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  1. #1
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Trenbolone SUSPENSION!!!!

    That's right guys, that wasn't a typo. My source has some chemists of his own that are brewing up some strange hybrids and he's sending me two things for free as a sample I have never even heard of before:

    Tren suspension

    Testosterone acetate

    Yup, i'm going to be his guinea pig for these two. Of course, if you have the powders, knowledge, and the capabilities, you can cook up any strange AAS and ester combo. I can just feel the pain as I read the words 'tren suspension', but I can't wait to try this stuff out. I have actually never used any suspension product before. My cycle begins monday (test prop at 100mg per week and tren ace at 800mg per week). The tren suspension and test ace are just a couple vials i'm being given to test out. They are by no means my main cycle components lol.

    For those of you who have used suspension products before (i.e. test suspension), did you inject immediately after your workout to reap the immediate benefits?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Test A has been done before, although i've never personally tried it.

    the tren susp sounds like something i would not want to try. I wrestle with the sides anyways, and anything that would accellerate this, instead of a more gradual effect, would probably be a deal killer.

    test suspension was something i've played around with, and pinned pre workout as it takes an hour or two to spike

    I've entertained the idea of running a cycle of 1/2 test c, and the other half test susp, with the test susp pinned as i've suggested.

  3. #3
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Excellent input. I'll pin tren suspension pre-workout instead. I'm in agreement with the sides and having a more gradual effect would be better. This is why i'm planning on introducing the tren suspension perhaps in the 2nd or 3rd week after having used tren ace for a steady period prior. This way blood levels are stable, and tren suspension would be used in a supplemental manner. Icing on the cake, if you will.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
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    My guy has tren suspenion the guys who have used it loved it.Thet use it like tren ace.Keep us posted on your results bro.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I have always wondered why people pin suspension pre-workout. Do you want high levels while lifting? I would think you wanted them during recovery. Or does that just guarantee your levels will be high once the workout ends and you start to recover?

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I have always wondered why people pin suspension pre-workout. Do you want high levels while lifting? I would think you wanted them during recovery. Or does that just guarantee your levels will be high once the workout ends and you start to recover?
    If you pin THEN workout, say your workout lasts 90 minutes. It will take that long for susp to peak. So it becomes a timing issue, with the peak hitting shortly after you have finished working out.

  7. #7
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    If you pin THEN workout, say your workout lasts 90 minutes. It will take that long for susp to peak. So it becomes a timing issue, with the peak hitting shortly after you have finished working out.
    I don't know about tren suspension, but testosterone suspension has a much longer half life than once thought. I would assume that it is the exact same for tren suspension, as the trenbolone is not esterified and would release the same way into the system.

    Check this out, in 2011 there was a study done in horses that reported a median terminal half-life of 39 hours with aqueous Testosterone Suspension.(1) An aqueous testosterone suspension was administered intramuscularly in the neck of Thoroughbred horses. The disposition of testosterone from this formulation was characterized by an initial, rapid absorption phase followed by a much more variable secondary absorption phase. The median terminal half-life was 39h.

    In fact, if you take a look at the study, you will see the two plasma testosterone concentration peaks. The first peak is almost immediate (much akin to your 90 minute suspension peak time) and the second peak is a whopping 7 days later on average according to the chart in the full study. The study indicates that the initial peak is from the Testosterone formulation solution and the following peak(s) from the solid material in the suspension.

    It looks like EOD injections of test suspension do just fine. Most people seemed to be wrong when they were saying test suspension needed to be injected 2x per day to maintain stable blood levels. I would imagine all of this is the same for tren, or any other compound, in suspension form.

    1. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Mar 2. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.2011.01277.x.

  8. #8
    Permabulk's Avatar
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    So for clarification, your going to run:

    100 mg/wk Test Prop
    800 mg/wk Tren Ace
    ??? mg/wk Tren Suspension
    ??? mg/wk Test Ace

    How much of these experimentals do you plan on using if you don't mind me asking?

