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    christian123's Avatar
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    3rd cycle help CUTTER

    Hey guys i've been out for a while!
    26 yold
    6ft- 250lbs

    My goal is to get my bf around the 1digit %, maybe to compete local.

    So diet of course is either gonna be a keto diet again or a carb cycle kinda thing!

    Cycle will look like : 12-15 weeks
    1-15: tren A: 400mgs , 2 x 200 or 2x 400? First time using Tren !! Please help
    1-15 : Test 400 x 800mgs a week 2x 400
    1-10 or 5-15 : winny at 50mg a day? Or var ehat you think?

    I also have clen , t3, hcg on hand!
    Ill run hcg during the cycle!
    ANd i was thinking of 0.5 adex EOD, or Nolva ed?

    AND PCT WILL BE A MIX OF Nolva and
    Clomid... The usual

    Please let me know what you think broz


  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    15 weeks of Tren A? I prefer a shorter cycle when running short esther compounds as to lessen the sides. Consider 8 weeks as an alternative. You are in and out, hit you pct, time off and run it again. That's my preference.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Hey guys i've been out for a while!
    26 yold
    6ft- 250lbs

    My goal is to get my bf around the 1digit %, maybe to compete local.

    So diet of course is either gonna be a keto diet again or a carb cycle kinda thing!

    Cycle will look like : 12-15 weeks
    1-15: tren A: 400mgs , 2 x 200 or 2x 400? First time using Tren !! Please help
    1-15 : Test 400 x 800mgs a week 2x 400
    1-10 or 5-15 : winny at 50mg a day? Or var ehat you think?

    I also have clen , t3, hcg on hand!
    Ill run hcg during the cycle!
    ANd i was thinking of 0.5 adex EOD, or Nolva ed?

    AND PCT WILL BE A MIX OF Nolva and
    Clomid... The usual

    Please let me know what you think broz

    The more I look at this the more messed up it gets. You plan to run tren anywhere from 400mg-800mg a week and to only pin twice a week with a short esthered steroid ?
    What is your previous cycle experience? I would suggest going to the top and reading the cycle for newbies info and Atomini's sticky on Tren is a manditory read!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 08-25-2012 at 09:22 AM.

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i agree, with above cycle is all wrong
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
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    I agree with Lunk1

  6. #6
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    I'll 3rd that! 15 weeks on Tren A?!

  7. #7
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    The more I look at this the more messed up it gets. You plan to run tren anywhere from 400mg-800mg a week and to only pin twice a week with a short esthered steroid ?
    What is your previous cycle experience? I would suggest going to the top and reading the cycle for newbies info and Atomini's sticky on Tren is a manditory read!
    Hey thanks!

    Ya so 1st cycle was : the regular test E 10 week cycle + pct with clo

    2nd : sustaplex 325/winny/clen /t3 + pct clomid and nolva

  8. #8
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    15 weeks of Tren A? I prefer a shorter cycle when running short esther compounds as to lessen the sides. Consider 8 weeks as an alternative. You are in and out, hit you pct, time off and run it again. That's my preference.
    Ok thanks, so should i do t400 for 12-15 weeks and tren 1-8 ?

  9. #9
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze
    I'll 3rd that! 15 weeks on Tren A?!
    Ya for the first time i didnt read alot about a compound... Dumb i know, i will jump on it right now! And please give tips i you have some about a rly good lean body mass gain /cuttin cycleeeee

  10. #10
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Ya for the first time i didnt read alot about a compound... Dumb i know, i will jump on it right now! And please give tips i you have some about a rly good lean body mass gain /cuttin cycleeeee
    It being your 3rd cycle I would look into running Test/Mast/(maybe Winny) as well as your Clen /T3 throughout. You will be happy with the outcome granted your diet and training are in order. I would save the Tren until you get a solid grasp on it and read up a bit more!

    What are your goals for this cycle in terms of weight/fat loss. Single digit bodyfat is difficult to achieve, your diet is going to be the number 1 factor for reaching this goal!

