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  1. #1
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Halotestin on non workout days

    Guys i a doing Halo at 20mg 4 weeks. Got a quick question about non training days, do i keep the dosage the same 10mg AM and 10mg PM or do i go 5mg AM and 5mg PM? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks!

  2. #2
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Stpete will be a good one to ask on this. Bump for him, I don't have any experience with Halo

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yes, i have cut mine in half on non workout days in the past and will do the same when i start it again on the 22nd.

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
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    My personal opinion is to take the same dose on non-workout days. Why have blood levels changing wildly? You want to keep them steady and stable. Just because you're not working out that day, doesn't mean it is necessary to take a lower dose. With AAS you need to look at the big picture instead of microanalyzing. Effects of AAS manifest in the long term (i'm talking weeks instead of in the immediate sense of hours and days).

  5. #5
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I don't take them on rest days.

  6. #6
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Well ok guys there are three diff answers! I always believed in the half dose, just enough to keep it in the blood. Well thanks anyways!

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Halo is extremely toxic. Other orals, yes, keep at same dose. But not halo. Just my own personal preference on that compound and from the guys that initially turned me onto it. And they're rather successful in the field. Hasn't done me wrong yet.
    Last edited by stpete; 09-16-2012 at 07:28 AM.

  8. #8
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input stpete! I will cut it down to 5mg am and 5mg pm. Also does it matter if taken with food or not? Thanks dude!

  9. #9
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    What results have you guys got from halo?

  10. #10
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Also I would like to take a dosage pre workout. When would be a good time, like 30 mins or I heard 1 to 2 hrs. Anything would be greatly appreciated!

  11. #11
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armyranger516862006 View Post
    Also I would like to take a dosage pre workout. When would be a good time, like 30 mins or I heard 1 to 2 hrs. Anything would be greatly appreciated!
    I've taken halo about 30min before workout. (And I've heard it's very important to take it with food)

    I armwrestle professionally, and I had crazy awesome results on this stuff!!! The agression it brought to the table was like no other.

  12. #12
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar

    I've taken halo about 30min before workout. (And I've heard it's very important to take it with food)

    I armwrestle professionally, and I had crazy awesome results on this stuff!!! The agression it brought to the table was like no other.
    Ever tried cheque drops ?

  13. #13
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    No but I heard that was some crazy potent stuff!! Do you take it over a 4wk span, or just before competitions (for aggression?)

  14. #14
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar
    No but I heard that was some crazy potent stuff!! Do you take it over a 4wk span, or just before competitions (for aggression?)
    I've never taken it myself but I know Alot of fighters do before fights for beast mode. I believe there is some info on it in the steroids profile section...

  15. #15
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    Yeah i just read up a little. I think it's more of a "mental edge" for aggression. It doesn't get you stronger like the Halo will. You can probably mix them and turn in to the hulk! But probably need a liver transplant after!

  16. #16
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar
    Yeah i just read up a little. I think it's more of a "mental edge" for aggression. It doesn't get you stronger like the Halo will. You can probably mix them and turn in to the hulk! But probably need a liver transplant after!
    Haha I bet!

  17. #17
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    Yeah i just read up a little. I think it's more of a "mental edge" for aggression. It doesn't get you stronger like the Halo will. You can probably mix them and turn in to the hulk! But probably need a liver transplant after!
    I've always been fascinated by Cheque Drops (Mibolerone ) and I want to try it but I don't know if I ever will. Trust me, it is not just effective for that boost in drive and aggression... its anabolic rating is 4,100. Androgenic rating is 1800. Testosterone 's anabolic rating is 100. Androgenic is 100. Trenbolone 's anabolic and androgenic ratings are 500 both. Just to give you a comparison of the possible capabilities of Cheque Drops.

    Make no mistake, it definitely can and will build strength and size. To do so, you'd likely need to use it like any other AAS on a regular basis, and the issue here is you can't really do that with Cheque Drops due to its toxicity. Its SO strong that its one of the only AAS that can be dosed in micrograms and have extreme dramatic effects.

    I'd say it falls into the same boat as those other mythical AAS like Methyltrienolone or Dimethyltrienolone.

