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  1. #1
    bjohns11's Avatar
    bjohns11 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    first cyle is finaly starting, any and all tips are welcome:)

    Hey guys! after about a year of research my first cycle is here. I have a very athletic build and train hard every week and after much research i feel very ready to begin this however it cant hurt
    to be even more positive by asking all of you guys for your help and or pointers.

    bf 7%
    22 years old
    diet is very clean after seeing dietician, 4500 calories ed, 300 grams of protein, high carbs low sodium and sugar.
    training sense 14, seriously for past 3 years.
    my goal is to push past my wall in the gym and put on 10-12 lbs of lean muscle

    weeks 1-4 Dbol 30mgs ed
    weeks 1-10 test e 500mg per week split into 2 injections mon and thur
    weeks 1-12 arimidex .25 ed
    weeks 1-16 liver and joint sapport/fish oils/omegas/vit e, all as directed

    weeks 13-16 clomid at 50/50/25/25
    weeks 13-16 unleashed post cyle combo as directed
    weeks 13-16 forma stanzol 5 pumps am 5 pumps 5pm
    weeks 13-16 creatine 15/15/15/15
    possibly run bridge as well. possibly hcg weeks 4-11 at 500 iu split into 2 injections per week.

    well thats it, any and all critisicm is welcome except on my spelling

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I would drop the dbol . Also 22 is alittle on the young side for your own safety.

  3. #3
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Test only first cycle. 22 is young believe me I did the same thing and now I am paying for screwing with my system.

  4. #4
    bjohns11's Avatar
    bjohns11 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    sry guys 24 i meant! (bad with a keyboard)

    still young i know..but i have an overkill pct and will be getting blood work done every couple weeks and my doctor ensures me nothing bad can be permentantly done from this single plan, my goal is two reach 195lbs steady weight and if i do that this cycle alone i will likely be done with aas as this weight has been my goal for 5 years now.
    While i respect both your opinions from experience at this point i cannot back out.

    i will drop the d bol most likely but aside from my age is there anything this cycle plan could use?

    thanks again everyone.

  5. #5
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Then why does your profile say you're 21? Just be honest with us. Why are you cycling creatine? Do you cycle your multivitamins too? Also drop the Unleashed PCT and Forma Stanzal bullshit and run Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.
    Last edited by Shsm; 09-03-2012 at 02:15 PM.

  6. #6
    bjohns11's Avatar
    bjohns11 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    ok detective shsm you want my confession... this is my brothers account!! dear god i know.. Im not a computer guy/ dont own one and didnt feel like making my own account for those reasons... thats why i posted the detailed stats so i could get accurate answers with what was saposed to be 24 years of age. I made a spelling error that i have corrected with everyone and to be honest didnt even think of what the profile says. I came here for honest opinions and i would not lie about my age for answers i want to hear as that would be retarded as well as totally making asking the questions in the first place pointless.

    no dissrespect inteneded to any of you with that i was just looking for help from experienced aas users not explaining all of that... this just took me almost 15 mins to type..

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