    Hit up the nutrition section if you need to brush up on some things. We have a member(405) in there who is maintaining single digit bodyfat through diet and TRT dosages of test alone!

  11. #11
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze

    It being your 3rd cycle I would look into running Test/Mast/(maybe Winny) as well as your Clen /T3 throughout. You will be happy with the outcome granted your diet and training are in order. I would save the Tren until you get a solid grasp on it and read up a bit more!

    What are your goals for this cycle in terms of weight/fat loss. Single digit bodyfat is difficult to achieve, your diet is going to be the number 1 factor for reaching this goal!

    Hit up the nutrition section if you need to brush up on some things. We have a member(405) in there who is maintaining single digit bodyfat through diet and TRT dosages of test alone!
    My goals would be lose some fat while gaining some good quality muscle, look hard and dry!
    For my diet, i have a bb nutrionist that helps me, he knows about all the cycles im doin etc..
    Cardio also will be done during the cycle
    At least 45min 3-4 week.

    I really want to use tren! Im reading the stcky right now and its awsome!

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Tren is an awesome compound but equally dangerous. This is my suggestion (and please keep in mind I don't know shit). I would run a test prop/tren A cycle for 8 weeks running the test alone for an additional 2 weeks after for a total of 10 weeks. I would do 100mg test eod and 100mg tren eod. Since this is first tren run I might suggest starting the tren at 50mg eod and bump up each week if sides are ok. With tren a little goes along way. By running these 2 short esther compounds you have an oppurtunity to stop if you experience bad sides and it will clear quicker.

  13. #13
    christian123's Avatar
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    Yes with what ive read, i could do
    Test 400 or sust for 12-15 weeks
    Tren 200-400mgs/week 8 weeks
    And winny is not really needed so id do the regular clen t3 along with that

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Yes with what ive read, i could do
    Test 400 or sust for 12-15 weeks
    Tren 200-400mgs/week 8 weeks
    And winny is not really needed so id do the regular clen t3 along with that
    I might consider Test prop for 10 weeks instead of the 400 or the Sus

  15. #15
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I might consider Test prop for 10 weeks instead of the 400 or the Sus
    Why exactly test prop ?
    And i feel like doing more than 10 w this time :/ .. U always want more ahaha

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I prefer to run my short esthers together and my long esthers together so if I am pinning tren A I am going with prop, if Tren E then any of the blends but I just run Test E. Much easier to keep pinning schedule the same and assure a good test to tren ratio IMO.

    Longer time on is not the answer. There is some good info out there on short cycle benifits. I prefer them sometimes. On, PCT, Off and back on and you can actually get more cycles in with less health and sides risk.

  17. #17
    christian123's Avatar
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    Alright then i will look into prop!
    Thats if ican get Tren A if not ill get Tren E and use Test sust or t400 for 10 weeks as u said

  18. #18
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Alright then i will look into prop!
    Thats if ican get Tren A if not ill get Tren E and use Test sust or t400 for 10 weeks as u said
    My bad if I wasn't clear. My suggestion for 10 weeks of test was based on 8 weeks of tren A and 10 weeks test PROP.

    If you go tren E I would go 12 weeks and then 2 weeks longer for the test.

    Have you read any of the steroid profiles? Did you read in depth the tren sticky. He does a great job of outlining the cycles.

    Have you read any of the stroid profiles?

  19. #19
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    My bad if I wasn't clear. My suggestion for 10 weeks of test was based on 8 weeks of tren A and 10 weeks test PROP.

    If you go tren E I would go 12 weeks and then 2 weeks longer for the test.

    Have you read any of the steroid profiles? Did you read in depth the tren sticky. He does a great job of outlining the cycles.

    Have you read any of the stroid profiles?
    Ill jump on the steroid profile!
    But yes i read the sticky twice! Really good read for anybody thinking about it !
    So you suggest Tren E for 12 weeks and then test for 14?

