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  1. #1
    Genin is offline New Member
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    New ~ Need Question answer on Sustanon 250

    OK, Well i am a new user and will be my first time taking a cycle. I did some research but have not fully understand how this cycle thing works. Im 22 about 5'10 150. My goal is to just gain some muscle mass for my sport but i want to maintain it. Also i personally don't want to take more then one cycle. I guess my true goal is to take this to help me get my name out there in my Sport … Last Year of College Sport to make it understandable. Last year I was at the top of my game Top 50 rank in my Sport (Track and Field ) I didn't go to nationally due to hamstring injury (tweak not a pull). This year around I want to be number one or top 10. I am a hard worker I eat right no fast food salad every day with most grilled chicken no fry food lots of pasta and beef sometimes pork (Not a pork fan). I was on muscle milk didn't really work i tried whey protein didn't really work. I have tried stuff Creatine, No2 … all them little GMC stuff that say the will work and i mean feel like a big waste of money. So i turn to Sustanon I have one the all i want I Just want to take during the peak of my season.Anyways to the point at hand ... I was told to take 1ml everyday when I start peaking for my sport. I need Other advise. I want to take it just to try… I will not be taking another cycle after this. Do i need a PCT ? How much should i take a day ? Bash me Just tell me the truth even it it may hurt lol.

    Sorry for the long read and thank you for responding

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    22 is alittle young yet. Keep training hard. Eating right. Hard work will always be the best thing at that age.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 07-11-2012 at 01:20 PM.

  3. #3
    chrisdog212's Avatar
    chrisdog212 is offline New Member
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    Why risk getting tested and being labeled in collegiate sports where they frown upon the use?

    Then all of the hard work you did would be in vain! From the sounds of it you are a very good athlete that was just plagued by an injury at the wrong time!

    Just keep working hard all the time everyday and stay focused and you will do great!
    Last edited by chrisdog212; 07-11-2012 at 01:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Genin is offline New Member
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    I truly don't know i know it is something frown upon maybe pressure just to be the best. i just want better i have trained so hard so i feel as thought i have reached the top of my physical potential and just want more. My times are not dropping i not getting any bigger not gaining any weight. That was my first time getting hurt every for the four year i been running it seem like I'm overloading my body to get better and it not even work i push and push. I didn't even get to go nationals that year bc of my hamstring. I have won for the pass 2 years i don't think anyone knows how to feel to not go to a nationals with your team and win and your note here to enjoy it with them. This will be my last year and i want to be on top. I don't know maybe just my luck but i have not been tested ever ll crazy yes NCAA D1 and i have never been tested yet i feel as thought once i go on it they going to test me that y i don't want to at the same time because that will be shameful but man to be on top there no better feeling then that and i want it. I came front he bottom to the top and i want more. My first year I was noting and i have risen to the top and i am proud of my self but i will want more i still think there is more to be done. Sorry for my excessive talking.

    ok 22 is young but i will be on a low dosage is that still bad?

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    post your diet. Your not gaining weight because your not eating enough. You may be eating healthy things and no "bad" things. It doesnt mean your eating enough calories to gain weight. If your diet isnt enough you will not gain what you want to on steroids . And you will def loose what small gains you make after you stop.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Genin is offline New Member
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    My diet is pretty simple on average i wake up and boil some eggs 2 or 3 with some turkey bacon w/ hard dough bread or whole wheat also with a glass of oj and a scoop of muscle milk. Lunch is egg with with salad and chicken breast a scoop of muscle milk blend with mix frozen fruits dinner pasta and chicken or meatballs or some steak(mainly fridays). In between meals i snap on protein bars cliff bars whey bars all sort to hold me over because i can't eat really before training i will throw up. The school provides as much protein bars you want and muscle milk and fruits. I love bananas so i eat a lot of them blend them up make a nice banana drink. Training is after breakfast so i wake up on average around 9 i eat training is at 11 i have lunch at 12 training again around 2 or 3 i eat dinner around 5 or 6. I wake up for weight 6am everyday drink come milk after and i go back to bed. Do homework in my free time weekend i do order pizza once in a while maybe once a month. this pretty much it

    Btw this is off season right now i do try to consume more meat and protein but it is hard for me no lie but i do run about 10 miles a week I am a 200/400 running that is short distance but i do, do long distance to keep up endurance. I can't always keep all the food i eat down. I do drink plant milk to help also with weight gain and protein.
    Last edited by Genin; 07-11-2012 at 02:14 PM. Reason: More info

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    honestly you need to eat more. You burn a ton of calories a day with your training. Do a cycle is a waste. Your going to shut down your body. Risk side effect. Also doing something illegal and risk getting caught and banned from your sport. You will not keep any gains eating like that
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Gixxer is right. Your diet needs a lot of work and in the absence of a good diet it makes no sense to cycle anything. Your gains would be superficial and very short lived. You'd be disaapointed in the outcome. There are a lot of people here that can get your diet on track. Start there. You WILL see tremendous gains and then when the time is right and your knowledge base is higher, start up conversations with the vets here about adding gear to your routine.

  9. #9
    Genin is offline New Member
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    i gotcha and i will do that Thank you a lot ^_^

    Can u pinpoint in where to look/go to get my diet right ?

  10. #10
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think training for endurance as a short distance athlete could be counter productive. Sprinters look muscular. Long distance runners look thin and weak. Physical exertion beyond an hour or so can cause cortisol to become elevated.

    Overtraining could be the issue. Obviously what you have done so far has worked. You are among the most elite collegiate athletes in the nation. I would not mess with gear if I were you. Not only could you get caught, but you could destroy your performance for your last season. Additional weight can be your enemy when it comes to performance.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genin
    i gotcha and i will do that Thank you a lot ^_^

    Can u pinpoint in where to look/go to get my diet right ?
    This site has a wonderful diet and nutrition section.

  12. #12
    Genin is offline New Member
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    Well just during the off season we run that much i don't know why i just do what the coach tells me to do. Among most of my peers i am thy smallest in terms of weight. I just feel as though if i gained 10 to 15 it would improve my performance. I do not know if overtraining could be the problem i honestly can't tell if i am overtraining. I just do but when i compare my self to pros track and field runners there weight is much higher then mine. and Yes i am afraid of getting caught i would hate to have messed up everything i have earned over one dumb decision

    And thank you I see that section now

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