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  1. #1
    letherneck is offline New Member
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    planning on running my first cycle soon, need advice

    Hi, I'm almost 20 and have been training for 3 years and seriously training for 2, and have never used anything other than whey and creatine in terms of supplements, and i don't know anybody who openly uses steroids that i could talk to. I'm unable to do injectables just because I am around other people so much i wouldn't have a chance to, and after a good amount of research I have decided on running a turanabol only cycle. My plan is to run 5 weeks on 50 or 60 mg's (I weight 170 pounds or 77 kg) While doing GOMAD bulking and german volume training. My main question was in terms of liver protection, what product would work best in this case, and when/ how much of it should i take?
    Last edited by letherneck; 08-05-2012 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Papa-pwn is offline Junior Member
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    You're not going to get much help here, gotta be 25+ to get serious advice from most.

    However, I would suggest finding a way to do an injectable only cycle, especially for a first cycle. Test e at 400mg a week for 12 weeks. Get an AI, and don't forget PCT. Make sure your diet and training are down pat as well.

    At 170, you could either be scrawny or decently built, or anywhere in between. How tall are you?

    If you're dead set on oral only, make sure you get liver support. UDCA, TUDCA, or Liv52. Preferably a combination of Liv52 and one of the first two, though.

  3. #3
    letherneck is offline New Member
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    5'10 and 8% BF. Is milk thistle not a good idea? Also regarding the liver support, when should i take it relative to my cycle, and what should my PCT look like?

  4. #4
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Don't do orals. Don't order from that site. Nuff said.

  5. #5
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Don't be scared of needles man!! When your muscles shine in the dark and your liver doesn't quiver, you'll thank me.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by letherneck View Post
    Hi, I'm almost 20 and have been training for 3 years and seriously training for 2, and have never used anything other than whey and creatine in terms of supplements, and i don't know anybody who openly uses steroids that i could talk to. I'm unable to do injectables just because I am around other people so much i wouldn't have a chance to, and after a good amount of research I have decided on running a turanabol only cycle. My plan is to run 5 weeks on 50 or 60 mg's (I weight 170 pounds or 77 kg) While doing GOMAD bulking and german volume training. My main question was in terms of liver protection, what product would work best in this case, and when/ how much of it should i take?
    Also, i was planning on buying them from here (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) (need to add the 't' to the end of .net, filter wont let me post links), but I'm a little hesitant because their prices are about half of anywhere else that i found. Am i just being too suspicious?
    Edit your post and delete that link. Read the rules.

  7. #7
    letherneck is offline New Member
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    its not that I'm afraid of needles, i will be doing a lot of traveling and flying, and i don't think needles would go over well with airport security. Also i will be with other people for the majority of the time that would definitely frown upon using inject-able steroids .

  8. #8
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    I fly and travel a lot too brotha (pro athlete) wait till u can do injects if that's the case then

  9. #9
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    85,000 people 4x a week frown upon injectable steroids but, they still pay my bills!

  10. #10
    letherneck is offline New Member
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    those people don't live with you though

  11. #11
    stevenmcgiver is offline Banned
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    Just stay away from the oral only cycles.. It does more damage then good my man. Wait till you can try some injects then do test enth!

  12. #12
    letherneck is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the concern, but i am pretty much set on doing this. I never drink so I have a very healthy liver, and I just want to know how to do this in the safest way possible. Any advice on what I should do in regards to my liver support and PCT would be appreciated.

  13. #13
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I am glad I am not 18-21 on this site lol. I would be embarassed to post because you arent going to get any good advice from the vets(they are the only ones you should listen too by the way). Liver safe or not, your balls arent.

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by letherneck
    I appreciate the concern, but i am pretty much set on doing this. I never drink so I have a very healthy liver, and I just want to know how to do this in the safest way possible. Any advice on what I should do in regards to my liver support and PCT would be appreciated.
    Traveling with a bunch of pills doesn't concern you? If you get caught you're just as screwed.

    I don't care how healthy you think your liver is, I'm a physician and I've seen many guys your age showing up in my clinic with cholestasis, a condition commonly caused by anabolic usage. With this condition, bile, a digestive fluid made in your liver, cannot get to where it needs to go and leaks out into your blood - a serious and possibly life threatening condition. Symptoms of cholestasis include:

    Abdominal pain
    Loss of appetite
    Dark urine

    Untreated, the condition progresses to liver failure. While milk thistle or other compounds may REDUCE the risk of liver damage, there are no assurances, and you cannot survive without your liver. When it comes to orals "safe" is a relative term. I wouldn't touch orals if you gave them to me for free. I'm attached to my liver and I'd like to keep it that way.

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^And that effectively and efficiently sums it up.

  16. #16
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    You want to put on more size ???? Here is the secret the pros wont tell you ....EAT MORE

  17. #17
    clowned is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by letherneck View Post
    Hi, I'm almost 20 and have been training for 3 years and seriously training for 2, and have never used anything other than whey and creatine in terms of supplements, and i don't know anybody who openly uses steroids that i could talk to. I'm unable to do injectables just because I am around other people so much i wouldn't have a chance to, and after a good amount of research I have decided on running a turanabol only cycle. My plan is to run 5 weeks on 50 or 60 mg's (I weight 170 pounds or 77 kg) While doing GOMAD bulking and german volume training. My main question was in terms of liver protection, what product would work best in this case, and when/ how much of it should i take?
    I can tell you right now you have not done "a good amount of research". Your already trying to make steroids suit you. It does not work that way. Your intelligence is severely lacking if you think your ready for steroids.

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