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  1. #1
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    Birth defect questions

    My wife and I were talking about maybe trying to have a baby. My question is if arimidex , nolvadex , clomid, cialis, or synthetic test used in men is linke to any birth defects. I tried searching and there's not much info on the net for these medicines used in men but if anyone knows it would be appreciated. Also, how long should one wait post cycle before trying if any of this is linked to birth defects?

  2. #2
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Quick reply to your thread I haven't heard about any defects relating to your problem except excessive aas use(test and others) shut down your natural test production via Hpta so if heavy use of steroids by you is being used then there is a chance it could be affect. What sort or use are u talking about?

  4. #4
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    I'm only on first cycle of test c 500/wk. I'm sure I'm shut down as I couldn't get hcg . But I'm more worried about having a kid with birth defect. It would kill me to later find out or have the feeling that my kid has to grow up dealing with some defect because of what I did. No info hardly on the use of the other stuff in males tho. Like adex, nolva, and clomid. Those I was concerned about and also I'm using cialis to keep bp down. Thank you for reply. Boxer huh?

  5. #5
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    No science from me bout this one bro but it does seem like you are worrying about nothing. Forget aas stuff like defects to baby's can happen to anyone. Wether it be born into you, gods will or bad luck fare is fate but something like this ya really should not be worrying. Do your pct after you cycle and stop worrying I'd be more bothered if I could still pregnate lol good luck my man I've got a son and he's the best peace

  6. #6
    hatch85 is offline New Member
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    U will be sweet mate my second came out beautiful as ever and I 5 days away from meeting my 3rd and there has been no problems there all the best for ur knew Lil fam

  7. #7
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Your 3rd hatch lol do you train or just make babies lol peace

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    the test doesnt cause any issues. As for the other drugs, here is a bump for Bonaparte. He will be much better to respond
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well, pretty much anything you do can influence your epigenome, which is passed on to your offspring. But this includes the air you breathe, where you live, your lifestyle, your diet, any drugs or meds you take, etc...

    But I've never seen any evidence (or even reasonable claims) suggesting that AAS or the ancillaries we use increase the risk of birth defects, especially once they are no longer active in your system (because AAS very well can cause birth defects if women use while pregnant).

    The main drug some of us use that I'd advise you to stay away from is accutane. This stuff is an extremely well documented mutagen and has a VERY high risk of causing birth defects if present in the system of the female (and I believe male, as well) at time of conception or during pregnancy. The same goes for Finasteride and Dutasteride, come to think of it.

    Testosterone is fine (and likely all AAS), but it will decrease your sperm count and motility. SERMs, on the other hand, are used to increase fertility in both men and women. So I'd think that those are fine.

    Basically, just avoid Accutane, Finasteride, and Dutasteride if you don't want mutant kids.

    For anyone else interested in having kids, do some research on epigenomes. This is a HUGE emerging subject in the field of genetics, and flips over most of what we once thought we knew about genetic inheritance. Turns out that a record of just about EVERYTHING you are exposed to in your lifetime is passed on to your offspring (though it doesn't hold as much weight as your genome. or the genes you yourself received that cannot be changed).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-11-2012 at 07:04 PM.

  10. #10
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Well, pretty much anything you do can influence your epigenome, which is passed on to your offspring. But this includes the air you breathe, where you live, your lifestyle, your diet, any drugs or meds you take, etc...

    But I've never seen any evidence (or even reasonable claims) suggesting that AAS or the ancillaries we use increase the risk of birth defects, especially once they are no longer active in your system (because AAS very well can cause birth defects in pregnant women if they use while pregnant).

    The one drug some of us use that I'd advise you to stay away from is accutane. This stuff is an extremely well documented mutagen and has a VERY high risk of causing birth defects if present in the system of the female (and I believe male, as well) at time of conception or during pregnancy. The same goes for Finasteride and Dutasteride, come to think of it.

    To be safe, just avoid using any SERMs or other ancillaries within 2 months of attempting conception. Testosterone is fine (and likely all AAS), but it will decrease your sperm count and motility.

    For anyone else interested in having kids, do some research on epigenomes. This is a HUGE emerging subject in the field of genetics, and flips over most of what we once thought we knew about genetic inheritance. Turns out that a record of just about EVERYTHING you are exposed to in your lifetime is passed on to your offspring (though it doesn't hold as much weight as your genome. or the genes you yourself received that cannot be changed).
    Thank you Bonaparte gix bigsiv an hatch. I really appreciate the feedback. I figured there wasn't much to be worried about but my wife aske me to check into it and I looked for a while but knew that you guys could help.

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