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  1. #1
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    purple bruise on forearm--liver damage? taken lots of orals

    Hi, thanks in advance for trying to help out.

    Stat's: 40 yr old, 205 pounds. 15-20 percent bodyfat, 5 feet 10 inches tall.


    I pinned my right delt last sunday for the first time on my own.

    I noticed my right forearm was bruised purple. It's a large bruise.

    I don't remember hitting anything to cause it. Location of this bruise is on forearm kinda far way from my right delt injectnsite. I also would've remembered if I hit something to cause such a bruise. There's a little bump. It may be I did hit something? Not sure.

    But also, I'm worried about liver problems.

    Is this a sign that I have liver damage?

    If so, is it reversible?

    I'm only concerned because I've read that people who have hepatitis and other liver problems or those who take steroids for anti-histamines or skin inflammation like hives ) these people BRUISE EASILY.

    I have been taking Liv 52 (which is prescription-strength liver protectant), milk thistle vitamins, & drinking lots of water.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Again, it's a purple only bruise on my right forearm, the same locale where I pinned Test for the 1st time in my right delt (the right side)

    It feels like a normal black and blue mark feels when u touch it and there's a slight bump.

    Or could it be I sucked in a broken ampule piece of glass into the syringe? (im workin with ampules right now).

    Thanks again for any constructive advice.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    For any and all liver concerns, please see this thread here:!!

    As far as your problem goes, you cannot definitively point to a liver problem until and unless you have ruled out all other causes. The only 100% exact way you can know if its liver problems is to get bloodwork done and check liver enzymes. My first reccomendation is that you go to get it (your arm) checked out by a doctor, and perhaps bloodwork done. Its possible you may be anemic, but that little theory doesn't make any sense at all if you are on AAS.

    I also do not think its from a broken ampoule piece. Pinning your right delt, if any glass got in (not likely), it wouldn't create a bruise in your forearm. And you would FEEL it as soon as you injected it into yourself.

    Unfortunately there is not very much we can say or reccomend on an issue like this, because the only thing we have to go by is discussion on a forum. You may have whacked your arm on something in your sleep for all you know. It does happen! Best thing: go to a doctor if you are that concerned, and if the bruising is that bad.

  3. #3
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    thanks for taking the time Atomini. I read your article on oral toxicity where u copied and pasted most of your info. because us said u are a very busy guy. I hope you are reward 3-fold for that contribution to humanity and people who want more self-confidence in their lives. It was that article that convinced me to order "Liver Juice" by Primordial. Thanks, again. I will let it alone for a while. I don't have any other liver damage symptoms like yellow whites of my eyes or itchy skin so it's probably just a bruise. thanks again

  4. #4
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    thanx atom man read ur liver toxicity post. convinced me to order liverjuice

  5. #5
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I would reccomend buying straight-up UDCA/TUDCA. Liver Juice does not contain UDCA/TUDCA. You can buy them on, even in bulk powder format. Liver Juice is only valuable because it contains a highly bioavailable form of silymarin (Milk Thistle). In and of itself, it is far better than literally every single other milk thistle on the shelves (none of them are worth buying, really).

    If you are really concerned about your liver and want hardcore liver repair, you need UDCA or TUDCA (either of the 2 are just fine).

  6. #6
    grind4it is offline New Member
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    My suggestion is use privatemdlabs and get some blood work done. The fact that you are saying that you take a lot of orals tells me that you feel like you have crossed the line.

    IMO, liver support supplements do very little to actually protect your liver. The thing that repairs your liver is time off.

  7. #7
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grind4it View Post
    My suggestion is use privatemdlabs and get some blood work done. The fact that you are saying that you take a lot of orals tells me that you feel like you have crossed the line.

    IMO, liver support supplements do very little to actually protect your liver. The thing that repairs your liver is time off.

    Please see this thread here and read up more on TUDCA/UDCA.

    Please see these medical studies here as well:

    Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, Copenhagen Trial Unit, H:S Rigshospitalet, Dept. 7102, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. [email protected] -
    Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999 Jun-Jul;31(5):427.
    Hepatogastroenterology. 1998 Sep-Oct;45(23):1624-9. -
    Department of Pharmacy, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan. -

  8. #8
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Bloodwork !!!!!

    Anything else makes no sense at all. If you have damaged your liver ( due to orals) all the supps in the world are not going to prevent further damage if you keep taking orals. The liver is an organ you can not live without, don't be stupid, check its function ASAP the life you save may be your own.

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