  20. #20
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Ill jump on the steroid profile!
    But yes i read the sticky twice! Really good read for anybody thinking about it !
    So you suggest Tren E for 12 weeks and then test for 14?
    I would...but please seek out some advise from a few more experienced vets.

  21. #21
    christian123's Avatar
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    Yes i wont cycle before 2-3 weeks! So ill take everyhing that can come before then
    If someone vets could help that d be wicked!
    So no need for any orals like winny?

  22. #22
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Lunk gave you good advice
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Lunk gave you good advice
    Gixx is there a period, exlamation mark or question mark that goes after this sentence lol?

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Gixx is there a period, exlamation mark or question mark that goes after this sentence lol?
    lol, all of the above.!?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
    christian123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    lol, all of the above.!?

  26. #26
    christian123's Avatar
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    Can someone else cofirm me that this js good :
    1-12 : TREN E 400mgs/week
    1-15: TEST 400 800mgs/week
    With HCG and adex 0.5 eod + ill try to get caber!
    T3 and clen around the end so week 8-15


  27. #27
    lopef234 is offline New Member
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    Why you running the test longer than Tren . In the Tren sticky it says, its not necessary.
    And what days you going to be pinning Tren E and Test?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by lopef234
    Why you running the test longer than Tren . In the Tren sticky it says, its not necessary.
    And what days you going to be pinning Tren E and Test?
    That what the lads advised me!

    Ill be pinning 2x week, monday thursday

  29. #29
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lopef234 View Post
    Why you running the test longer than Tren . In the Tren sticky it says, its not necessary.
    And what days you going to be pinning Tren E and Test?
    Test longer than Tren is NOT a requirement it is a preference. Tren can shut you down big time and running the Test longer till the Tren is outta your system helps keep my labido working.

    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    That what the lads advised me!

    Ill be pinning 2x week, monday thursday
    Lookin good to me man....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Test longer than Tren is NOT a requirement it is a preference. Tren can shut you down big time and running the Test longer till the Tren is outta your system helps keep my labido working.

    Lookin good to me man....
    Thanks alot man seriously! You helped alot!
    So if i shoot both the same day can i drawy 400mcg of test 400 and 200 of tren?


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Can someone else cofirm me that this js good :
    1-12 : TREN E 400mgs/week
    1-15: TEST 400 800mgs/week
    With HCG and adex 0.5 eod + ill try to get caber!
    T3 and clen around the end so week 8-15

    You realize that Tren sides can be bad. And you realize that estrogen exasterbates those sides. With injecting 800mg of test you will have lots of e2 conversion.

    Furthermore, your goals are to get hard and dry. Let Tren do the work. Lower test dose to 200mg or 125mg per week. Tren 300-400mg per week. And don't try to get caber, GET CABER 1mg a week split dose.

    I agree with short ester's. Try for prop and Tren A. 6week cycle are tons better for HPTA recovery. You can run a 6 weeker then do PCT 3 day's after last pin.
    Last edited by Brohim; 08-26-2012 at 01:07 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim

    You realize that Tren sides can be bad. And you realize that estrogen exasterbates those sides. With injecting 800mg of test you will have lots of e2 conversion.

    Furthermore, your goals are to get hard and dry. Let Tren do the work. Lower test dose to 200mg or 125mg per week. Tren 300-400mg per week. And don't try to get caber, GET CABER 1mg a week split dose.

    I agree with short ester's. Try for prop and Tren A. 6week cycle are tons better for HPTA recovery. You can run a 6 weeker then do PCT 3 day's after last pin.
    Sounds good ill lower the test to 200mg, and keep the rest of the t400 for an other cycle, or
    Maybe just get test E!

    Ive been looking for caber really bad! No one seems to have it where i leave in canada

    And can you get good results with a 6 weeker:/?
    Can you give me an example of a 6 weeker dosage etc? How long would the pct last?

