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Thread: Boldenone

  1. #1
    beenie's Avatar
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    Can someone explain the difference between boldenone acetate and boldenone udecylenate? I am more intererested in leaning effect and dosing than the chemical differences. Typically I run 500mg test cyp and 400 mg deca /wk. Would I throw in boldenone in adddition to my cycle or replace the deca with boldenone?

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Ones fast acting one is not
    If you go with the ace ester you will more than likely get server pip and i would not recormend to use that.
    A lot of people here rather use deca then boldanone but i quiet like it.
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  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Acetate is a fast ester and undeclenate is a long ester. Both pretty much garbage though and definetely the latter. Have you checked out prop/npp combo? Much better imo.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^^^ Agreed

  5. #5
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    I understand everyone feels as if eq is a waste, which for mass it pretty much is, but one also has to put into account how one intends to use the compound. I personally wouldn't rely on bold to add mass but in running a cycle containing tren I found eq counteracts the negative effects of tren, I.e. loss of appetite and that sluggish feeling when working out. Not to say tren makes workouts horrible, but it does take away some of that intensity I love using. Imo I would say if you're gonna use eq for mass or cutting, don't, but if you want something to boost appetite or add some endurance to a heavy cycle, have at it. I personally like adding eq to my tren cycles, that's only when I use tren, otherwise it's npp all the way

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuckdiesel View Post
    I understand everyone feels as if eq is a waste, which for mass it pretty much is, but one also has to put into account how one intends to use the compound. I personally wouldn't rely on bold to add mass but in running a cycle containing tren I found eq counteracts the negative effects of tren, I.e. loss of appetite and that sluggish feeling when working out. Not to say tren makes workouts horrible, but it does take away some of that intensity I love using. Imo I would say if you're gonna use eq for mass or cutting, don't, but if you want something to boost appetite or add some endurance to a heavy cycle, have at it. I personally like adding eq to my tren cycles, that's only when I use tren, otherwise it's npp all the way
    How do you intend to use the compound? Do you have a secret that prevents EQ from outrageously raising your RBC levels? I just can't find enough positives with eq to be worth it.

  7. #7
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    As far as that I've used between 200-600mg a week and haven't suffered any huge side effects. Steroids treat my body well. Don't know if it's luck or just how I'm built but my blood pressure doesn't drastically rise while on nor does estrogen raise it's ugly face. I have never used an ai while on and never had bitch tits or acne or oily skin etc...the worse it got was when I was using dbol at 200mg a day with 800mg test cyp every 5th day, and all I did was bloat a bit. I should get bw to definitely verify all this but as far as sides go, I never have any...hell tren doesn't even fvck with me any. This current cycle of 420mg tren ace, 750mg test enth/prop mix, 500mg eq, and 350mg drostanolone prop a week I plan on getting blood work done and I'll post in the weeks to come

  8. #8
    jarudd23's Avatar
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    Austinite this may be a stupid question but what are RBC levels exactly? Red blood count? What does that effect?

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarudd23 View Post
    Austinite this may be a stupid question but what are RBC levels exactly? Red blood count? What does that effect?
    Yes, RBC is Red Blood cell count.

    Oxygen delivery is effected by high RBC because it thickens your blood, causing it to travel very sluggishly, so to speak, thus oxygen delivery slows down. With blood so thick, the heart goes into high gear to be able to pump it. Like any muscle, this puts stress on the heart. Of course there are mild to extreme cases of this. At any rate, it's enough for me to stay away from EQ.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    And wouldn't smoking, drinking, high cholesterol effect RBC as well?

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    jarudd23's Avatar
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    Ahh that probably explains why my blood pressure was through the roof an I had headaches all the time when I ran 600mg of EQ a week? Needless to say I won't be touching that worthless stuff again. Big time waste of $ for minimal gains an side effects.

  12. #12
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Yes, RBC is Red Blood cell count.

