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  1. #1
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    A little confused.

    I was wondering if some knowledgeable people on here could help me with this. I hear some people saying they just do a cycle for the strength gains and any muscle/weight gains that come with it is just a bonus. This is a little confusing to me because last time I checked, increasing strength means you will gain muscle and weight anyway? I'm just not sure how this makes sense. For example, most people say from an Anavar cycle you get really good strength gains but the muscle mass gained isn't as big as other oral steroids . This doesn't really make sense to me. How can you not gain weight if your lifts are all increasing significantly? When you go to the gym naturally (without AAS), the increase in strength usually leads to muscle and weight gains.

    Sorry if I sound stupid and don't make sense but I'm still new to all of this.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    CNS adaptation, mainly. Also, you can change the composition of your skeletal muscle fibers to an extent through goal-specific training.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    With no experience and at 20 yrs old your researching in the wrong place. Forget steroids at your age and concentrate on training protocols and diets. Shutting down your system whats not fully developed can cause you serious problems throughout your life.

    Strength and mass will come from food and training correctly.

    Build a solid foundation from yrs of training and then consider steroids

  4. #4
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    With no experience and at 20 yrs old your researching in the wrong place. Forget steroids at your age and concentrate on training protocols and diets. Shutting down your system whats not fully developed can cause you serious problems throughout your life.

    Strength and mass will come from food and training correctly.

    Build a solid foundation from yrs of training and then consider steroids
    Oh my bad I thought I was allowed to research on here without actually doing a cycle. I must have been mistaken, bro.

  5. #5
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    CNS adaptation, mainly. Also, you can change the composition of your skeletal muscle fibers to an extent through goal-specific training.
    Oh okay. Such as doing different exercises (more isolation as opposed to compounds etc) I am guessing? I suppose that's why there's strength, power, endurance and speed training.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    Oh my bad I thought I was allowed to research on here without actually doing a cycle. I must have been mistaken, bro.
    Like ive said your better researching in the diet and training section but from your previous threads you are doing a cycle already so why lie!!

    Guess you dont need my help, i'll leave your thread

  7. #7
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Like ive said your better researching in the diet and training section but from your previous threads you are doing a cycle already so why lie!!

    Guess you dont need my help, i'll leave your thread
    I do need your help, but it's not like you'll try to help me do the safest possible cycle that I want to do. I've read on other steroid forums that an Anavar only cycle as the first cycle for someone to do, even at twenty years of age, is fine. I don't see why you just can't help me - it's not like it's illegal helping me and I won't blame you or anything if something goes wrong. I'm just asking you to help me, but if not then that's fine.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    I do need your help, but it's not like you'll try to help me do the safest possible cycle that I want to do. I've read on other steroid forums that an Anavar only cycle as the first cycle for someone to do, even at twenty years of age, is fine. I don't see why you just can't help me - it's not like it's illegal helping me and I won't blame you or anything if something goes wrong. I'm just asking you to help me, but if not then that's fine.
    Using steroids at your age isnt worth the risk, shutting down your system whats not fully developed can cause you serious problems like limp dick, erection problems etc. There isnt a safe way to use steroid when your 20yrs old because the risk is to much IMHO. You have no base, you havent been training that long and you think steroids are the answer when they are not. Your just looking for what you want to hear and everyone who tells you not to cycle you disregard like you have on the other threads you have started.

    I cant say anymore, all because your going to do it anyway isnt going to change my opinion what I think is right from 25yr+ of training

    Best of luck

  9. #9
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Using steroids at your age isnt worth the risk, shutting down your system whats not fully developed can cause you serious problems like limp dick, erection problems etc. There isnt a safe way to use steroid when your 20yrs old because the risk is to much IMHO. You have no base, you havent been training that long and you think steroids are the answer when they are not. Your just looking for what you want to hear and everyone who tells you not to cycle you disregard like you have on the other threads you have started.

    I cant say anymore, all because your going to do it anyway isnt going to change my opinion what I think is right from 25yr+ of training

    Best of luck
    I appreciate your advice Marcus, honestly I really do. But no one understands my situation and never will. I just thought AAS would help me in life, not just in terms of the gym. Like I said, no one will understand stand or seem to care/want to listen.

  10. #10
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    I appreciate your advice Marcus, honestly I really do. But no one understands my situation and never will. I just thought AAS would help me in life, not just in terms of the gym. Like I said, no one will understand stand or seem to care/want to listen.
    First of all brother lay it out there. Everyone here has some reason or another as to why they use aas. We are here to listen regardless of age or sex and whatever. Problem is we are not going to give you the green light to go ahead and use ANY steroids at a young age. Its like this...would you give an 8 year old advice on how to get drunk? More than likely not. I'm sure that 8 year olds life sucks and could be found better in the bottom of a bottle but it does not mean it is right or wise to tell a child how to drink alcohol. The advice given by our older vets come with age and experience and its much wiser to heed our advice opposed to getting angry by it. It definitely doesn't make anything easier or more satisfying.

  11. #11
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    I appreciate your advice Marcus, honestly I really do. But no one understands my situation and never will. I just thought AAS would help me in life, not just in terms of the gym. Like I said, no one will understand stand or seem to care/want to listen.
    Hey bud. It sounds like there's a lot more going on here than you just being a little bullheaded and wanting to get big. Steroids treat hormone deficiencies, muscle wasting diseases, and build muscles for bodybuilders. Theyre not the answer to all of life's problems. I don't presume to know what your situation is, or what you're going through, but if you're having bad feelings and trouble coping, shutting down your natural test will almost certainly make things seem much, much, worse. It's obvious you're looking for a way out of whatever's going on, you need to talk to someone you trust bro, start with a friend/family member, go from there.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    I appreciate your advice Marcus, honestly I really do. But no one understands my situation and never will. I just thought AAS would help me in life, not just in terms of the gym. Like I said, no one will understand stand or seem to care/want to listen.
    We are ALL here to help. If we didn't really care wouldn't we just give you advise on a big ass cycle and say go get em kid. We don't because we want what is best for you. This is not a paying gig. Each and every person here volunteers their time. So we have nothing to gain or lose from you making good or bad decisions. The only thing we gain is the peace of mind that we have been able to help someone reach their goals in the safest manner possible.

    If you got questions ask away, if you got things in your life you want to talk about and have someone listen and offer solid advise then let it rip. Somebody has been through whatever you are going through at some point in time. If I can help please...feel free to lean on me! I got broad shoulders (really they are pretty broad lol)

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