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  1. #1
    mockery's Avatar
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    CNS damage and aas

    I have a serious question, if a person is not gaining good amounts of strength while on a decent stack with proper training coaches/sleep/diet and everything done right.. and the gear is pharmacy grade is it possible that there is a problem linked to his central nervous system? and a warning sign for something??

    left field question...

    thank you.,

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    A.I yeah

    when last time you took a week or two off?

  3. #3
    Atomini's Avatar
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    I totally agree, CNS overstimulation/overtraining is a massively overlooked aspect of muscle growth and bodybuilding. There's so much emphasis out there on the muscle itself, hormones, receptors, protein turnover rates, etc. but you don't see much information on the CNS in terms of training.

    In terms of the CNS, there is A LOT of strain placed on it over time if you train very intensely. And it is one thing where its recovery is NOT enhanced when you use AAS (or anything else). The CNS's ability to recover generally remains steady and unchanged, and there's nothing you can really 'take' to speed up recovery. The only thing there is, as DanB has said, is time off!

    And he is totally correct in saying a week or two off is what you need. In fact, this is why many training programs incorporate a 'de-load' or 'periodization' phase in them, so as to reduce the intense CNS work that happens when training extremely hard. If you train to failure (or BEYOND failure) a lot, you NEED to be taking time off every 2-3 months or at the very least incorporating lower intensities in the gym in order to give the CNS a break. I am guilty for often going far too long without giving my system a break. A lot of us need to do this a lot more than we think or realize.

  4. #4
    mockery's Avatar
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    thanks, yes this isnt for me. myself every 10-12 weeks take a 10 day static deconditioning and come back and reset my lifts cause i understand the importance of rest and recovery. we are not cyborg juicers haha.

  5. #5
    Atomini's Avatar
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    What I would give to become a cyborg....

  6. #6
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    3,353 Good topic. I never realized the importance the CNS plays on what we do.

  7. #7
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    time off on cycle is indeed good, training 5x week is bad on or off cycle..
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  8. #8
    mockery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    time off on cycle is indeed good, training 5x week is bad on or off cycle..
    So my 3 on 1 on splits are not a good idea? lol Ive always used the train of thought while "on" to increase the volume but not the weight in regards to training more. don't mistake this with not lifting heavy. The heavy lifts are still there and obviously increase as you gain the side effect of temporary strength gains.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    So my 3 on 1 on splits are not a good idea? lol Ive always used the train of thought while "on" to increase the volume but not the weight in regards to training more. don't mistake this with not lifting heavy. The heavy lifts are still there and obviously increase as you gain the side effect of temporary strength gains.
    3 on 1 off is fine. The folks above are talking about taking a week to 2 weeks off after training for a few months.

  10. #10
    mockery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    3 on 1 off is fine. The folks above are talking about taking a week to 2 weeks off after training for a few months.
    yeah just checking as i said i reset my weights back by 20% and take 10 days off and eat lots of carbs and lower my protein intake by alot.

  11. #11
    analovz's Avatar
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    I started training every other day after i heard that it takes 12-24 hours for CNS to be restored and only then muscle growth occurs. Now i'm getting results i have always wanted in the gym, before that i considered myself hard gainer.

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