I've been searching the forum the last several days for the best gear, AI, and SERMs to use for my first cycle and PCT and this is what I came up with. Please tell me what you all think. Thanks.

First a little bit of my stats:

Age: 33
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 186
BF: 18%


Weeks 1 - 12:
Test E (250mg Monday + 250mg Thursday)
Aromasin (10mg/ED)
Weeks 2 - 12:
HCG (250iu Tuesday + 250iu Friday)


Weeks 15 - 17:
Clomid (50mg/ED)
Weeks 15 - 16:
Nolvadex (40mg/ED)
Weeks 17 - 18:
Nolvadex (20mg/ED)