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  1. #1
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    Natural bodybuilder doing his first cycle

    Hello everyone.

    This is my very first time here and i am seeking some advice.

    I have been working out for 16 years now and I am 35 years old today.
    I have always been very open minded about steroids and i said to myself I will keep going natural as long as I can untill I cannot gain any longer.

    After 16 years I do no longer gain muscle. I do not do any competetive bodybuilding but I work as a personal trainer.

    I currently workout 6 days a week. Monday wednesday and friday I workout twice a day.
    9 times a week and I try to do about an hour cardio everyday.

    I am a personal trainer but if your interested I eat every second hour WITHOUT FAILURE. I eat anywere between 40-60 proteins in every meal depending on what I eat and I get my carbs and i eat cottage cheese, peanut butter and nuts EVERYTIME before I sleep.
    In other words my eating is more or less pefect and so is my workout routine.

    I am getting older and I have been reached the point were i cannot grow any larger with my natural genes so I decided it is time for me to start taking the steroids.

    I am currently 116 kilos, between 7-9% bodyfat and 1.90cm high.

    First of all I did something stupid.
    I have the biggest fear of needles. If i were to get a blood test require laughing gas becouse my fear is so insane for needles.
    So after alot of consideration I did the Dbol oral cycle. YES I KNOW.
    I was running 60mg a day but after a week i decided and said to myself.
    If you are not going to do this the right way your not doing it at all.

    So i got myself some Test C.
    After perhaps 30 minutes of some meth-hands shaking actions i stack it in and injected myself. Oh wow that was so much simpler then I thought it would be.

    So now I am actually looking forward to my next shot.
    Week 1-4 Dbol 60mg ed.
    Week 2-11 Test C 500mg

    My question is. Will this be a good idea to do as a first cycle?
    I can get ahold of any steroid there is. Should I add something, should I up the dose of anything or will this be a good first cycle just to see how I react to it?

    So far I am 9 days in. No sides so far just a little soarness in left leg were i Injected.
    But I do feel more angry than usual.
    Gained 2.5 kilos.
    Small strenght increase
    Last edited by Dan55; 09-02-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Bigd89's Avatar
    Bigd89 is offline Senior Member
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    Your 5'7" nearly 280lbs with 9% bodyfat??!

    Pics bro.

  3. #3
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd89 View Post
    Your 5'7" nearly 280lbs with 9% bodyfat??!

    Pics bro.
    Oh sorry. Thats a typing mistake. I am 116 kilos not 126.

    I am afraid I have no camera but I will try to get one to get pics of myself before and after

  4. #4
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Don't you have a cell phone with a camera? lol

  5. #5
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post
    Don't you have a cell phone with a camera? lol
    I have a cell phone with a camera. Its perhaps 10 and it only has those infared thingies not bluetooth so I could transfer it to my computer. Not kidding here.

    I have no use for those High Tech Phones. I only use to to text and call with. Oh boy I live in a different world than most people hehe

  6. #6
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    You can send text messages to email accounts. Attaching pictures is an easy route

  7. #7
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post
    You can send text messages to email accounts. Attaching pictures is an easy route
    With this phone I cannot send text messages to emails. I looked everywere on the phone and I could not find it. But what I can do is send the text to a buddy of mine and have him send it in an email to me. But its nightime were I live so I will do that tomorow.

    Now how about some advice on my cycle mate?

  8. #8
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan55 View Post
    With this phone I cannot send text messages to emails. I looked everywere on the phone and I could not find it. But what I can do is send the text to a buddy of mine and have him send it in an email to me. But its nightime were I live so I will do that tomorow.

    Now how about some advice on my cycle mate?
    send a text message to your email....

    instead of sending to 514-553-6693 for example you would send it to [email protected]

    stick to test only for a first cycle. drop the dbol and do 600-700mg cyp considering you're quite big

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    If this is your first cycle, I'd drop the dbol . You don't need it. You're gonna get good results with 500mg/wk of Test.

  10. #10
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your cycle is fine. You could get by with just testosterone but I see no harm in including the Dbol . The argument against this is if you fall prey to side effects you won't know what's causing it but this argument is a little off base. The primary side effects of concur will be estrogenic related, i.e. gynecomastia and water retention. Blood pressure can also be a concern if the water retention gets out of hand. In either case, with either steroid the effects are due to the steroid's ability to aromatize, same cause and effect. This can make the use of an anti-estrogen necessary, but not always. Total dosing and individual response will dictate a lot. More men will need one than not though.

    You have two primary choices for aiding in estrogen control, SERM's or AI's. SERM's can have a positive impact when the total doses are low enough. However, a lot of guys will need an AI as SERM's won't be always be enough to combat gyno and often won't do a whole lot to control water retention. Water retention can often be managed to a degree through a diet but only so much. Unfortunately, AI's can also have a negative impact on cholesterol and it appears to be exasperated when using aromatizing steroids . Most guys do not consider this factor. It's always a good idea to consume plenty of omega fatty acids when using an AI in order to help control cholesterol levels.

    Other side effects of interest could be the androgenic , such as acne and hair loss. Fortunately Dbol possess very little androgenic action due to the double bond at carbons 1 and 2. Testosterone will, however, reduce to DHT throughout he 5-alpha reductase enzyme and some guys might want to use a related inhibitor if they're concerned about their hair-line and predisposed to male pattern baldness.

    Anyway, maybe more than you asked for but hopefully some useful information. Good luck.

  11. #11
    Mrcivil's Avatar
    Mrcivil is offline Associate Member
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    ^ what he said

  12. #12
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes...The Dbol will definitely give you a kick-start to your cycle, but if you have a bad reaction you won't know which substance caused it. That's why everyone should start with a test only cycle.

  13. #13
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post
    Yes...The Dbol will definitely give you a kick-start to your cycle, but if you have a bad reaction you won't know which substance caused it. That's why everyone should start with a test only cycle.
    If you had a bad reaction and you're using both testosterone and Dbol it should be very easy to figure out what's causing the problem. For example, same cause and effect from both steroids when it comes to estrogenic issues. Dbol is for all intense purposes simply a modified version of testosterone that makes it less androgenic and far more anabolic . Gynecomastia or water retention occurs, estrogen levels are too high and this could have just as easily occurred with just one of these need an anti-estrogen.

    As for androgenic effects, if they occur it's due to testosterone's reduction to DHT through the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. However, remember the 5-alpha reductase enzyme only affects Dbol slightly, almost insignificantly as its androgenicity has been downgraded tremendously. Long story short, androgenic side effects occur, it's the testosterone.

    Hepatic effects occur, it's the Dbol as testosterone carries no hepatotoxic nature.

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