08-23-2012, 07:49 AM #1
Blood work results - Need some help
Hey guys, bit of a novel so I apologise in advance.
Cycle + PCT (first cycle)
Week 1-12: Test-E 500mg (2 x 250mg per week)
Week 1-12: Arimidex 0.25EOD
Week 1-14: HCG (2x 250iu per week)
Week 15-18: Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
Week 15-18: Clomid - 100/100/50/50
The fourth week into my cycle I got some blood tests done. The majority of the results were fine but here are areas which the doc highlighted (in bold)
Liver function test
- Total Protein: 71 g/L (63-82)
- Albumin: 38 g/L (34-50)
- ALP: 68 U/L (20-120)
- Gamma-GT: 51 U/L (<45)
- ALT: 130 U/L (<40)
- Bilirubin Total: 8 umol/L (1-20)
Vitamin D (Centaur) ... 31 nmol/L ... (>50) - to resolve this I've started to take 1000iu of vitamin D3 a day (not a lot of sun where I'm from atm)
Sex hormones
- SHBG (Immilite): 24 nmol/L (13-71)
- Testosterone (M - Imm): >55.5 nmol/L (8-26)
- Cal. Free Testosterone: 1749 pmol/L (225-725)
In my discussion with the doc she said my liver was fine but my kidneys were the issue. There isn't anything in the paperwork that specifically references my kidneys though. I copied down exactly how the paperwork showed the results (above). She seems pretty concerned but I'm not sure what I can do to help it. Just some brief history about my diet/lifestyle:
- I never was a heavy drinker (last drink was on new years, before that it was ~July 2011)
- I don't use any recreational drugs
- I don't smoke
- My diet is very clean (can post up if need be)
- Main sources of protein are fish (~150-200gm) and isolate (~30-60gm)
- I drink plenty of water every day (5L+)
- I eat 150-200gm of red meat a day
- Protein consumption per day is 300-350gm, may go as high as 400gm if I'm up studying through-out the night (this is rare)
The doc basically said it is the test and/or my high protein diet that are the issue(s). Could there be any other factors that could be contributing to my kidney issue? What can I do to fix my problem?.
Any other comments and/or suggestions are very welcome.
Thanks guys
08-23-2012, 11:21 AM #2
I dont know from those readings but I would talk to your doc. Ive been through kidney failure, no fun!!!!
08-23-2012, 08:15 PM #3
08-23-2012, 11:02 PM #4
None of the results you listed has anything to do with kidney function. Early kidney weakness will show microalbumin leakage in your urine. Late stage failure is seen in raised creatinine and urea.
Your liver enzymes are slightly raised. Any history of viral hepatitis? You didnt list any orals in your cycle. I assume you're not taking any? No alcohol?
08-24-2012, 12:38 AM #5
No history of viral hepatitis, never had any orals, haven't drank in quite a while and was never a heavy drinker.
There is nothing in my paper work that refers to my kidneys but the doctor definitely said that they were the issue and that my liver was fine. Maybe she just made a mistake and had the two confused with each other?
The only alcohol around is my alcohol wipes and hand sanitiser, surely they can't be the issue lol...
08-24-2012, 08:04 AM #6
Agree with Asian. Also, bump your D3 up to 5,000 Iu per day.
08-24-2012, 10:06 PM #7
^ Ok i'll take that advice.
Here are some more results
Urea: 6.5 mmoll/L (2.5-7.5)
Serum Creatinine: 78 umol/L (30-120)
eGFRL >90 mL/min
So both of theses seem to be normal, a little on the high side but still normal.
I'm still worried that it might be my high protein diet that is causing the issue. I stumbled across this video with Layne Norton and it kind of eased my mind a bit. Watch from 3:25-7:47
Should I still be concerned?
08-24-2012, 10:21 PM #8
These last 3 readings are all relating to kidney function and they are all normal. I would say you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
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