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Thread: Cutting cycle

  1. #1
    LAW08's Avatar
    LAW08 is offline New Member
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    Cutting cycle

    Please can you give me some feedback on my up coming cutting cycle

    Week 1-6
    Test prop 200mg
    Masteron 200mg
    Equipoise . 400mg

    Week 7-12
    Test prop. 300mg
    Masteron. 300mg
    Equipoise. 500mg

    PCT wk 13-16
    Kessar, Clomid, proviron , pregnyl


  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Are those weakly doses?

    Where do I start? first it would help to know your full stats and cycle experience?

  3. #3
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW08 View Post
    Please can you give me some feedback on my up coming cutting cycle

    Week 1-6
    Test prop 200mg
    Masteron 200mg
    Equipoise . 400mg

    Week 7-12
    Test prop. 300mg
    Masteron. 300mg
    Equipoise. 500mg

    PCT wk 13-16
    Kessar, Clomid, proviron , pregnyl


    You're gonna have a problem with PCT timing running prop and equipoise also pregnyl shouldn't be run in PCT.

  4. #4
    LAW08's Avatar
    LAW08 is offline New Member
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    Yes weekly doses.

    BF bet 28&30%

    Have done a few cycles, but never had a clean enough diet. And the cycles were for strength not cutting

    So I should be able to lean up very nicely with this and improved cardio and clean diet

  5. #5
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW08 View Post
    Yes weekly doses.

    BF bet 28&30%

    Have done a few cycles, but never had a clean enough diet. And the cycles were for strength not cutting

    So I should be able to lean up very nicely with this and improved cardio and clean diet
    What cycles have you done previously?

    Also I would try and cut naturally until around 15%bf or you will have a higher chance of getting sides.

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW08 View Post
    Yes weekly doses.

    BF bet 28&30%

    Have done a few cycles, but never had a clean enough diet. And the cycles were for strength not cutting

    So I should be able to lean up very nicely with this and improved cardio and clean diet
    Well Op you are a grown man so I won't sugar coat it! EQ is a one trick pony steroid that makes you want to eat (I doubt thats what you are looking for), Mast is a competiotion cutting compound that is great but only effective on very low BF%, Prop is a short ester compound that really should not be run for that lenght of time. I am not using 15% as a rule but you are way to high of a BF % to really even see if steroids would be affective. Remember steroids does NOT=diet!

    You really need to concentrate on diet and cardio and get to a point where steroids can be used safely. At your BF% the risks of sides such as high BP and High cholesterol are drasticly increased!

  7. #7
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Well Op you are a grown man so I won't sugar coat it! EQ is a one trick pony steroid that makes you want to eat (I doubt thats what you are looking for), Mast is a competiotion cutting compound that is great but only effective on very low BF%, Prop is a short ester compound that really should not be run for that lenght of time. I am not using 15% as a rule but you are way to high of a BF % to really even see if steroids would be affective. Remember steroids does NOT=diet!

    You really need to concentrate on diet and cardio and get to a point where steroids can be used safely. At your BF% the risks of sides such as high BP and High cholesterol are drasticly increased!
    Hey hunny, what are you doing up so soon? I didn't know the freaks came out this early.

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Hey hunny, what are you doing up so soon? I didn't know the freaks came out this early.
    Back on day work...normal life again, Well as normal as I can be

  9. #9
    LAW08's Avatar
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    Sweet. Thanks for the info. Don't want to spend money on steroids if its not worth it right now.

    Will be putting together a progress table, so will keep you all in the loop. Maybe do the cycle early next year if I can get it together by then.

    Thank you all very much

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW08 View Post
    Sweet. Thanks for the info. Don't want to spend money on steroids if its not worth it right now.

    Will be putting together a progress table, so will keep you all in the loop. Maybe do the cycle early next year if I can get it together by then.

    Thank you all very much
    PLease visit the nutrition section...those guys are great and can really assist you in cutting that BF quickly and safely! Like having a pro nutritionist for free

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