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  1. #1
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    Looking for gains

    I got some test and trenn 100 from another site and am almost done with a 4 week cycle. Haven't seen the results I expected. Bunk? Any suggestions?

    Bf? Not too bad..
    Diet high protein
    Experience med

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    We require some more information before we can determine what exactly is going on here.

    1. Please elaborate more on your diet, as your current description of your diet: "Diet high protein" doesn't tell us anything. Please post what you ate throughout the whole day yesterday. Please try to be as detailed as possible, and if you can, list calories and macro ratios.

    2. Bodyfat percentage listed as "not too bad" doesn't tell us anything either.

    3. Give us a description of your general training routine and what types of split routine you are doing, including descriptions of your training frequency and how much rest you are giving each muscle group between workouts.

    4. What kind of test and tren are you using? Testosterone Enanthate ? Propionate ? Trenbolone Acetate? Or Trenbolone Enanthate ?

    5. Lastly, in connection with my point #4, even with short estered versions of those 2 compounds, 4 weeks is not nearly enough time to be doing a cycle. Even with short esters such as acetate and propionate, on average those will begin to 'kick in' at around the mid to end of the 2nd week. This leaves 2 weeks or less for you to make any gains before you terminate your cycle.

    I think there is a lot more wrong with your nutrition and training rather than whether or not your gear is legit. Trenbolone is a very powerful anabolic steroid , and if your diet and training is on the money, you should be seeing excellent gains by the time week 2-3 hits.

  3. #3
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Ok... I'm not sure what tren and test it is.. I got it from stack and it only comes 60 pills to a bottle to be taken 2 times daily. Yesterday I ate a protein shake for breakfast 170 calories. A 6oz chicken Brest with 8 oz of rice for lunch and a bowl of pasta for dinner. With a peanut butter sandwich on wheat inbetwween both main meals. Probly 2500 calories totals. I work 4-5 times a week. 1-1.5 hrs each time rotating arms and back chest and traps etc. I only rest about a min or so between reps and try and max out every set. And always finish with a 25 min jog on treadmill. I by no means am as advanced as you guys but am working at it. I'm not looking to get ripped. Just some mass.

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psaletta View Post
    Ok... I'm not sure what tren and test it is.. I got it from stack and it only comes 60 pills to a bottle to be taken 2 times daily. Yesterday I ate a protein shake for breakfast 170 calories. A 6oz chicken Brest with 8 oz of rice for lunch and a bowl of pasta for dinner. With a peanut butter sandwich on wheat inbetwween both main meals. Probly 2500 calories totals. I work 4-5 times a week. 1-1.5 hrs each time rotating arms and back chest and traps etc. I only rest about a min or so between reps and try and max out every set. And always finish with a 25 min jog on treadmill. I by no means am as advanced as you guys but am working at it. I'm not looking to get ripped. Just some mass.
    Before I continue to outline what your problem here is, please edit out the website name, it is against the rules of the forum to list source names on here!

    There are some massive problems with what you've mentioned. I was going to start by saying that you need to stop your whole cycle and go back to the drawing board with things, as you need to do A LOT more research before continuing. Then I noticed that you mentioned that your trenbolone product came in the form of pills...

    Listen, you bought a bunch of crap. Useless, fake, crap. First of all, I just took a look at the website you ordered from. Those are not real anabolic steroids , they are marketed as 'legal steroid alternatives', much like the banner at the top of this page. They are not anabolic steroids , but are instead a mixture of herbs and other similar ingredients packed into a capsule. I in fact do not even need to look at the website to know that you bought a bunch of junk.

    This is because trenbolone is not available in an oral form what so ever. Neither is testosterone (for the most part, except for andriol gel caps which are not what you are taking). Trenbolone and testosterone are injectable anabolic steroids, and when ingested orally, are not absorbed by the body through the GI tract. Unfortunately, you bought a product that wasn't what you thought it was. This is why you've seen no results from your cycle.

    Lastly, your diet needs a lot of work. I would suggest that you head over to the nutrition section of this forum and do some in-depth reading there, and ask questions. In addition, I would advise that you keep doing a lot more research on AAS. Start in the educational threads section, and read all of the threads about AAS for beginners.

  5. #5
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    I would also just like to quickly add that if you did some further reading (especially the fine print) in the website you bought your stuff from, you'll see things like this:

    StackLabs does not condone the use of illegal anabolic steroids nor do we sell them. Our products are classified as dietary supplements by the FDA. Dietary supplements are legal to both produce and consume in the USA . Use products in conjunction with a well balanced diet and an intense bodybuilding exercise program. Claims made regarding any ergogenic benefits are based on the subjective results of users reported in non-controlled conditions. Individual results may vary. Consult with a physician prior to use. Products are not for use by individuals under 18 years of age.
    As well:

    Welcome to Stacklabs. Here you can find legal steroids and muscle building supplements to increase your muscle size and strength. For the last six years, Stacklabs has been a leading online supplier of high-quality, affordable steroid alternatives (aka legal steroids) and bodybuilding supplements.
    I'm sorry to beak this news to you, my friend. You got jipped. Don't worry about editing the website name out of your post, by the way. It's not a real steroid source...

  6. #6
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Well off to the drawling board I go. Thx for the info.

  7. #7
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Not a problem. Welcome to the forum, by the way. This is a great place with lots of great experienced people to provide you with the advice you need. As I said earlier, do as much reading as you possibly can in all of the educational threads and what not. You need to do A LOT of research and reading before making the move to doing a real cycle. As you continue to read and learn, you will realize that there is far more to this game than just buying a bottle of something, and taking the pills until you run out - and then calling that a 'cycle'. You need to know all of the ins and outs of what you are doing.

    I frequently tell people: if you think you are ready to do a cycle and have done enough research, you should be able to write a full-out 5 page essay on how to properly do a cycle, and describe everything involved. You should be able to answer most, if not all, basic questions yourself. The only questions that need to be asked and answered should be complex questions that only experienced users would know the answers to. If you can't do that, then you're not ready.

    This isn't a simple activity. It's quite complex, and knowledge is power. A lack of knowledge will land you in a world of hurt - you don't want a messed up body. It all starts, however, with proper nutrition and training.

    Good luck!

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