  18. #18
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by armyranger516862006 View Post
    Also I would like to take a dosage pre workout. When would be a good time, like 30 mins or I heard 1 to 2 hrs. Anything would be greatly appreciated!
    Yes, i take my largest dose of the day pre workout. About 45-60 min prior. And i eat about 1/2 hour before that.

    Keep us posted.

  19. #19
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    stpete: You have a favorite brand of Halo you stick with? Which have you tried?

  20. #20
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Cheque drops that's crazy stuff! It's been said Mike Tyson had that stuff flowing through his veins. I'd give it a try but I don't know were to find them!

  21. #21
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armyranger516862006 View Post
    Cheque drops that's crazy stuff! It's been said Mike Tyson had that stuff flowing through his veins. I'd give it a try but I don't know were to find them!
    You can still find them, though rare out there. They're not like Methyltrienolone , which is like the bigfoot of AAS lol.

  22. #22
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    You can still find them, though rare out there. They're not like Methyltrienolone, which is like the bigfoot of AAS lol.
    Is there a brand name for that stuff?

  23. #23
    Atomini's Avatar
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    For what, Methyltrienolone ? The only other name I know it has is Metribolone. There is no brand name for Dimethyltrienolone.

    Both of these are basically methylated Trenbolone . Methyltrienolone has one methyl group added, while Dimethyltrienolone has two. It not only makes it extremely powerful, but also orally bioavailable. Want to know how powerful these are?

    Anabolic rating: 12,000 - 30,000
    Androgenic rating: 6,000 - 7,000

    Anabolic rating: no less than 10,000 (the exact number is not known, it is only known that its minimum is TEN THOUSAND).
    Androgenic rating: same thing.

    Makes Testosterone and its anabolic/androgenic rating of 100 look like someone pissing in the Atlantic. But you literally cannot find these anywhere, they are the ultimate designer steroids . The only way to get them is basically to get a chemist to make it from scratch for you lol.

  24. #24
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    For what, Methyltrienolone ? The only other name I know it has is Metribolone. There is no brand name for Dimethyltrienolone.

    Both of these are basically methylated Trenbolone . Methyltrienolone has one methyl group added, while Dimethyltrienolone has two. It not only makes it extremely powerful, but also orally bioavailable. Want to know how powerful these are?

    Anabolic rating: 12,000 - 30,000
    Androgenic rating: 6,000 - 7,000

    Anabolic rating: no less than 10,000 (the exact number is not known, it is only known that its minimum is TEN THOUSAND).
    Androgenic rating: same thing.

    Makes Testosterone and its anabolic/androgenic rating of 100 look like someone pissing in the Atlantic. But you literally cannot find these anywhere, they are the ultimate designer steroids. The only way to get them is basically to get a chemist to make it from scratch for you lol.
    Ya I just read up on it in the profiles. Quite interesting stuff actually. Like an oral tren . Not anything a novice like me would be looking for tho at least not at this stage in the game...

  25. #25
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    stpete: You have a favorite brand of Halo you stick with? Which have you tried?
    I can't remember. I'm pretty sure it was Mexico and can't remember right off hand. I know it was good and strong.

    Anyway, this time it's Genesis.

  26. #26
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    I use to workout in the evening, so I'd take 1/2 my dosage in the morning, and the other 1/2 before I'd work out in the evening.

    Now my workouts are do you recommend I split my dose up now?
    (Not sure if i should keep morning and night dosage, take the whole amount before mid-day workout, or take half at mid-day and half before bed.)
    Last edited by Randy_Mar; 09-18-2012 at 12:49 PM.

  27. #27
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    4 days into the Halo and acne starting a little bit. I am normally a mellow individual but i find myself a little short tempered not bad though. As for workouts everyone has been amazing! I have increased about 4to6 reps on every exercise! I get super pumped up to throw around weights! I will def be doing Halo in future cycles!!

  28. #28
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    The oral version is readily available on the black market if you know where to look. Its not the unicorn some make it out to be, but you do have to look hard to find it..

  29. #29
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
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    If I'm going to hit a dosage of 40mg.....should I start off lower and work up. or start at 40mg?

  30. #30
    armyranger516862006's Avatar
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    Lower dosage to see How you react. It's some powerful stuff, respect it!!

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