    Oxygen delivery is effected by high RBC because it thickens your blood, causing it to travel very sluggishly, so to speak, thus oxygen delivery slows down. With blood so thick, the heart goes into high gear to be able to pump it. Like any muscle, this puts stress on the heart. Of course there are mild to extreme cases of this. At any rate, it's enough for me to stay away from EQ.
    Not to be contradictory here brother but an increase in rbc 's increases your blood's capability to carry oxygen to other parts of your body but in exchange for an increase of oxygen efficiency with more rbc's it does thicken your blood causing it to put more strain on your heart. In temporary cases, like using eq or epo, it will increase ones athletic performance but it is not a particular condition you want to use for extended periods of time.

  13. #13
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    I donated blood every 2 months while running EQ and that took care of the high RBC problem.

  14. #14
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reporich View Post
    I donated blood every 2 months while running EQ and that took care of the high RBC problem.
    Doesn't donating blood make you weak for a few days after?

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuckdiesel View Post
    Not to be contradictory here brother but an increase in rbc 's increases your blood's capability to carry oxygen to other parts of your body but in exchange for an increase of oxygen efficiency with more rbc's it does thicken your blood causing it to put more strain on your heart. In temporary cases, like using eq or epo, it will increase ones athletic performance but it is not a particular condition you want to use for extended periods of time.
    Yes, chuck it's all about the oxygen. Likewise, smoking deprives your body of red blood cells. So, if you and i were practically identical in every way, but you smoked, i would more than likely benefit more. And in what you just said "in temporary cases will increase ones performance". Well, the problem w/that statement is "temporary". That's a relative term isn't it? Just like "extended periods of time". Right?

    It's of my belief that those broad terms, and my experience w/said compound renders it useless. I don't like vague statements. Especially when i know firsthand otherwise.

    Just my thoughts..

  16. #16
    Metalject's Avatar
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    All anabolic steroids increase RBC but the notion that EQ does so far more so than a steroid like Anadrol I'd have a very hard time believing. There shouldn't be a massive difference and the use of EQ in a standard cycle shouldn't increase RBC to the level of EPO. Now I will admit freely that it is possible I could be wrong and EQ will raise RBC far surpassing safety, but this doesn't make sense and I've never seen any hard proof.

    Last thing, EQ can be a great steroid for an can also be a great steroid during a diet. I like it on the front end of a long dieting cycle.

  17. #17
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Yes, chuck it's all about the oxygen. Likewise, smoking deprives your body of red blood cells. So, if you and i were practically identical in every way, but you smoked, i would more than likely benefit more. And in what you just said "in temporary cases will increase ones performance". Well, the problem w/that statement is "temporary". That's a relative term isn't it? Just like "extended periods of time". Right?

    It's of my belief that those broad terms, and my experience w/said compound renders it useless. I don't like vague statements. Especially when i know firsthand otherwise.

    Just my thoughts..
    I totally get what you mean and the relativity between how such factors effects each person differently makes this compound a "trial and error" type drug. If the benefits far supersede the negatives, then it makes it worthwhile. Like your example on smoking. It effects people differently and what may harm you doesn't effect me in the least bit. Now let's remove the relativity behind the term temporary and call it a 12 week period. For 12 weeks one might incurred a higher rbc with a jacked blood pressure, but if your blood pressure were to return to baseline after cessation and you had benefited from the increased endurance, increased hunger, and huge strength gains, this compound would be totally worth it. I'm not trying to argue your point or beliefs why the compound is useless, cause you declare it's not worth it, but for others it might be suited well for them. I'm just against the point of others telling their opinion as fact and when asked about a certain compound, like boldenone , it's said it's a terrible drug, plain and simple. One might deduct it's something they want to completely avoid when in fact it may work very well for thm, as in my case. I'm not at all fighting or arguing anybody's methods, but a guiding hand stretches further than with knowledge and power than the hand that simply slaps you across the face and says no.

  18. #18
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    All anabolic steroids increase RBC but the notion that EQ does so far more so than a steroid like Anadrol I'd have a very hard time believing. There shouldn't be a massive difference and the use of EQ in a standard cycle shouldn't increase RBC to the level of EPO. Now I will admit freely that it is possible I could be wrong and EQ will raise RBC far surpassing safety, but this doesn't make sense and I've never seen any hard proof.

