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  1. #1
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    compounds for next cycle

    hi guys just after some opioions for my 3rd cycle

    currantly on 2nd cycle just about ended
    test E 150mg week 1-12
    test E 485mg week 12-26
    deca 600mg week 12-24

    clomid - 50/25/25
    nolva - 40/20/20/10
    creatine unknown for now

    i gained 44lbs so far im on week 17/18

    training 4 years on and off as had a kid full time commitment

    break - 6 eggs, cup oats
    lunch - 200g chicken 150 b/rice , tub yoghurt , bannana , handful whole weat crackers
    2nd lunch - same as first
    pre-workout - 200g chicken 150 b/rice , apple , natural grain bar
    workout - ( intra chained-out bcaa )
    post - 50g carbs 50g amino wpi
    dinner - steak salad chips
    bed - tin tuna (sometimes) , bannana , casein protine shake 50g

    i take - multi-vitamins , fish oil 6x 2000mg , glucosamine , and raw bcaa's during day 10g

    now i no alot of guys think the long course is crazy but test is very low first half i took a low dose untill i hit a flat spot for a couple weeks then introduced the larger dose and picked back up , no signs of gyno just a tiny bit of achne have sups on hand incase

    **now the big question my next course will be running for 16-18 weeks i have boldenone und. 200mg/ml already i am wondering if it would be suitable to run with a short ester as prop or enanthate again , or a mix of both as they are easyer to get
    **or secondly change the boldenone to deca

    planning to run test for 18weeks enanthate or mix enanthate + prop 500mg
    and 16 weeks either boldenone at 500-600mg , or change it to deca 600mg

    after big mass gains as you can see by my profile im only leight weight so would like to keep dose of test around the 500mg or below my gains so far are quality muscle big ammounts of feathering in muscles not sure on bf% but id say super super low


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I dont get the point of 150mg of test e for 12 weeks. Shutting yourself down for nothing.

    I'd rather see test 500 and deca 300 ew.

    eq is garbage, no need for that.

    No mention of AI, whats your plan there?

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree this cycle is messed up.Read beginners cycles bro it will help.

  4. #4
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    i do have to agree a little there it was messed up at the start as the test i thought was 200mg/ml but was 75mg/ml from a bladder so i decided to extend after i found this out , i have still gained 20kg in 17weeks and the deca i feel has only just started working and weight is going up steady no signs of flattening out , but i didnt see the point of stopping and loosing big amount of gains from the lower test

    i wasn't planing to use AI (arimidex is what i can get a hold of) untill i moved onto larger amounts of test so probably another course or 2 later on but .5ed i was thinking but as i said havent looked into it with intentions as i wasnt planning on it untill i step up the test , but easily on hand

    so advice would be to run
    test E 500mg week 1-12 (unless i run the test for the 16-18 weeks then deca 2 weeks shorter) but i dont realy see to much need to run longer now if its deca and not EQ
    deca 600mg week1-10 the deca is marked 300mg/ml but i dont belive it actualy is i think more around the 200mg

    same pct plan as last course that iv listed

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    jimmy. You need to figure out what you have before you start pinning anything. The mg per ML is just as important to know, as knowing what compound you're injecting.

  6. #6
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    it was a bit of a stuff around to start with i was going through a couple of people , now i have sourced my own bladder from different source so i no 100% on the test , the bottles are labeled global anabolics , but they are just copyed labels so im treating it like it is as it says 300mg/ml but just have the feeling its 200mg/ml , but at the end of the day its hard to no exatly what you are getting 100% unless its phama grade not to easy to get and very expensive hear in australia

  7. #7
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    well what would you recomend as an expirianced person , fo a 3rd cycle i dont mind running for either long or shorter cycles but 10 weeks min
    keeping in mind i can come across prop 100mg/ml , enanthate 75mg/ml (both test are vetinary grade bladder) , deca 300mg/ml , tren 200mg/ml , already have boldenone 200mg/ml (enough for 500mg 16 weeks)

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Wow you sure make things interesting.

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    i don't like any of it, cycle, pct, nothing. diet is not so bad could use some improvement. why do guys leave out fibrous carbs? i don't get that?

    anyway, i would forget all that long ass cycle shyt and run a simple protocol with a standard pct.

    test e wk 1-12 500mg
    deca wk1-10 300mg
    diet wk 1-forever

    clomid 75/75/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    if you put on 44lbs already i would forgo the eq. all you're gonna do is raise your bp and increase your rbc.(this will happen anyway but you'll be no further ahead)

    and yeah man, make sure you know what the dosing mg/ml are BEFORE you start your cycle. be smart..

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have no idea why were talking about a third cycle before the messed up 2nd cycle is even over.

    You need some education around the use of an AI and proper PCT.

    Take some time off to regroup and get your stuff in order, as a rule: TIME ON+PCT=TIME OFF

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    I have no idea why were talking about a third cycle before the messed up 2nd cycle is even over.

    You need some education around the use of an AI and proper PCT.

    Take some time off to regroup and get your stuff in order, as a rule: TIME ON+PCT=TIME OFF
    Good point.

  12. #12
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    If you were only on 150mg of test E for 12 of those 17 weeks, how the **** did you put on 44lbs? That's like a TRT dose. And how much of that is actually muscle?

  13. #13
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    i don't like any of it, cycle, pct, nothing. diet is not so bad could use some improvement. why do guys leave out fibrous carbs? i don't get that?

    anyway, i would forget all that long ass cycle shyt and run a simple protocol with a standard pct.

    test e wk 1-12 500mg
    deca wk1-10 300mg
    diet wk 1-forever

    clomid 75/75/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    if you put on 44lbs already i would forgo the eq. all you're gonna do is raise your bp and increase your rbc.(this will happen anyway but you'll be no further ahead)

    and yeah man, make sure you know what the dosing mg/ml are BEFORE you start your cycle. be smart..

    what is so bad about the diet , can you tell me what i should be adding or taking out

  14. #14
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    If you were only on 150mg of test E for 12 of those 17 weeks, how the **** did you put on 44lbs? That's like a TRT dose. And how much of that is actually muscle?
    iv always been the smallest guy by far skinny but fit , mabey i have low natural test so it mad a huge differance to me ? or mabey i dont just sit on the couch and play sony i actualy work my ass of in the gym to get my results , i train with guys that are natural body builders that have been training for about 6 years both on the higher side of 100kg

  15. #15
    jimmykid is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    I have no idea why were talking about a third cycle before the messed up 2nd cycle is even over.

    You need some education around the use of an AI and proper PCT.

    Take some time off to regroup and get your stuff in order, as a rule: TIME ON+PCT=TIME OFF
    well some stuff isnt to easy to get a hold of hear in AU so mabey i need the time to organise things for my next one and not get it a week befor and end up with less than i need , i plan to do pct and take a while off since this course is fairly long , unlike some mates which only take 4 weeks off between each course they stay on for a year at a time 4 week gaps and only pct when they feel there body is under to much load

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