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  1. #81
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by human project

    When did this guy get diabetes?? He mentioned a little high bp while on cycle which to a certain degree is normal... Nothing off cycle that I remember.. His bf % was never actually done so I guess all you have to go by to say he's obese is his arm pic in a cut off. The only advice I've given is to get a bf test, blood work from his doctor, and post it along with his diet.
    He said he is insulin resistant
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  2. #82
    that guy1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012
    Dude, I'm new to the forum and I agree with most of the previous posts, but no one has said anything about your training, nor do I know anything about it. But I would suggest you do 3 months of a P90X or something that will maintain strength while cutting fat. It doesn't have to be p90, you could find a crossfit studio, kettlebell gym or any other functional exercise facility.

    Even if you cut weight and go through a so called "Catabolic" state, you will still retain a shit load of muscle if you eat protein. Your body is super strong naturally from dragging around 290 lbs every day. There are 15 weeks left this year. Your goal should be to lose 45lbs by jan 1st. Just do a ton of strength building cardio, pushups, situps, and burpies. If you did that, you would be a 250lb brick shithouse.

    I'm not saying don't hit the gym, but maybe when your sitting on the couch watching tv, do some exercises during commercials. Eventually it will become a habit rather than a chore.

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