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Thread: First cycle*

  1. #41
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!

    It's a shame that your not willing to learn.... Kind of like an immature teenager at school.... A teenager you are at least

    Your uncle knows nothing.... He has probably listened to a guy who knew a guy who new a guy who's mom was a supposed expet...

    Trust us, can't you see right in front of you that no1 here agrees with you.... You would rather listen to your uncle than a panel of people at steroid .com including experienced member, staff and VET's....... Your uncle is wrong....

    You will not gain anything from that cycle at all.... All it will do it suppress you HPTA for no reason at all....

    You don't even have enough gear for 2 weeks..... And primo needs to be run for extended periods of time to produce decent gains.... We're talking 16 weeks.... You don't even have enough for 2 weeks to make it worthwhile...

    Nore do you have any test..... I'm not going into the detail because if you don't know why you need to run test then it's clear you need to read more....

    And the biggest issue is your stats.... Your less that 145 lbs ad 18 years old.... Come on man, seriously?

    Wew all know that your probably going to ignore us but whatever.... Its your call.... We can help you with the things that really matter, training and diet.... We can teach you how to grow....myou clearly don't have a clue right now and that's ok... Your only 18 and most guys are still trying to work things out by then...

    I would love to get a guy like you come and live a day in the life of me..... Show u how to eat, show u how to train.... U would be shocked..... Most would never want to come back... They would look for an easier option like you are....

    However the truth is that there is no easy option.... Trust me, I know....

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    im sure this kid has found another forum where kids just like him will give him the "high five" he's looking for about his cycle...hopefully he got the point that it will not happen here....

  3. #43
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylxr View Post
    I appreciate you guys concern for my age, thank you, but I have a doctor that is watching me while taking it so I'm going to be fine, I came on here to try to get suggestions about it
    that still shows you dont understand. Yes dr can check some blood work. You are shutting down your natural hormones by injecting steroids . Thats just a fact. so when you finish your 5 weeks and your natural hormones are still shut down. Then what. Yes a dr can confirm they are. But they cant magically fix it. Most time yes you can and will recover with time. And there are plenty that dont recover. and your doing this for a cycle that will do zero for you.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #44
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Beating a dead horse guys. Kid and uncle know best. He is to lazy to even research for himself and find out facts.

    Sad, but it happens....

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