Did my first cycle of Ethanate at 250mg per shot. 1 shot per week. PCT'd with HCG powder. Kept all strength gains and actually continued getting stronger. I only do Crossfit. But my strength went up 50-70 pounds across the board on lifts. Maintained my cardio still can run sub 28:00 4 mile. Starting second cycle soon. Going to be upping it to 500mg per week at 2 shots a week. I've heard mixed reviews that its not really going to do anything. But my first cycle my strength went through the roof and I still kept all my cardio. I don't know who to listen to but I'm going wwith my gut as well ad the results.

Any info? Or any idea if ill make the same gains as the first time...Put it this way. I was maxing clean and jerk around 205-215 now I'm hitting 285-305 depending on the execution of the lift.