  9. #9
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Permabulk View Post
    So for clarification, your going to run:

    100 mg/wk Test Prop
    800 mg/wk Tren Ace
    ??? mg/wk Tren Suspension
    ??? mg/wk Test Ace

    How much of these experimentals do you plan on using if you don't mind me asking?
    You see, thats the thing. I haven't really structured these new compounds into the cycle yet. I also think i'm only getting a couple vials of each. I plan on running the tren suspension definitely around my workouts. As for the test ace... I have no clue where to put it. I'm considering saving the test ace for use in a cycle later on and run it on its own. I'm trying to figure out the best way to fit the tren suspension in right now though.

    As far as how much to run, i'll have to find out the concentrations first. I'll know when I pick it up.

  10. #10
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    That's right guys, that wasn't a typo. My source has some chemists of his own that are brewing up some strange hybrids and he's sending me two things for free as a sample I have never even heard of before:

    Tren suspension

    Testosterone acetate

    Yup, i'm going to be his guinea pig for these two. Of course, if you have the powders, knowledge, and the capabilities, you can cook up any strange AAS and ester combo. I can just feel the pain as I read the words 'tren suspension', but I can't wait to try this stuff out. I have actually never used any suspension product before. My cycle begins monday (test prop at 100mg per week and tren ace at 800mg per week). The tren suspension and test ace are just a couple vials i'm being given to test out. They are by no means my main cycle components lol.

    For those of you who have used suspension products before (i.e. test suspension), did you inject immediately after your workout to reap the immediate benefits?
    I would rec 2x a day.
    for free ok, for pay? no way, trenAce is already fast so why bother with an esterless tren, (I feel the same about test suspen)

    I would use trenE and at most trenA, but as a freebie, GOOD LUCK!
    let us know pain, results, sides!

    make sure you got some Prami on hand for tren!

    Also if he needs any more reviews/testers, I am up for it, just let me know ;-) (not with suspensions though)

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Yup its a small freebie. I just got the idea of using it to help frontload the tren for this cycle (yes I know, everything is already going to kick in fast anyways because i'm using all short esters). It would probably help the tren to kick in even faster.

    I ALWAYS run at least 1mg of Cabergoline per week whenever using tren. I don't take chances with prolactin.

  12. #12
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Def post results, and sides, that sounds like some monster shi*!

  13. #13
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Once I try it, I might start a log. Or just post updates in this thread to let you guys know how its going.

    I need to find out how much i'm getting first though. I'm pretty sure just a couple of vials. Need to find out the concentration mg/ml strength though.

  14. #14
    Atomini's Avatar
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    So, I just got a text from my source:

    "Tren Suspension 80mg/ml, it's gone through 3 test groups, 30+ people, and the product is stable, fast, and smooth.
    I'll be selling it soon, you're among the first to test it, you'll get a bottle to try out. "

    So i'm getting one bottle, fair enough. I'll put its use to pre or post workout then, i'll see how this goes.

  15. #15
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I've got ANOTHER update. I originally thought this tren suspension was similar to test suspension in that it is suspended in water, but according to my guy it isn't. Check this out,

    "You have that mixed up with "Finaplex" that used to be made of crushed finaplex tablets and b12 injection.
    This suspension is suspended in oil, no painful shots, and the common fina. cough after injection"

    So, this trenbolone is trenbolone without an ester, simply suspended in oil instead of water. Veeerry interesting... i'm even more eager to try this out now.

  16. #16
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I don't know about tren suspension, but testosterone suspension has a much longer half life than once thought. I would assume that it is the exact same for tren suspension, as the trenbolone is not esterified and would release the same way into the system.

    Check this out, in 2011 there was a study done in horses that reported a median terminal half-life of 39 hours with aqueous Testosterone Suspension.(1) An aqueous testosterone suspension was administered intramuscularly in the neck of Thoroughbred horses. The disposition of testosterone from this formulation was characterized by an initial, rapid absorption phase followed by a much more variable secondary absorption phase. The median terminal half-life was 39h.

