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  1. #41
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    They very inaccurate, any visable abs?

  2. #42
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    If there's no testing, I'd say about 3/4 through your cycle. that way you'll have made some gains(provided you stay in your weight class), and you'll still be administering plenty of extra test to have that extra aggression for the fight. I'd use prop or sust, like above mentions, a short ester.
    sustanon is not considered a short ester even though it has a small % in it that is .

  3. #43
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it is an untested fight this guy won't be the only one using gear.

  4. #44
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  5. #45
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    so your prob closer to 12% then, you have a catch 22

    run cycle on maintenence cals (this is hard to work out due to amount of training you do and no general rule exists in this setting) and you prob wont make weight, 6 weeks isnt enough, if it was 12 you could bulk a lil then cut

    run cycle on cal deficit and you have good chance of making weight and add a little LBM, but you going to have it rough, alot of cardio on little energy, Id give this a go if it was me and utalise preworkouts and stims to get me through it,

    How many hrs a week you currently doing?

    If I was you I would consider fighting at 170 next time around, then prob 185 in future if you continue to use AAS

    And congrads on dropping the weight from 230 by the way
    Last edited by DanB; 07-12-2012 at 07:49 PM.

  6. #46
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    230 to 168 and still carrying 17% what was your bf% at 230?

  7. #47
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonebluffn View Post
    230 to 168 and still carrying 17% what was your bf% at 230?
    a bathroom scale said that, you know what they are like

    if he has visable abs like he claims, then its guesswork without a pic but based on the abs he prob closer to 12%

  8. #48
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  9. #49
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  10. #50
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    so your prob closer to 12% then, you have a catch 22

    run cycle on maintenence cals (this is hard to work out due to amount of training you do and no general rule exists in this setting) and you prob wont make weight, 6 weeks isnt enough, if it was 12 you could bulk a lil then cut

    run cycle on cal deficit and you have good chance of making weight and add a little LBM, but you going to have it rough, alot of cardio on little energy, Id give this a go if it was me and utalise preworkouts and stims to get me through it,

    How many hrs a week you currently doing?

    If I was you I would consider fighting at 170 next time around, then prob 185 in future if you continue to use AAS

    And congrads on dropping the weight from 230 by the way
    thats what i would do
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #51
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  12. #52
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  13. #53
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  14. #54
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    I understand what you mean about avoiding some fighters. There is a huge difference from 170 to 180. Just the height difference in average fighter height from 170 to 180 is alot.....

  15. #55
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  16. #56
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    Yea, in the last 8 months MMA has gifted me with a blown ACL, torn thumb ligament, and a shoulder surgery. Cannot wait to get back tho. I only have a year or two left that I can do this shit. Im almost 40..

  17. #57
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by guyguy View Post
    never that call cheating dont be a scum bag.
    It is called cheating and most everyone in MMA is doing it at some point during there training. AAS does not make you an great fighter. Training to be a MMA fighter day and night does that. AAS just gives you an edge.

  18. #58
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoGearHear View Post
    If you can't beat some guy up natty then you're doing it wrong bro
    Wow really. You need to open your eyes much wider and look around. It all starts with training and diet. Maybe you joined to wrong forum.

  19. #59
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsn23 View Post
    can you be on steroids with mma?

  20. #60
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Wait till after the fight and do your cycle like you would have. Train and eat like you are prepping for the fight to see how your body reacts. So you know what to do next time. Post a detail from before start to after finish in the MMA section on here so we can guide you along the way should you need the help/assistance. Good on you for ignoring all the negative posts.

    Don't forget to post your stats next time you ask a question.

  21. #61
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  22. #62
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Understood. Best of luck

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