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  1. #1
    asquarecan is offline Associate Member
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    Test-P pinning question

    I have read that you should only pin a muscle every 7 days, does this apply to prop as well? Pinning EOD I would need at least 3 locations to pin. Or is every other pin in the same muscle going to be ok?


  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I prefer quads and due to there size I have run entire cycles of prop and simply rotated legs eod. Given the amount of room The chances of hitting the same place twice are rare.
    Now smaller muscles you may experience some scar tissue build up quicker like delts.

  3. #3
    bdwstick is offline New Member
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    so your hell bent with the test prop...noone wants to not next week..hey jusy a little more advice..use a big gauge like an 18 g to draw up and inject with a 25 g..warm your gear after its in the syringe with hot water..this will thin out the oil for easier injection..i found it seems to help with soarness if you workout atleast within 2 hours after pinning(not that it always causes soarness)..have you given yourself a shot before?

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdwstick View Post
    so your hell bent with the test prop...noone wants to not next week..hey jusy a little more advice..use a big gauge like an 18 g to draw up and inject with a 25 g..warm your gear after its in the syringe with hot water..this will thin out the oil for easier injection..i found it seems to help with soarness if you workout atleast within 2 hours after pinning(not that it always causes soarness)..have you given yourself a shot before?
    Do not do this! This is a great way to get an infection! If you feel it's neccesary to WARMK gear (I never have) then place the vial partialy in warm water or wrap it in a warm towel. I would be waaayyy more conerned about infection than I ever would be about a little PIP from the Arctic cold gear

  5. #5
    bdwstick is offline New Member
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    dude i know tons of people who warm their gear and none of them have ever complain about long as gear, bottle, needle, and rubber cap is clean can warming your gear cause an infection...rfeally?

  6. #6
    bdwstick is offline New Member
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    i never said put your new needle on and submerge the whole thing in warm water

  7. #7
    bdwstick is offline New Member
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    actually i put the syringe with needle sticking up not touching water at all in a glass of hot water and i let it sit for about 5 minutes...i just figured most people would know to not let ANYTHING touch your needle..guess i should spell everything out..

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Just because you and "a ton of guys" have been lucky so far doesn't make this a good practice. Warm water is a breading ground for bacteria. Why take risks you don't have to. Simply warm it IN the vial nearly risk free. Once that needle comes out of the sterile package it's in the juice and in the muscle...I don't want to risk infection if I don't have to.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i agree with lunk.

    also i would rotate around spots more. There are plenty of sites to inject
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    bdwstick is offline New Member
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    i never liked the idea of heating and cooling my gear over and scientific reason .. i just didnt like the idea but i put my new needle on after heating...but no one says you have to..i just like mt gear as thin as i can get it...

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    As long as you are not heating it higher than it's melting point you are fine. We are only talking about a little warming not an open flame or scolding hot water.

    You may get lucky and never have a problem bd...I am simply saying there is a safer way so (like a condom) it just makes sense to protect yourself from that "1 time"

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    The whole " its thinner when its warm" is pretty much over-exaggerated (unless its kept in a very cool spot, which isnt wise cuz it could crash). The viscosity changes are very minimal, its more so the placebo effect. If anytihng warm the vial under running hot water ( sure make it as hot as possible, you have no chance to alter the compound in boiling water). then procede with proper sterile injection techniques ( wipe top of vial with EtOH swab, and skin.. and use drawing needle then switch needles.. etc)

    There are many places to inject. I rotated Quads, Chest, Delts, Bi's, Tri's on my prop ED cycles. And be sure to inject what u work that day ( ie quad on a squat day). I never do glutes cuz its much to painful (* and i dont wanna do that many lunges to work the oil out).

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    The whole " its thinner when its warm" is pretty much over-exaggerated (unless its kept in a very cool spot, which isnt wise cuz it could crash). The viscosity changes are very minimal, its more so the placebo effect. If anytihng warm the vial under running hot water ( sure make it as hot as possible, you have no chance to alter the compound in boiling water). then procede with proper sterile injection techniques ( wipe top of vial with EtOH swab, and skin.. and use drawing needle then switch needles.. etc)

    There are many places to inject. I rotated Quads, Chest, Delts, Bi's, Tri's on my prop ED cycles. And be sure to inject what u work that day ( ie quad on a squat day). I never do glutes cuz its much to painful (* and i dont wanna do that many lunges to work the oil out).
    I could not agree more.

  14. #14
    asquarecan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdwstick View Post
    so your hell bent with the test prop...noone wants to not next week..hey jusy a little more advice..use a big gauge like an 18 g to draw up and inject with a 25 g..warm your gear after its in the syringe with hot water..this will thin out the oil for easier injection..i found it seems to help with soarness if you workout atleast within 2 hours after pinning(not that it always causes soarness)..have you given yourself a shot before?

    Thanks for all the advice guys!

    Has nothing to do with wanting results RIGHT NOW, when I asked about it prior I just want to get my MAX out of my cycle. However I am going to pin the prop at the end of my cycle because I love the idea of starting my PCT after 3 days instead of 14. No I have never pinned before and honestly scared to death of it, but it is something I have to get over if I am going to pin. I imagine by week 10 I will have it down.

    It sounds stupid but for my first pin gitters would icing my pin location prior to pinning be bad? "numbing" the area I would obviously wipe it down with an alcohol wipe after icing it.

    Thanks again!

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    No, just draw the stuff in your syringe and pin. Trust me, it's not bad at all. and i agree w/lunk and lemonada8 on heating the gear. You're over thinking this. Have you ever had a shot from the doc's? Did you ever see them warm it up. And if they did, i'd probably get the hell out of there. haha...

  16. #16
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    The whole " its thinner when its warm" is pretty much over-exaggerated (unless its kept in a very cool spot, which isnt wise cuz it could crash). The viscosity changes are very minimal, its more so the placebo effect. If anytihng warm the vial under running hot water ( sure make it as hot as possible, you have no chance to alter the compound in boiling water). then procede with proper sterile injection techniques ( wipe top of vial with EtOH swab, and skin.. and use drawing needle then switch needles.. etc)

    There are many places to inject. I rotated Quads, Chest, Delts, Bi's, Tri's on my prop ED cycles. And be sure to inject what u work that day ( ie quad on a squat day). I never do glutes cuz its much to painful (* and i dont wanna do that many lunges to work the oil out).
    I thought glutes were supposed to be the least painful?? No wonder I have PIP on day 4! Is doing a whole bunch of glute exercises going to help with PIP? ie (lunges and squats)

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