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  1. #1
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
    armyranger516862006 is offline Associate Member
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    Help with HCG dosage through 12 week Test e and Dbol cycle

    26/6ft/13%BF/235lbs/ 3500 Calories a day. I am on a Dbol 4weeks Kickstart and Test E 12 weeks. Also I am using an AI Arimidex at 0.5mg ED. My question is How would one use HCG through the cycle for the best reccovery? I was told to use it the Last 4 weeks of cycle and some say i can use it for up to 6-8 weeks at one time. I was also told to do a 6 weeks 500iu a week leading up to PCT and the last 10 days do 500iu ED before PCT. Is that a correct way to approach it? Thanks guys for your input!?

  2. #2
    Infidel101's Avatar
    Infidel101 is offline Associate Member
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    250 iu E3D starting around the second week of your cycle and then continued until two weeks after your last pin of test. There are a few different threads as well as sticky's covering multiple variations. The one I mentioned seems to be the most suggested and the one I'm running for my cycle.


  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^ most important is that the body can only absorb so much HCG . 500iu at any given time and no more than 1500iu weekly any more is wasted $$.

  4. #4
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah that's the best way 2 x 250 a week mon/thurs I just do it up to last pin and then off I've just done tren and test p and recovered nicely I done this with the usual nolva / clomid pct

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    And w/ longer esters like your test e, it's ok to run it up to PCT.

  6. #6
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
    armyranger516862006 is offline Associate Member
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    St Louis
    Thanks guys I will do just that! I am already 4 weeks into my current cycle, so I will start now.

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