I on week 4 of my cycle of test-e 500-600mgs a week & tren -a 100mgs a week, but I am also in the process of obtaining a legit prescription of HGH. The doctor wants me to take a blood test 1st, but I am afraid he will see that I'm using steroids then deny me the HGH.

Does anyone know what they are testing my blood for & has anyone else obtained a legit prescription of HGH. I will wait till I'm done with my cycle if there is any risk I could loose my prescription, but if someone could give me some insight I would like to know if I should go ahead & do the blood test. I am just curious if me being on a cycle is an issue with any of the tests & examinations the doc is going to perform. Anyways I want to start the HGH asap & if me being on a cycle is not a issue with the docs tests then I would like to go ahead with it. Any info & advice greatly appreciated........THANKS....