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  1. #1
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    hair STOPPED growing in the only place that counts.

    ya so chest hair grows..ass hair grows.. all those blonde little invisible hair grows.. but no growth on my dome? o ya beards growing. on prop/tren 300/400wk respectively,

    1 1/2 weeks in.


  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    What did you expect?

  3. #3
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    thinning. maybe some receding. not full on ceasing..

  4. #4
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    no way you would notice in just a week and a half. Hair cycles are much longer I dont see how you could get thin or receed in a week.

  5. #5
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    not receeding, but definitely thinner, drier n crispier. i can feel it when i run my hand thru it. my dome grows fast dude, i clip my shit once every 2 weeks to keep it at my length. hell ya on the avatar thats about where I'm at right now. i clipped 3 weeks ago n didn't have to clip last week so unless I'm trippin.. but theres definitely a slow down.

    i guess I'm gonna bump up fish oil, n conditioner n add rograine in the morning. ill post back in a week or so on progress on it for sht n giggles.

  6. #6
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01
    no way you would notice in just a week and a half. Hair cycles are much longer I dont see how you could get thin or receed in a week.
    Agree. A week is by no means long enough to start balding

  7. #7
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
    measuretwicecutonce is offline Associate Member
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    didn't say balding.

  8. #8
    Tasmaniac is offline Associate Member
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    I found that my beard grows much slower. Where I would normally shave every day, I only have to shave every two days when I am doing a cycle. It's great. I save time and money on razor blades.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You will be fine.Women like the feeling of a bald head on the inside of there legs

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