So here I go.. I'm 6'2 curenntly 208... and 28yrs old... I finished a cyle a month ago.. my first which was test c at 500 mg week for 12 weeks... I got my weight up to 224 when I was done with the cycle... I had/have nolva and clomid for pct and started it two weeks after last pin... a week after my last pin apparently a got food poisoning that put my down for a week... I couldn't hold n e thing in my stomach and barely could work out cause my energy was shot.... I started my pct and needless to say I lost all my gains after that crushing week.... I am now back on cycle of test p at 150mg eod... wht do yous think of this?.. I want to get back to were I was and then go on a trt dose... thanks in advance