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  1. #1
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    New guy- My info and what do you think- Any advice?

    For starters I think I need to tell my situation before I ask for help. I am 36 years old and I have been lifting hard for about 2 1/2 years now. Almost 3 years ago I felt I was getting soft at 185 pounds. I started light exercise and running and went down to 167 pounds! I then decided I needed to put on some muscle and continue with the diet so I started lifting. Since then I am now back up to 185 pounds. So in a little over 2 years I have put on about 20 pounds of mostly muscle. I have seen decent gains, but I want more. I have been on a great diet since I started lifting and I think I am ready to try something new. I have never touched steroids in my life. I want this because I lead a very active life outdoors were strength is an issue to keep going and going and to pack heavy things through the mountains. I spent most of the day yesterday researching on this site and the better part of this morning. I have to admit there is a lot more to this than I imagined. I was researching for the most basic product I can use and still see OK results. I don't want to be huge, I just want to gain about 10-15 more pounds of muscle. Right now I'm 6 foot 1 inch and I weigh about 185. So through my research this is what I found. Please let me know if I'm even close to on the right track or give me any other advice you think will help. Thanks.

    I found this cycle on this website under Steroid Cycles For Beginners:

    weeks 1-6 500mg testosterone -ethanate(weekly- is this once a week or the 500mg broken up daily? not sure I understand)
    25mg dianabol (daily

    week 7-12- 500mg testosterone-ethanate

    weeks 13 and 14- nothing

    weeks 15 and 16- 40mg Nolvadex (daily)

    week 17- 20mg Nolvadex(daily)

    I have another question though. Is testosterone ethanate the same as Test 600? I am assuming it's not. Test 600 is a pill right and the other isn't? Can I use Test 600 in place of the testosterone ethanate? If so, how many pills of test 600 will I take daily/weekly for 500mg per week?

    Sorry for so many questions. Like I said I'm new to this and even though I've been researching it's still kind of confusing. So if you give me any advice please remember all these abreviations and terms are new to me and I'm kind of ignorant to this.

    I'm assuming I should also buy a pct to start about 2 weeks before my last week of the cycle? Correct? What's a good choice?
    I'm also assuming I should buy an anti estrogen to start 2 weeks before I even start? What's a good choice?

    OK, I think that's it. Am I on the right track? Thanks so much for the help!

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    OK, You should just run Test only for a first cycle. Drop the dbol . Run Test E or C for 12wks as planned. You also need a AI to take. Whats your diet right now like? Also read our stickie on PCT so you better understand. Also you may want to consider running HCG while on the cycle. So alittle more research and let us know.

  3. #3
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    OK, I'll do some more research on that. Thanks.

    Another ignorant question......test e is testosterone enanthate and test c is cypionate , right? These are both injected correct?

  4. #4
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    OK, I think I see now. Nolvadex is the pct and it is to be taken when the cycle is over but only if I plan on stopping the cycle for at least 12 weeks. If I'm going to get into another cycle then I wait?

  5. #5
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHANER94
    OK, I'll do some more research on that. Thanks.

    Another ignorant question......test e is testosterone enanthate and test c is cypionate, right? These are both injected correct?
    yes n yes

  6. #6
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    I just read about hcg and I think I'll take your advice and get that too. Makes sense. Thanks and sorry for so many posts.

  7. #7
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHANER94
    OK, I think I see now. Nolvadex is the pct and it is to be taken when the cycle is over but only if I plan on stopping the cycle for at least 12 weeks. If I'm going to get into another cycle then I wait?
    Yes, Nolvadex is for Post Cycle Therapy . Depending on which Test you use you will begin PCT 14-18 days after your last injection. It would also be good to add in Clomid or Torem alongside your Nolva.

    The general rule for cycling is Time On + PCT = Time Off. This allows your body to recover as much as possible and prepare for your next cycle.

    Avoid any oral Test products you see. Most of them you find will not really be Testosterone and if you find some that are, they are very inefficient and put more stress on the body than injectable

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHANER94 View Post
    OK, I think I see now. Nolvadex is the pct and it is to be taken when the cycle is over but only if I plan on stopping the cycle for at least 12 weeks. If I'm going to get into another cycle then I wait?
    no you need to run a pct and take some time off between cycles.
    i would lower the dose of the test to 400-500mg a week and def forget the d-bol
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    Thanks jasc. This is good stuff and I feel like you guys and this site have me about to be on the right page for starting. This might be my most stupid question yet it goes. When I look at the store on this site it appears all testosterone is oral. Am I wrong? I can't find where to buy injectable testosterone.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well you cant ask where to buy. Since they are illegal in most countries we do not discuss sources. Yes test will be injecatble.
    Those are all supplements with names similar to steroids
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    SHANER94 is offline New Member
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    Well don't I feel like a dumb ass now! Sorry for asking that. For some reason I just thought steroids were not accepted in some major sports and athletes. Didn't realize they were illegal for the average Joe too. No biggie I guess. I'll figure something out. Thanks again.

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