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  1. #41
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnderDawg View Post
    To keep this simple trust that I have my diet and exercise in check . my experience is too long to list

    Trust that I read the entire anabolics book by william llewellyns and everything else I can get my hands on

    I will admit I am a NEWB when it comes to AAS but I do have a solid knowledge base

    age - 25
    weight 190
    height 5'10" Are these stats prior to all cycles? If not what was your actual begining stats?

    3 cycles

    I am going to run this cycle for my 4th cycle...I am also coming off a shoulder injury so I have lost some mass

    TEST E 200mg weeks 1 - 12
    TREN E 300mg weeks 1 - 8
    ANADROL 50-100mg ED weeks 1 - 4

    I have cycled




    I will always keep test lower than tren

    I want to work my dosage up with TREN E slowly because 200mg last time turned me into an animal. I could not even imagine running 1g of TREN for my 4th cycle
    Question in bold. If you consider your self a newb then adrol and tren is not for you.

  2. #42
    UnderDawg is offline New Member
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    to be fair I plan on upping the test to 500 - 600mg week after the tren has cleared.

    I am trying to keep it simple for the sake of the post

    my concerns are anadrol with tren and have milky tits because I do not have caber or prami

  3. #43
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnderDawg View Post
    To keep this simple trust that I have my diet and exercise in check . my experience is too long to list

    Trust that I read the entire anabolics book by william llewellyns and everything else I can get my hands on

    I will admit I am a NEWB when it comes to AAS but I do have a solid knowledge base

    age - 25
    weight 190
    height 5'10"

    3 cycles

    I am going to run this cycle for my 4th cycle...I am also coming off a shoulder injury so I have lost some mass

    TEST E 200mg weeks 1 - 12
    TREN E 300mg weeks 1 - 8
    ANADROL 50-100mg ED weeks 1 - 4

    I have cycled




    I will always keep test lower than tren

    I want to work my dosage up with TREN E slowly because 200mg last time turned me into an animal. I could not even imagine running 1g of TREN for my 4th cycle
    Weak. Try test @ 600 and tren @ 300. Then you would have a cycle!

  4. #44
    UnderDawg is offline New Member
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    to avoid sides test needs to be lower than tren .

    I ran 500mg test with 200 mg tren and had horrible sides

    Everyone that I have talked to says keep test at a replacement dose and up the TREN

  5. #45
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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  6. #46
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Weak. Try test @ 600 and tren @ 300. Then you would have a cycle!
    Absolutely agree with this, OP you must remember tren is much more powerful then test. Also this is a good read, I would really suggest you looking at it.

    Atomini did a great job!#.UHzgxGl26kU

  7. #47
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    to avoid sides test needs to be lower than tren .
    Bro, thats a bunch of parroting......The only thing that would be less interms of sides would most likely be your bloat. I know a couple guys who will do it getting closer to comp time to reduce their bloat. I've got more experience than most on Tren , more Test always makes it for an easier cycle.
    Last edited by Gi812Many; 10-15-2012 at 10:35 PM.

  8. #48
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Absolutely agree with this, OP you must remember tren is much more powerful then test. Also this is a good read, I would really suggest you looking at it.

    Atomini did a great job!#.UHzgxGl26kU
    Going to read it now....Its just the complete opposite for me, made me feel terrible when I ran higher Tren.

  9. #49
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Good read!!! But again, as he states....
    There are some who are advising against this practice, but I find it funny that they provide no reason behind it
    (running higher Test) Yet doesnt give a valid reason for running Tren higher than Test other than some of the issues regarding elevated estrogen levels due to the Test. Although like I stated above, some guys I know like running it higher due to the decrease in bloat which is the same thing he is saying. I personally from my trial and errors and everyone else I know who has ran it higher prefers running higher test. Now I will not say I have less sides regarding estrogen related sides, my overall well being is just effected much more. Feel horrible by week 4.

  10. #50
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I won't get into what is best and what is not. Pete and I have had this discussion and I believe the conclusion was simple. With Tren there are a number of different ways to skin a cat so to say. I have run test higher, test equal and test lower an I personally like test lower. I say personal because that is what it is, my personal preference. Pete prefers it he wrong? NOPE. It's what he has foun works the best for him.

