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Thread: clenbuterol?

  1. #1
    TYHO127's Avatar
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    Can someone tell me about Clen I know what it is, but can you tell me how well it works, the best way to to take it and any other advice or experiences? Thanks

  2. #2
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Let's get you past your first cycle before we start messing with clen ..Deal?

    Nothing beats diet and exercise and proper hydration and your already 10%. Let's leave clen alone.

  3. #3
    mrglorious is offline Junior Member
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    I did 3 cycles of clen +t3. It worked really well imo with a clean calorie deficit diet and some light cardio. I gradually increase my intake of clen from 40mg per day to 120mg, then taper down to 40mg again in two weeks....

    Hope it helps

    Pain is weakness leaving the body!

  4. #4
    mrglorious is offline Junior Member
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    Oh and rmb to drink tons of water and take at least 3-5g of taurine per day while on cycle. And potassium is important too. I usually have 2 servings of kiwi or banana for that.

    Pain is weakness leaving the body!

  5. #5
    TYHO127's Avatar
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    Yeah deal. No I'm just trying to educate myself. No plans on useing it yet. Its funny because I used to give it to racehorses with breathing problems. I never knew it had other uses. Does it matter if you run it on cycle or between?

  6. #6
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Have a look at its profile, that will fill in alof of blanks for you

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Clenbuterol (Clen ) is the common term used that refers to the popular bronchodilator Clenbuterol Hydrochloride. Designed with the intent of treating chronic asthma, Clen is also a powerful fat-burner with some similarities to Ephedrine yet far more powerfully effective. While designed to treat respiratory issues it is this medications fat-burning abilities that have intrigued so many and by and large without question it is the number one reason many buy Clenbuterol (Clen) in the first place. The reason is simple; Clenbuterol (Clen) greatly increases your total metabolic activity by stimulating the Beta-2 receptors; once this process is in play the results are very simple, we now use stored body-fat for energy to a higher degree. While direct fat-burning is the primary mode of action regarding its metabolic activity properties Clen has been shown to also greatly reduce total appetite in some; for some it wont but decreasing appetite can be useful to those struggling to lose weight.

    How Clenbuterol (Clen) Works:

    The process is rather simple; the Beta-2 receptors are stimulated to increase metabolic activity. This increase leads to an increase in your core temperature due to an increase in cellular heat. This cellular increase is brought about by the mitochondria of the cells as they are what heats up thereby affecting the total body temperature. This increase in temperature increases metabolic rate, so you have a full circle effect apt towards promoting the use of stored body-fat for energy.

    The Benefits of Clenbuterol (Clen):

    Obviously it goes without saying; if you supplement with Clen youre going to burn more body-fat but as it was designed to treat asthma as you may already suspect it can also improve greatly cardiovascular efficiency. Even so, fat-loss remains its primary force of action but Clenbuterol (Clen) also unsuspectingly to many carries with it anabolic properties. Although the anabolic nature of this drug is very mild it has been shown to have the ability to slightly increase fat-free mass. As you understand the more fat-free mass we hold the greater our metabolism functions; again, this only promotes the fat-burning abilities of Clenbuterol (Clen).

    The Downside of Clenbuterol (Clen):

    Like all things in life that sound too good to be true, well, in this case the benefits are true but they are not perfect. Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is not without side-effects and they can be quite annoying to say the least. Clen has a great stimulating effect making the individual very jittery and often falling prey to insomnia. How severe these conditions will be will vary greatly from one person to the next and for most will be their worst the first few days of use but some level of a jittery effect will exist in most all that use it. Some individuals may also experience muscle cramps while supplementing with Clenbuterol (Clen) but generally if the individual simply takes in a little extra water each day he will be fine; in-fact, you can almost guarantee it.

    While cramps and jitters are annoying they are not seriously problematic but Clen carries with it other side-effects as well, most notably possible cardiac hypertrophy. While this is a concern it is one that is very dose dependent and those who supplement responsibly will not find such a concern to be a reality. Responsible use will not only revolve around dose but duration of use as well; Clenbuterol (Clen) should never be used in a year round fashion and generally speaking 4 months of total use per year is about as far as we want to take it in order to remain safe and healthy.

  8. #8
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
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    While cramps and jitters are annoying they are not seriously problematic but Clen carries with it other side-effects as well, most notably possible cardiac hypertrophy. While this is a concern it is one that is very dose dependent and those who supplement responsibly will not find such a concern to be a reality. Responsible use will not only revolve around dose but duration of use as well; Clenbuterol (Clen) should never be used in a year round fashion and generally speaking 4 months of total use per year is about as far as we want to take it in order to remain safe and healthy.
    Great read, again!

    Agree with all stated above, but I'm not sure if you put enough emphasis on the cardiac hypertrophy. This could possibly be a scare tactic, however, I've heard that the use of clen (dose does matter, but it happens nonetheless) will permenantly increase the size/thickness of the ventricular walls (lower chambers) in the heart. This can be very dangerous. I suggest you do your research, as with any powerful substance.

    Stay safe

  9. #9
    TYHO127's Avatar
    TYHO127 is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome! Well now I know. Thank you!

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