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  1. #1
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle Critique: Lean Bulker (Prop/EQ/Adrol)

    First cycle in a couple of years. Want to do a nice "mildish" lean bulk. Goal is to keep bloat to absolute minimum while adding good mass and cutting up.


    200 lb
    9% bf
    6 cycles under my belt

    Here is what I propose:

    1-12 Prop - 75 ED
    1-12 EQ - 500 wk (twice a week inject)
    1-4 Adrol - 50 ED

    Arimidex .25-.5 mg ED to keep estrogen under control
    Torem only PCT

    Open to PCT suggestions...

    Any advice helps!

  2. #2
    franklin 13 is offline New Member
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    not sure why you are using anadrol in a leanish bulk, as it is the furthest thing from "lean".
    also, not sure why you would run prop for 12 weeks, i understand you will hold less water as opposed to the enathate ester but 12 weeks is a long time to pin ED(84 injections) or EOD(42 injections).
    also, i know that eq doesn't have the best reputation on this forum.

    if you want to do a long leanish bulk cycle of 12 weeks i would reccomend using enth as your base for testosterone .
    i would reccomend the following:

    1-12 test enth
    1-10 deca
    8-12 winstrol (oral)

    run arimidex or aromasin for the duration of the cycle . hcg would also be a great addition as deca can be quite suppressive on the HPTA.

    and follow up with a standard pct of nolva & clomid or toremifene if you choose.

  3. #3
    1luv's Avatar
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    It may sound crazy, but I don't mind the pinning. I hold way too much water on enan/cyp.

    Adrol for 4 weeks may not be lean, but all of that water is going to be gone 4 weeks after stopping. Just want as a jump start. Long term it would be a lean cycle.

    And I would love to hear more about opinions on EQ. Deca never sat well with me.

  4. #4
    1luv's Avatar
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    Any other opinions?

  5. #5
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    How im trying to decide between EQ, NPP, or deca . My thinking was that Eq gave the cleanest, hardest gains along with increased vascularity and muscle hardness. No?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    npp out of the 3.
    eq is useless, you will get the same results with out it.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    What levels/frequency/length would you recommend for prop/npp cycle?

  8. #8
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    And how do you feel about Throwin in some clenbuterol or albuterol during cycle?

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what are your stats now and goals
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    200 lbs
    8-9% bf
    Age 27

    Goals: add 8-10 lbs lean mass while cutting up at the same time

  11. #11
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    Here is what I have at my disposal

    EQ 300mg/ml 10ml

    Testosterone Cypionat 250mg/ml 10ml

    Testosterone Propionat 100mg/ml 10ml

    Trenbolone Enantat 200mg/ml 10ml

    Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml

    Npp 150mg/ml 10ml

    Masteron drostprop 100mg/ml 10ml

    Sustanon testblend 350mg/ml 10ml

    Cut mix 50mg test p 50mg drost prop 50mg tren a 150mg/ml 10ml

    Primobolan 100mg/ml 10ml


    Dianabol 20mg/1tab 100tablets
    Anavar 50mg/tab 100tablets
    Turanabol 20mg/tab 100tablets
    Oxymetholone 50mg/1tab 100tablets

    I originally wanted to go with CutMix but my experience with Masteron added a bunch of body hair which I really want to avoid. I think the tren would make that even worse...

  12. #12
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    Go Test Prop, Primo and Var. Its a much better lean bulk cycle than what you had planned. You should put on a rock hard 10-15 lbs with strength going through the roof.

    BTW, never heard of Var coming in 50mgs. New UGL producing it?

  13. #13
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by franklin 13
    not sure why you are using anadrol in a leanish bulk, as it is the furthest thing from "lean".
    also, not sure why you would run prop for 12 weeks, i understand you will hold less water as opposed to the enathate ester but 12 weeks is a long time to pin ED(84 injections) or EOD(42 injections).
    also, i know that eq doesn't have the best reputation on this forum.

    if you want to do a long leanish bulk cycle of 12 weeks i would reccomend using enth as your base for testosterone .
    i would reccomend the following:

    1-12 test enth
    1-10 deca
    8-12 winstrol (oral)

    run arimidex or aromasin for the duration of the cycle . hcg would also be a great addition as deca can be quite suppressive on the HPTA.

    and follow up with a standard pct of nolva & clomid or toremifene if you choose.
    He's using the adrol to kick start the cycle

  14. #14
    1luv's Avatar
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    Never used primo - will have to do my research.

    Everything I have read in a quick google search shows people running primo longer than prop.

    Prop 75mg ED 1-10
    Primo 600mg wk 1-10

    How's that sound?

  15. #15
    1luv's Avatar
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    On second thought - primo and var are going to be way too expensive.

    Can anyone else chime in with cycle experience/suggestions?

  16. #16
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    How about prop/tren ?

    Prop 75 ED
    Tren Ace 50 ED

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