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  1. #1
    Encoded's Avatar
    Encoded is offline New Member
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    Anastrozole during Test Cyp cycle

    Been on 500 mg/wk Test Cypionate as well as 50mg/day Methandienone Dianabol orals and 30mg/day Methyltestosterone orals for 3 weeks now, started experiencing what I believe to be gyno. Hardness/swelling of nipples as well as a tender sore feeling, pectorals appear to be growing outward/pointed like male boobs. Fortunately, for an aromatase inhibitor I have on hand a liquid bottle of Anastrozole 60ml 1mg/ml that I've been directed (by a friend, not a doctor) to take once/wk, 1ml orally under the tongue and letting it kind of dissipate for 40 seconds or so. Much of what I have read however suggests to take .5mg EOD which has me curious as to whether or not I was given the wrong dosage information. I mainly want to combat this situation now before it becomes any kind of a major issue, and would love some feedback as to proper dosage. Thanks for any advice guys.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Does your doctor know what you're taking?

    Anastrozole will do nothing to rid you of existing gyno. If you have gyno you can try Tamox to reverse it.

    Time to get bloodwork done.

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can take your ai at. 5 eod but if u have a lump you need to cut cycle run nolva and get blood work as Aus explained.
    If no lump I would run the ai till end of cycle and maybe run nolva for two weeks at 20 mg a day

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    your weren't given wrong dosage amounts. those are standard protocol measurement that are considered a safe starting point. you need to monitor and adjust according to how sensitive you are. and the only way to determine that is to monitor on cycle or bloodwork.

    since this is new and just developing, you have a very good chance at reversing it so don't panic. in all likelihood you'll have this licked in no time at all. if you run into trouble or feel its not working, come back and you'll be given other options to combat your developing gyno.

    great suggestions above. follow through and post your results here.

    good luck!

  5. #5
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encoded View Post
    Been on 500 mg/wk Test Cypionate as well as 50mg/day Methandienone Dianabol orals and 30mg/day Methyltestosterone orals for 3 weeks now, started experiencing what I believe to be gyno. Hardness/swelling of nipples as well as a tender sore feeling, pectorals appear to be growing outward/pointed like male boobs. Fortunately, for an aromatase inhibitor I have on hand a liquid bottle of Anastrozole 60ml 1mg/ml that I've been directed (by a friend, not a doctor) to take once/wk, 1ml orally under the tongue and letting it kind of dissipate for 40 seconds or so. Much of what I have read however suggests to take .5mg EOD which has me curious as to whether or not I was given the wrong dosage information. I mainly want to combat this situation now before it becomes any kind of a major issue, and would love some feedback as to proper dosage. Thanks for any advice guys.
    You should have been taking AI from the beginning to stop it from even happening. But yeah if you already have signs might want to hop on nolva

  6. #6
    Encoded's Avatar
    Encoded is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot guys, good information I was unaware of Tamox as an option. My initial plan was to switch to Letrozole had the Arimidex not proven itself affective. Calstate, you're absolutely right. Unfortunately when I purchased my gear, my connection was unable to come through with an AI for a couple weeks and said I should be fine to begin the cycle without one. You live you learn Will post back if I encounter further issues on this matter and cannot find a solution. Thanks again!

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