    In fact, if you take a look at the study, you will see the two plasma testosterone concentration peaks. The first peak is almost immediate (much akin to your 90 minute suspension peak time) and the second peak is a whopping 7 days later on average according to the chart in the full study. The study indicates that the initial peak is from the Testosterone formulation solution and the following peak(s) from the solid material in the suspension.

    It looks like EOD injections of test suspension do just fine. Most people seemed to be wrong when they were saying test suspension needed to be injected 2x per day to maintain stable blood levels. I would imagine all of this is the same for tren, or any other compound, in suspension form.

    1. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Mar 2. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.2011.01277.x.
    I just learned something on susp.
    if it even is active for 2 days thats great!

    I still would pick teste or prop, but its nice to know if i pin some suspention 1X a day or on heavy workout days.... that it is not a waste.
    Crap maybe I should not have giving the bottle of test susp i had, to a friend for free! lol o well
    I got my stash of test and was in a giving mood....


  17. #17
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Yup its a small freebie. I just got the idea of using it to help frontload the tren for this cycle (yes I know, everything is already going to kick in fast anyways because i'm using all short esters). It would probably help the tren to kick in even faster.

    I ALWAYS run at least 1mg of Cabergoline per week whenever using tren. I don't take chances with prolactin.
    Have you used Prami?
    I only ask because I have it and have not needed it yet and am wondering caber Vs. Prami.
    Caber seems to give some more sides. (but dont know for sure from exp)

    I always run the AI with aas (cept HRT/trt sometimes i dont to see how i feel), but for prog, I try to see if i need it.
    Sofar after a few cycles not so. only time was prob the first time when I got leaky nipples. (went away with dropping deca dose a wee bit and upping AI ( I didnt have caber or prami than, i was stupid)

  18. #18
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    Have you used Prami?
    I only ask because I have it and have not needed it yet and am wondering caber Vs. Prami.
    Caber seems to give some more sides. (but dont know for sure from exp)

    I always run the AI with aas (cept HRT/trt sometimes i dont to see how i feel), but for prog, I try to see if i need it.
    Sofar after a few cycles not so. only time was prob the first time when I got leaky nipples. (went away with dropping deca dose a wee bit and upping AI ( I didnt have caber or prami than, i was stupid)
    Nope, never used Prami myself. It is a very new drug, and as such there is a lot we don't know about it, as people's experience is still being documented. Caber, on the other hand, is well documented. I have not had a single side from Caber. However, I have seen a lot of people reporting all kinds of sides with Prami. It seems like its the opposite of what you stated. Prami from what i've seen has more sides than Caber.

    I know that Caber has always been touted as having bad effects on the heart. I honestly think this is very untrue and overblown, because in all of the clinical studies I looked at, Caber was being administered to the test subjects in extremely high doses, some of them were 12x what someone on a cycle would use to prevent rising prolactin from tren . The most i've used was 2mg per week, let alone something like 12mg per week. 0.5 - 1mg per week is just fine with Caber, it does the job well.

    Prami is something for me to look into. I may try it out on my next tren cycle after this one. For now, i'm all stocked on caber so that's what i'll be using starting next week.

  19. #19
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Cool thanks for input!

    Yes it is newer but I thought from reports I was reading maybe it was better? I cant say and debate like that can just go on and on (like which AI is better lol)
    once I get through this (if I ever need it) then I will try that out and compare what I like the most.

  20. #20
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I've got ANOTHER update. I originally thought this tren suspension was similar to test suspension in that it is suspended in water, but according to my guy it isn't. Check this out,

    "You have that mixed up with "Finaplex" that used to be made of crushed finaplex tablets and b12 injection.
    This suspension is suspended in oil, no painful shots, and the common fina. cough after injection"

    So, this trenbolone is trenbolone without an ester, simply suspended in oil instead of water. Veeerry interesting... i'm even more eager to try this out now.
    Which would just make it a solution...

  21. #21
    gator_mclusky's Avatar
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    This thread is from a few months ago but I'd rather it in water. I know a european brand and I think its in water. I need to double check. With water it may have quick onset which is great for everything but the sides. That being said, the sides would subside alot faster as well. Im going to try this stuff for sure. Got my mouth watering


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    good luck champ.

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