    Thanks alot man

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    You realize that Tren sides can be bad. And you realize that estrogen exasterbates those sides. With injecting 800mg of test you will have lots of e2 conversion.

    Furthermore, your goals are to get hard and dry. Let Tren do the work. Lower test dose to 200mg or 125mg per week. Tren 300-400mg per week. And don't try to get caber, GET CABER 1mg a week split dose.

    I agree with short ester's. Try for prop and Tren A. 6week cycle are tons better for HPTA recovery. You can run a 6 weeker then do PCT 3 day's after last pin.

    I disagree with this considering it is your FIRST tren cycle. I said early my pref. would be a short ester run of 8 weeks of prop and ace but if Tren A is not an option then you are fine with the 12 week cycle. I would NEVER run prop and ace for LESS than 8 weeks. Why stop when you are just hitting your peaks???

    I do agree you are in my opinion looking at may more test than is necessary.

    This is what I said your way up to 400 mg to make sure you are adjusting to the sides.

    I also agree with the above in the fact that I like to run my tren higher and keep my test at about trt or just higher but I do not recommend it for the first time user.

    Lets make this simple
    option A) Test Prop/TrenA 500mg/400mg (start at 50 eod bumping up to 100 eod of tren) this is per week
    option B) test E/Tren E 500mg/400mg divided by 2 pins per week.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I disagree with this considering it is your FIRST tren cycle. I said early my pref. would be a short ester run of 8 weeks of prop and ace but if Tren A is not an option then you are fine with the 12 week cycle. I would NEVER run prop and ace for LESS than 8 weeks. Why stop when you are just hitting your peaks???

    I do agree you are in my opinion looking at may more test than is necessary.

    This is what I said your way up to 400 mg to make sure you are adjusting to the sides.

    I also agree with the above in the fact that I like to run my tren higher and keep my test at about trt or just higher but I do not recommend it for the first time user.

    Lets make this simple
    option A) Test Prop/TrenA 500mg/400mg (start at 50 eod bumping up to 100 eod of tren) this is per week
    option B) test E/Tren E 500mg/400mg divided by 2 pins per week.
    Perfect ill try to get TREN A AND do that i not ill hit option B!!
    So option A : test 10 weeks tren 8?
    B : test 14-15 , tren 12?

    And stupid question can i still use creatine O.o lol

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Perfect ill try to get TREN A AND do that i not ill hit option B!!
    So option A : test 10 weeks tren 8?
    B : test 14-15 , tren 12?

    And stupid question can i still use creatine O.o lol
    Yes and yes. Remember though that option A is TEST PROP not the blend you have continued to ask about that contains short and long esters.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Yes and yes. Remember though that option A is TEST PROP not the blend you have continued to ask about that contains short and long esters.
    Yes test prop!!
    And for creatine lol?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    Yes test prop!!
    And for creatine lol?
    Creatine is ok off and prob. I have heard some say do not do it during PCT but I myself am not sure if this is true or not.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Creatine is ok off and prob. I have heard some say do not do it during PCT but I myself am not sure if this is true or not.
    Thanks man

  39. #39
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    I just ordered Prami (laternative to caber) whats the best dosage? Same as caber 1mg/week split?

  40. #40
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christian123 View Post
    I just ordered Prami (laternative to caber) whats the best dosage? Same as caber 1mg/week split?
    I use .5 mg ed on the Prami because I don't like the sides. I also do vitamin B1, B6, B12 while doing Tren . With Tren E I don't even use the Prami, just the injectable B's ed.

    That said, for the 3rd cycle I'd leave the Tren out. I'd do 800 mg Test E/700 mg Masteron E/50 mg Anavar ed if you want to go long (12-15 weeks). If you want to go 8 weeks I'd use Test P or A/Masteron P and leave out the Var. You got the rest of your life for the Tren....

    When I first read your cycle I was thinking how your gonna feel in week 14 of 800 mg of Tren A...WOW! I'd feel like killing myself with a small rock hammer!!!

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