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  1. #1
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Potential HRT at 21. Age requirement to cycle ??

    I got some bad news today. In May, my total test was at 337. In July, it was 317. I just found this out today, and could possibly end up on hormone replacement therapy. If this is the case:

    Are age-related risks of cycling completely gone? I know the biggest risk is shutting down your natural test production for life - - well...that's already going to be taken care of. Is there anything else before a cycle would be considered?

    (I'm not bent on running a cycle, and planned on running them after 25, but is there any risk that is age-related?)

  2. #2
    rockhardman's Avatar
    rockhardman is offline Associate Member
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    So u did not abused steroids ? Why your hormones got that low?

  3. #3
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    No prior use of steroids . I've had libido problems and a lot of the symptoms since I was 17.
    I'm not exactly sure why they are so low. I'm pretty sure I have thyroid problems (runs in my family, and I have a lot of the symptoms of hypothyroidism)

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
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    may need a complete workup. find a good doctor. did they check your thyroid hormone levels together with this test level? may also need prolactin, LH, FSH, cortisol.

    i think there are some doctors who may try you on a course of clomid to try to jump-start your hpta, instead of jumping into trt immediately. its something like pct, but lower dose and longer duration.

    if all else fails and you really get on trt before 25yrs old, then you can cycle anytime you like. blast and cruise as you wish. all the usual restrictions do not apply anymore.

    good luck

  5. #5
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    may need a complete workup. find a good doctor. did they check your thyroid hormone levels together with this test level? may also need prolactin, LH, FSH, cortisol.

    i think there are some doctors who may try you on a course of clomid to try to jump-start your hpta, instead of jumping into trt immediately. its something like pct, but lower dose and longer duration.

    if all else fails and you really get on trt before 25yrs old, then you can cycle anytime you like. blast and cruise as you wish. all the usual restrictions do not apply anymore.

    good luck
    Thank you! Lots of good info here.Yes, thyroid was checked at the same time as test levels. I'm going to go looking for a good doctor tomorrow and will try to get all of those labs done. At this point, I've been so miserable for so long, I really hope my doctor just puts me on TRT. I have a really difficult time functioning in everything I do.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If you get put on hrt than you have nothig to worry about regarding cycling goes effecting your test but I would take direction from your doctor he may be able to bring your natural test back up. Getting a full blood panel done will help see where the problem is so he can try and solve the issue before he goes down the route of Test therapy

  7. #7
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If you get put on hrt than you have nothig to worry about regarding cycling goes effecting your test but I would take direction from your doctor he may be able to bring your natural test back up. Getting a full blood panel done will help see where the problem is so he can try and solve the issue before he goes down the route of Test therapy
    I just went into my doc this morning. He says those are normal levels. I tried to politely inform him otherwise, and it ended in me leaving pissed off. He's just trying to shove antidepressants down my throat. Great!

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post
    I just went into my doc this morning. He says those are normal levels. I tried to politely inform him otherwise, and it ended in me leaving pissed off. He's just trying to shove antidepressants down my throat. Great!
    Some (alot) of docs just do not have the education in HRT/TRT and only see the stigma that is associated with it. Keep searching...there are good progressive docs out there.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post
    I just went into my doc this morning. He says those are normal levels. I tried to politely inform him otherwise, and it ended in me leaving pissed off. He's just trying to shove antidepressants down my throat. Great!
    That sucks. You need to find a endocrinologist that works with trt. I dont go to a clinic but a descent amount of research on my dr before i picked one
    I agree with trying to get yourself to function normally before trt for life. They may be able to restart your system.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    AD's Avatar
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    Op. If you have all the time in the world, and would like to read up on this topic, try this

  11. #11
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Some (alot) of docs just do not have the education in HRT/TRT and only see the stigma that is associated with it. Keep searching...there are good progressive docs out there.
    I was pretty sorely disappointed when I heard his response. The nurse seemed sympathetic, but the dr saw that I had been on antidepressants in the past. He says, I think you're just depressed. Depression can cause all of this. "...I have low T. Depression does not cause low T. Low T causes depression." - - - - "You don't have low T." - - "Look at these charts I brought you for healthy test levels based on age." "Oh, you got that on the internet. There's lots of bs information out there and i havent been to that website."


    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    That sucks. You need to find a endocrinologist that works with trt. I dont go to a clinic but a descent amount of research on my dr before i picked one
    I agree with trying to get yourself to function normally before trt for life. They may be able to restart your system.
    I don't have health insurance, and am paying for this on a credit the clinic was my first choice. I am having a hard time finding a dr in the area that works with trt. I explained to him that I don't think TRT is necessarily the solution, but he wont even agree that I have lot T!
    Shit, there could be a pituitary tumor causing this and he just wants to throw me back on zombie medication!

    Looks like i'll have to start traveling to seattle...fml!

  12. #12
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Op. If you have all the time in the world, and would like to read up on this topic, try this
    Thank you for the link. I will check this out shortly!

  13. #13
    AD's Avatar
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    and if you really can't find a good dr, you might have to wait for this:

    admin may be setting up a hrt clinic! you can volunteer to be the first patient to test out the system and maybe get a discount?!

  14. #14
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Awesome! I hope this is something that is going to be starting up fairly soon. I'm going to get every lab done that i could possibly need on monday and head to seattle with the results. there are a lot more progressive docs over there supposedly.

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