    My current (if anyone cares) is 250mg test/ 750mg tren. My sides...sweat like a whore in church and cardio sucks (although that may be attributed to me being outa shape lol),

    Op...listen to SUGGESTIONS, draw your own educated conclusion and choose what works best for you. I know ppl who have started their cycle with one of these protocals and revered it and it worked well. The other issue is that not ALL ppl can even handle tren. I have spoke to ppl that no matter how they ran it, their bodies simply did not accept it and the sides wear unbearable! Me..I mix it in my morning eggs and make tren omlet j/k

  11. #51
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    I like high test high tren !

  12. #52
    UnderDawg is offline New Member
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    i will take everything into consideration

    PRAMI is already on route to my house so I have what I need.

    Will the DROL cause lactation?

    Seriously it has only been 5 days and I swear my nips are puffy and there was a little droplet of water or something that came out. Very very tiny but def came outa the nip

    Thanks for all of the replies and help! I am going to bed.


  13. #53
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    It's been 5 days since you started the cycle? DEFINITELY the Tren E causing the lactation then <- Sarcasm

    Use an AI and you will be good, increase the dose if you need to this early in you are probably all paranoid just..

  14. #54
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Did we confirm his AI and dosages?

  15. #55
    UnderDawg is offline New Member
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    .5 EOD (Arimidex ) (Kalpa Pharm) I have heard there is a lot of bunk anastrozole going around

    I am going to run .5 ED if another drop of liquid comes out

  16. #56
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnderDawg
    .5 EOD (Arimidex ) (Kalpa Pharm) I have heard there is a lot of bunk anastrozole going around

    I am going to run .5 ED if another drop of liquid comes out
    Ar-r .com anastrozol is without reproach. I recommended it.

  17. #57
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnderDawg View Post
    .5 EOD (Arimidex ) (Kalpa Pharm) I have heard there is a lot of bunk anastrozole going around

    I am going to run .5 ED if another drop of liquid comes out
    I am really starting to lean towards Aromasin for Tren cycles vs Adex.

    I am not completley convinced that Adex is strong enough for the tren cycles. My .02

  18. #58
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    The whole prolactin thing is exaggerated and has people getting too paranoid thinking they are lactating..

    Take your AI as needed, I have a feeling you are gonna over do it because you are paranoid.

    Get some raloxifene/tamoxifen for gyno reversal and you are golden, you don't have to worry. Gyno is not something you imagine so stop squeezing your tits

  19. #59
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    The whole prolactin thing is exaggerated and has people getting too paranoid thinking they are lactating..

    Take your AI as needed, I have a feeling you are gonna over do it because you are paranoid.

    Get some raloxifene/tamoxifen for gyno reversal and you are golden, you don't have to worry. Gyno is not something you imagine so stop squeezing your tits shyt, find someone elses to squeeze...much more fun lol

  20. #60
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post shyt, find a someone elses to squeeze...much more fun lol
    Hahaha, Lunk that avatar fits for that comment!!

  21. #61
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    ^^^^HAHAHA....Yah bro, if you have been on for only 5 days neither the Test or the Tren are going to cause gyno issues that quickly. Your running longer esters so, if you are going to be prone to gyno expect some tenderness around week 3 on. That also depends on your gear as well (worth a shit or not). There is no mistaking gyno issues.....As Sworder said, for reversal tamoxifen is really good...For future reference, if you do get Tamoxifen at 40mgs/daily for 2 weeks than cut back to 20mgs/daily for two weeks and that will kick it.

  22. #62
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Hahaha, Lunk that avatar fits for that comment!!
    That was after my last cut...what do ya think? Sexy as hell huh??

  23. #63
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    That was after my last cut...what do ya think? Sexy as hell huh??
    There is something not quite right about it... I think it's the colors of your "attire".

  24. #64
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    There is something not quite right about it... I think it's the colors of your "attire".
    Can't stop staring at the purple monkey can ya...I see ya lookin

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