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Thread: Do i need pct?

  1. #1
    1mrforlife is offline Junior Member
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    Do i need pct?

    Sorry for the message quick question do you need pct if you take just anavar alone for 8 weeks?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    What are your stats?
    I'm not being a smart ass when I say this but what does it matter? Either testosterone has been suppressed or it hasn't been and a PCT plan is needed or it's not. A person's stats aren't going to change this one way or another.

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not being a smart ass when I say this but what does it matter? Either testosterone has been suppressed or it hasn't been and a PCT plan is needed or it's not. A person's stats aren't going to change this one way or another.
    Because of all his threads...

  5. #5
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1mrforlife View Post
    Sorry for the message quick question do you need pct if you take just anavar alone for 8 weeks?
    The total dosing of Anavar will determine how great the natural testosterone suppression is. Doses in the 20-40mg per day range will suppress LH moderately and decrease total serum levels by about 50%. Higher end doses will see total suppression a little greater but not too significantly.

    It is possible to recover from an Anavar only cycle without a PCT a little easier than with most steroids . Even so, a little SERM therapy won't hurt anything and will speed things up. How long you're going to be off-cycle though should be taken into consideration and it's often not...running a cycle and then a PCT only to get back on cycle is counterproductive IMO and should be taken into consideration.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Link doesn't work.

    I was only asking because I see this question asked here all the time "what are your stats?" And so many times the person's stats really don't matter as it pertains to the question. A lot of the time I simply feel it's better to answer the question at hand rather than browbeating people with the "stats" remark as stats often don't have any bearing on the original question and it doesn't help anyone learn anything.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Link doesn't work.

    I was only asking because I see this question asked here all the time "what are your stats?" And so many times the person's stats really don't matter as it pertains to the question. A lot of the time I simply feel it's better to answer the question at hand rather than browbeating people with the "stats" remark as stats often don't have any bearing on the original question and it doesn't help anyone learn anything.
    I get your point.

    I ask for stats because it's inevitable that during a thread something comes up that requires it. So why not get it out of the way... His question has been answered many times. If you look at his history here, he's asked the same questions over and over, and ignored stats requests several times. It's borderline trolling, frankly.

    Either way... what are your stats, Metalject ?

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    I get your point.

    I ask for stats because it's inevitable that during a thread something comes up that requires it. So why not get it out of the way... His question has been answered many times. If you look at his history here, he's asked the same questions over and over, and ignored stats requests several times. It's borderline trolling, frankly.

    Either way... what are your stats, Metalject ?
    I feel your pain and we've commiserated a few times.

    Metalject, I understand some of your frustration, but every day there are more than a dozen "kids" who come in here asking about gear when they simply aren't ready for it. They think it's the quick answer to getting bigger. They don't want to invest the time learning how to develop a nutrition and fitness plan that will drive growth and sustain gains. They are lazy. Plain and simple. They don't even spend the time learning about the gear they are taking. They come here asking;

    How much do I take?
    What's a good cycle?
    How long do I cycle?
    What are the side effects?
    What's does PCT mean?
    What's an AI?
    What does aspirate mean?
    My nipples are sore and swollen. Is this from steroids ?
    I can't get an erection.
    I have uncontrollably acne.

    ......and on and on and on. They screw themselves up, often after they were cautioned NOT to use steroids yet, then they come crawling back in here begging for help. It's reckless and irresponsible. I'm not suggesting OP is one of those people, but I see it in here so often lately that it gets tiring. We offer the best advice we can but too often, we're blown off only to be asked to "please help me" when everything goes wrong.

    Fortunately there are a lot of guys here (yourself included by the sounds of it) that will genuinely help these guys out, but it really isn't asking too much that they take a little more responsibility for their own decisions instead of running back in here asking us to fix their bad decisions.

    Again, OP, I'm not implying you fall into this category but it appears similar posts have been made and answered. Time to man up, except the consequences of your decision, and spend more time learning about this area instead of blindly sticking junk in your body with no idea what you are doing.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I get your point.

    I ask for stats because it's inevitable that during a thread something comes up that requires it. So why not get it out of the way... His question has been answered many times. If you look at his history here, he's asked the same questions over and over, and ignored stats requests several times. It's borderline trolling, frankly.

    Either way... what are your stats, Metalject ?
    Old, fat, never workout, haven't touched the first weight and I'm not sure what steroids are. I'm also about 14 days overdue for a shower. Stats!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Old, fat, never workout, haven't touched the first weight and I'm not sure what steroids are. I'm also about 14 days overdue for a shower. Stats!
    Stats would matter no matter what ur question is if ur 250 lbs 5'7 35% bf @ 45 and screw up ur natty system while taking var u should get a different advice than 19 yrs old 145lbs 6" teenager don't u agree????

  11. #11
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    Other than that yes u need pct and var suppresses ur natty test and with modern day stress and if ur nutrition is bad and if ur sleeping pattern is out of wak or if all this is in check and u have a sensetive natty system it can reduce ur test to a level where u will feel shut down and if u do it more than once it shrinks ur testicles.
    This is from personal expierience with var only cycles!

  12. #12
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not being a smart ass when I say this but what does it matter? Either testosterone has been suppressed or it hasn't been and a PCT plan is needed or it's not. A person's stats aren't going to change this one way or another.
    Youre going to make alot of friends

  13. #13
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    var only cycles are for girls...

    be a man inject test....suspension....

    my .... key is stuck lol

  14. #14
    Metalject's Avatar
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    I think you guys are missing my point. If someone ask a direct question, stats don't matter, the answer is always the same regardless of stats. For example, if someone were to ask what's the difference in Anadrol and Dbol the answers given for that question would be the same regardless of a person's stats...that's all I was saying.

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I think you guys are missing my point. If someone ask a direct question, stats don't matter, the answer is always the same regardless of stats. For example, if someone were to ask what's the difference in Anadrol and Dbol the answers given for that question would be the same regardless of a person's stats...that's all I was saying.
    Bro. We get that. It's your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of us will still ask for stats, regardless of how you feel about it.

  16. #16
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Bro. We get that. It's your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of us will still ask for stats, regardless of how you feel about it.
    I remember asking questions about steroids when I was 19-20 yrs old. This was back before the internet boom. There were a few sites up but they were all those old pay sites and very slow. Anyway, I'd ask direct questions about hormones and I'd often get the "what are your stats" comment. I'd share my age and then guess what would happen? Nothing, I'd be told I was too young and my questions wouldn't be answered. I wouldn't learn anything and so I'd simply do the best I could myself. Did a lot of things the hard way, definitely made some mistakes in my younger days when it came to steroids...a lot of trial and error. It would have been so much more helpful if my questions had been directly answered. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have minded if someone said "hey, you're too young to be using steroids and here's why. Also, here's the answer to your question."

    I think it's important to remember, a lot of young guys use these message boards to learn a lot. Sure, one comment a lot of people give is to do research and wait till you're older, but there's a problem with the research claim. First off, there's not an abundant amount of clear information out there about some related questions, only in recent years has this begun to change. And a lot of the information out there is extremely difficult for a newbie to understand and that's why they turn to message boards to make sense of it all.

    If a 20yr old guy wants to learn all he can about Tren , IMO tell him everything you can. Don't beat him over the head about how he's too young. Answer his questions about the hormone, help him learn and build a bank of knowledge that he can use in the future. He'll be so much more successful that way. Now, he may very well decide to use Tren anyway at a young age, there's not much you can do about that. Still, it's better to give someone answers to their questions then to turn them to the dark which only makes matters worse IMO.

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