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  1. #1
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    Need advice for upcoming plans

    Hey guys. Always appreciate the advice and expertise here so I wanted to run a few things by all of you to see what response I would get to make a decision from.

    Some background: I'm just about finishing up my EQ cycle and looking which direction to go next. During my EQ cycle I briefly attempted running clen /t3 with it because I know it's much more beneficial to run AAS with clen/t3 to minimize catabolism. However, the clen/t3 was wreaking havoc on my cardio and recovery time and since I have a Marathon coming up here I decided to cut out the clen and t3. I continued to run the EQ and am now near the end of the cycle. The marathon is just around the corner and I'm wondering what would be the best route to take after.

    So that leaves me with a decision to make. I have clomi and tamox to run as a pct, however, my side effects during this cycle have been minimal and Im not experiencing any negatives that would absolutely require a pct (although I do understand it's always a good idea). I've heard of people running their pct in conjunction with clen/t3 but this also goes against my belief to run clen/t3 with AAS to minimize the catabolism. Ideally I want run test while on the clen/t3 but then running a pct would be pointless. I do plan to run clen/t3 and also test at some point. I'm just trying to decide the best order to run them in or conjunction with one another and where/if the pct should fit in.

    So, what would you guys do? The options I see are to start the pct and to run it with the clen/t3, run a pct solo, or skip the pct and run a test cycle with the clen/t3. I know running a pct is always a good idea, but am not experiencing any critical effects that would absolutely require it. I also don't want to lose the gains I just accomplished.

    Also, this is not something I'm looking to start right away, just want some advice early on so I can make a plan to stick to. I still have plenty of time before the recommended pct start. Always appreciate the help guys.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry mate!
    PCT is something i don't do. This old bull runs test replacement therapy since I can't produce enough on my own. And since I don't have personal experience with it, I don't have any first hand advice to give.
    Now if you want to talk about training and getting ready for that marathon of yours, this I can talk to you about!
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    Well since you mention it. What would you recommend my diet be for the Marathon? Day of and days prior? I've been contemplating that as well...

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here's the game plan.

    You need to start eating your morning meal a few days ahead of time. You want to be in the groove of your eating routine the morning of, and NOT have your "morning of" meal be the first time you've eaten this.
    What I would eat would be a big bowl of brown rice a couple hours before the run. Keep the soy and butter to a minimum. Make it a big meal, but don't stuff.

    A week before the race, you should start carb loading. This will mean you may gain a few pounds. Rather, it is to be expected. As your muscle tissue becomes saturated, you will also be taking on water weight. You will need to do this to help you maintain your energy levels during the run. After the run, you will have lost several pounds, so expect that as well.

    Additionally, you will need to drink a couple of glasses of water with your morning meal, a couple hours before the race. Then fill up again right before the race. Careful not to bloat.

    One trick that really works is rehydration salts while running
    they come in these little tubes and you dump it into your bottle water. a quick shake and ready to drink. but try it before your big day to make sure it is agreeable with you.

    Another trick, is to take psyllium husk fiber with the evening meal. Start a week before the run. The idea is it will allow you to improve your bowel movement and totally evacuate in a very clean fashion. The morning of, your bowels should be completely empty.

    I'm enjoying my little trip down memory lane as I write this. It would pleasure me greatly to be able to join you as i was 30 years ago. But I will be with you in spirit. Let me know when the run is, and I'll have you in my thoughts as you run.


  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    btw... if you are blister prone, sometimes pretaping can eliminate much of the rub and help minimize blisters.

    you will need to experiment with this a couple of weeks ahead of time, and not the morning of. last thing you want is a bunch of balled up tape in your sock feeling like a lump when you run.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    more thoughts

    don't drink the week before the run

    if you are lifting, then keep it to an absolute minimum the week before, and nothing the day before. the only muscles you will need are type 1 leg muscles (slow twitch). you want all other muscle groups, after proper stretching the morning of, to be totally relaxed.

  7. #7
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
    AdrenalineJunkie is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome tr. Im going shopping tonight for everything you suggested. I haven't been on in awhile so its taken me some time to reply to my posts. I appreciate all your help. Im 9 days away... yikes!

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