direct into my vein and nothing happened no cough or anything nada.
    K. That was a incredibly stupid thing to do. What were you expecting to happen? You were going to suddenly swell up like the incredible hulk? Seriously. It is obvious from your posts you have absolutely zero knowledge of these compounds you are injecting into your body. If you did you would know injecting this into your bloodstream in no way will suddenly elevate your testosterone levels .

    Every form of testosterone except test base has an attached ester which controls the release speed of the parent compound (testosterone). These esters are composed primarily of carbon atoms that your body cleaves off in a predictable manner and that determines the speed of release. These carbon chains are of various lengths depending on the ester. Test prop has a shorter chain then test cyp. That is why prop works faster. The base component is EXACTLY the same between these two different anabolic steroids and your body can in no way tell the difference in the testosterone you get via test prop injections or test cyp injections. If you previously responded to any form of testosterone you aren't a non responder to test cyp. Nobody is a non responder to a hormone that is naturally produced in every human being (both male and female).

    Injecting test cyp into your vein doesn't make it readily available to your body any faster then injecting it IM. You don't possess the knowledge to succeed in this game. That is why you are failing.

    You can debate everything is fine in your life and you are a non responder if that makes you feel better. That isn't the reality though. The reality is your diet or training (perhaps both) is severely lacking. You took anabolic steroids on your previous cycle and made some gains because that is what anabolic steroids do. But without the proper training and diet there comes a threshold (usually way lower then most people wish to be) where you simply can not gain more eating poor quality and quantity foods. Even with a shitty training program you can make decent gains with a top notch diet and gear.

    Diet is the most important part of this game. Period. Anyone that tells you different is about to try to sell you something. Second is the training protocol. Last is the gear. Without one and two you will get nowhere. You've seen that first hand. Question is will you accept the reality of what is wrong and correct it or continue making incorrect assumptions.
    Last edited by swm1972; 07-08-2012 at 10:15 AM.

  23. #23
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by castiron View Post
    bloodwork is the black and white answer. and you are an idiot. dont ever inject oil into your veins. maybe you need an AI as Gix suggested. go to the doc and get some blood drawn now.
    Simmer Down Castiron. I was starting to like you. You're starting to give good advise, almost. But as I recall, you have no experience yourself. Don't come at people like that who are asking for help. Friend?

  24. #24
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Its a troll you cant inject oil into a vein and not know anything about it, I dont know, wheres bonaparte when you need him? but I reckon if he actually injected a full .5ml into his vein(highly unlikely as the coughing would get you before you finished pushing the plunger in fact as soon as you touched the plunger and pushed the tinyiest bit in you would be a uncontrollable fit of couching) then he be in ICU and possibly on the way to the morgue

  25. #25
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    I'm sorry but I don't buy a damn thing in this thread. OP is clearly getting some sort of amusement out of this thread.

    Injecting oil IV? Half a cc? And 'nothing happened'? I'm sorry, but you would have had a pulmonary embolism and would be dead.

    And there is no such thing as a testosterone non-responder. Something smells rotten around here.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    Simmer Down Castiron. I was starting to like you. You're starting to give good advise, almost. But as I recall, you have no experience yourself. Don't come at people like that who are asking for help. Friend?
    Agreed it was just two months ago he was begging people for a source. No reason to put the kid down

  27. #27
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Something smells rotten around here.
    Yeah smells wrotten, smells like bullshit dosnt it

  28. #28
    Razor is offline Banned
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    That dren guy got suspended as well

  29. #29
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    Yeah smells wrotten, smells like bullshit dosnt it
    Powerhouse1900 and powerclean3....hmmm

  30. #30
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    iam no troll here is another thread i made on a different forum about the same topic ---.steroid -steroid-forum/628657-body-does-not-respond-testosterone -cyp-its-ester-2.html

    thread name: body does not respond to test cyp or it's ester. by p91swat on steroid-ology
    Last edited by powerclean3; 07-10-2012 at 09:22 PM.

  31. #31
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    it was weird i injected about 1cc in vein and nothing happened no cough or anything the test has to be 100% legit cause i get it from the pharmacy.
    coming to week 7 and so far absolutely nothing. absolutely nothing.

    any folks here that it kicked in week 7 or 8?

    can i fry the test cyp in a steril pan and then add bac water to it, to break down the ester then inject it straight test?

  32. #32
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    ok i was kidding about the fry the test part before i get flames for that lol, but do deserve to get flames for injecting the test in the vein that was dumb but it was out of desperation.

  33. #33
    Emperor9's Avatar
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    he probably injected it threw the vein and out the other side and not in it , but wow who the F trys to shot it in the vein?
    Last edited by Emperor9; 07-10-2012 at 09:49 PM.

  34. #34
    frank13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerclean3 View Post
    ok i was kidding about the fry the test part before i get flames for that lol, but do deserve to get flames for injecting the test in the vein that was dumb but it was out of desperation.
    you should try to freebase your test next time and tell use what happens

  35. #35
    Papa-pwn is offline Junior Member
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    Either trolling or you got some bunk gear. Either way, sucks.

  36. #36
    powerclean3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    Either trolling or you got some bunk gear. Either way, sucks.
    lol iam trolling and you would know with your 18 posts. why would i be trolling about this asshole. and yeah this does suck iam heart broken the test is from a pharmacy so it cant be bunk, i just wanted to use it for trt purposese to this is just sad what is happening.

  37. #37
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13

    you should try to freebase your test next time and tell use what happens
    Dude, now THAT is some funny $hit!!! Lmao

  38. #38
    Emperor9's Avatar
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    I do believe him that its not kicking in. just confused about his injections. can you get test p? try that for 2 weeks 100mg eod .

  39. #39
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    you should know when it does kick in you will be super horny and have increased energy as well as nice sense of well being.

  40. #40
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    1) If you're only pinning 200mg, what the hell did you expect to happen? Did you think you were going to hulk out of your shirt and crush a crowd of terrified, screaming Asian women with your burgeoning erection on a good HRT dose? Try doubling the dose and you'll see some gains. Then again, don't. There's nothing wrong with your gear, just your expectations. And did a pharmacist hand you this vial himself? If not, it could still be fake. Anyone can refill a used prescription vial with oil and crimp a new cap on there.

    2) what was the point behind mainlining the oil? It isn't going to make it work much faster, because of the ester. And coughing from an injection has jack shit to do with the hormone (with the exception of tren , due to the prostaglandin action). You cough because the oil goes straight to your lungs (the first organ that returning venous blood will reach in order to be oxygenated). The coughing fit is your body's attempt at clearing the oil through the cilia elevator so that your lungs can continue to do their job exchanging gases.

    3) I'm surprised you didn't feel anything after that injection, but I wouldn't have expected you to die or anything. 1/2cc is hardly enough volume to cause a serious pulmonary embolism. It takes 30+ CC of air to cause a life-threatening pulmonary embolism according to medical texts (and likely a whole lot more for a healthy male, and not some 90 lb grandma already dying of COPD and CHF).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-10-2012 at 10:36 PM.

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