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  1. #1
    Martdawg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    estrogen reduction on cycle?

    Hello, first off my name is marty, and this is my first post ever. To give you some information about myself here are my stats.
    6'0" 205 9% BF
    Ran 2 cycles before with anadrol , test c and test p.
    Where my problem is, on them 2 cycles I suffered huge gyno problems on cycle, and I used nolvadex 20mg ed, but all this
    estrogen in my body can not be good for gains. At the same time im aware you need some estrogen. What is my best bet
    for the reduction of estrogen. I have read alot about armidex, extremesane, looking for a suggestion and a dosage?
    This is the current cycle im going to run
    week 1 tren ethenate 125mg/wk test ethanate 200mg/wk Dianabol 10mg ed sunday -thursday
    week 2 tren ethenate 250mg/wk test ethanate 400mg/wk Dianabol 20mg ed sunday -thursday
    week 3 tren ethenate 250mg/wk test ethanate 400mg/wk Dianabol 35mg ed sunday -thursday
    week 4 tren ethenate 250mg/wk test ethanate 400mg/wk Dianabol 35mg ed sunday -thursday
    week 5 tren ethenate 250mg/wk test ethanate 400mg/wk Dianabol 35mg ed sunday -thursday
    week 6-10 tren ethenate 250mg/wk test ethanate 400mg/wk

    Thank you!........ Marty

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i would start with stane at 12.5mg eod
    and no need to ramp up the dosages. pick a dose and stick with it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Martdawg is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thank you bro

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