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Thread: endurance

  1. #1
    fanof's Avatar
    fanof is offline Junior Member
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    hey whats up guys this is probably not the best place for discussion on endurance sports and and aas cycles specific for them. but you cant ask about steroids on any of those forums coz you will innevitably get a thousand replies that go something like "dont you know steroids will make your liver explode, your penis shrink and give you brain cancer AND YOU WILL DIE!"

    but anyway i wanted to know what cycles are best for enduro athletes (not EPO, too scary and hard to come by)? - i have been reading forums on the suject to see what the general consensus is, but there are many conflicting arguments and not much proven research. so far what ive gathered is:

    (1) low doses will go a long way

    (2)eq/boldenone propionate is best for increased RBC count (besides anadrol , which is a no no because of the water weight)
    but is it really really or is this just a rumour?

    (3) anavar is great for collagen synthesis
    i have seen studies, but how much of a difference does it really make

    (4) winstrol increases indurance
    this seems like an odd statement with no rhyme or reason (that i know of) but it is thrown around A LOT

    so pretty much what i want to know is what are the basic guidlines to designing a endurance specific cycle? my ideals for the cycle would be to keep it short and simple, reduce recovery time so i can train harder for longer, boost RBC count, avoid painful pumps and water retention, as well as to protect joints

    sorry i have blabbed on a bit but if anyone has any comments or opinions, im all ears

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i cant do anything endurance on var. I get painful pumps if i run across a parking lot.
    All steroids increase rbc to a point.
    The more muscle you carry the harder it is for any endurance. Your body uses more oxygen.
    If i was to use anything it would be low dose test
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    May 2012
    Hey Gixxer, how about adding Mast?

  4. #4
    galvanizedmonkey is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012
    low dose test maybe 250-300mg per week, throw in some sildenafil while your at it. Although the information is purely anecdotal, it acts as a vasilodator, designed for people suffering from hypertension the ed thing was an after thought. If you've ever taken part in organized endurance sports i'm sure a coach or two has told you to pop a couple of asprin before for an event. Think of sildenafil like that without the blood thinning so no negative effect on your oxygen carrying capacity.

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