    Last thing, EQ can be a great steroid for an can also be a great steroid during a diet. I like it on the front end of a long dieting cycle.
    I totally agree and believe many say this drug is garbage based on the fact it doesn't put mass on like many other drugs. In ones persuit to achieve size and definition, everyone wants to go from 0-100 instantly and because eq doesn't do that on it's own it's picked on for it's negative effects, like an increase in rbc. The fact whether or not it does it substantially more than other compounds is based more on personalinteraction with the compound, rather than saying it does it for all. I have had great use of the compound and will tell all, as with any compound, my personal experience from using it and telling them they may or may not like it or benefit from it, rather than just declare it's worthless and giving that person a lackluster guidance in their quest for size and strength. Everyone has their own way of passing on knowledge, I just like giving all angles and not just a one way expression of what I think. It makes sense to experienced users but those who don't know anything will take that info and spred it around, like it's their own experience, and give false or misunderstood knowledge to other inexperienced users. You see it often on here, that's for sure lol

  19. #19
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuckdiesel View Post
    I totally agree and believe many say this drug is garbage based on the fact it doesn't put mass on like many other drugs. In ones persuit to achieve size and definition, everyone wants to go from 0-100 instantly and because eq doesn't do that on it's own it's picked on for it's negative effects, like an increase in rbc. The fact whether or not it does it substantially more than other compounds is based more on personalinteraction with the compound, rather than saying it does it for all. I have had great use of the compound and will tell all, as with any compound, my personal experience from using it and telling them they may or may not like it or benefit from it, rather than just declare it's worthless and giving that person a lackluster guidance in their quest for size and strength. Everyone has their own way of passing on knowledge, I just like giving all angles and not just a one way expression of what I think. It makes sense to experienced users but those who don't know anything will take that info and spred it around, like it's their own experience, and give false or misunderstood knowledge to other inexperienced users. You see it often on here, that's for sure lol
    I agree. Using steroids is not always about building large amounts of mass, but some tend to believe or at least often imply that's the only real worthwhile reason to use them. If you have a lot of mass in mind but choose a steroid like EQ it's easy for a lot of people to say it's crap when the truth of the matter is they initially expected results out the steroid that it won't provide.

  20. #20
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I agree. Using steroids is not always about building large amounts of mass, but some tend to believe or at least often imply that's the only real worthwhile reason to use them. If you have a lot of mass in mind but choose a steroid like EQ it's easy for a lot of people to say it's crap when the truth of the matter is they initially expected results out the steroid that it won't provide.
    Exactly. Like I, for example, use eq for it ability to counteract tren . My appetite isn't crap and my workouts don't have that extra oomph to em...I like ultra intense and having to wait a min or so between sets perturbs me...but eq offsets those sides from tren. I'll bulk with tren and test so I don't care if just 1lb of muscle is from eq's contribution, it's the nice extras that eq may or can exhibit that makes it very nice, for me at least. Plus the strength gain from bold makes it really stand out...around week 3-4 when it kicks in I literally lift an extra 20% instantly. It's one of my favorite compounds to include in any cycle at any amount. I never run more than 600mg though, 450 seems to be my spot, cause then I'm spending more money than the benefits received

  21. #21
    beenie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Acetate is a fast ester and undeclenate is a long ester. Both pretty much garbage though and definetely the latter. Have you checked out prop/npp combo? Much better imo.
    Forgive my ignorance: What is npp? If you mean nadralone, tats a typical cycle for me - test and nandralone.

    I have not done tren before. My size is pretty good right now. Most people already think that I am ripped. Just wanna take things to the next level.

  22. #22
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    Doesn't donating blood make you weak for a few days after?
    Not unless you're anemic or hypotensive to begin with (and if you're a guy using AAS for performance enhancement, this should not be the case).
    I give blood and ride my motorcycle home immediately without issue. No difference in the gym either.

    And St Pete: smoking does not reduce RBCs and you seem to be implying. Carbon monoxide merely binds to RBCs and hemoglobin with 300X the affinity of oxygen, which displaces 02 and will give a falsely high reading on a pulse oximeter. So yes, it lowers oxygen transport, but by outcompeting it for hemoglobin binding. And of course then there is the whole COPD aspect...
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 11-04-2012 at 01:22 PM.

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