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  1. #1
    HARDCORE's Avatar
    HARDCORE is offline Associate Member
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    Smile Here's my situaton-any info./advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Ok, so here is my situation; First I'll post the stats: I'm 5'8'' 213 pounds, w/18'' arms. I'll be 22 at the end of this month, and I've been training seriously since I was 15. I've been doing tons of researh now for about three months straight, and am confident with the help of you guys, that I'm ready to put together a nice little first cycle for myself. What I'm trying to accomplish here is strength and mass-I'll worry about cutting later, I just need more SIZE-as I'm sure every BB can relate to. I do have a problem though. I have had acne in the past, and am currently on accutane now, and I'm looking pretty clear. So I'm thinking It would be best to stay away from test at this point. Also thinking that d-bol would be a little harsh on the liver seeing as that I'm on the accutane as well-and it also seems to zit you up pretty good from what I hear. But like I said, this is only my first cycle, so there is plenty of time for that stuff later. I was thinking of running an 8 week cycle of deca , at 400mg throughout, as well as winstrol at 50mg eod throughout the 8 weeks. Now I know this isn't a huge cycle or anything, but I really don't think it's a good idea to mess with the test and d-bol until I'm off the accutane. What do you think of this for a first cycle, ad what should I expect-assuming I eat correctly and train my ass off-as far as gains? I'm wide open to suggestions and criticism here, as I know the only way to learn is to ask. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Accutane as you know is very harsh on your liver. Your choice of winny at the end of your cycle should probly be changed as it to is harsh on the liver. Run a Deca - Equipose combo and youll see better results plus be a little safer

  3. #3
    HARDCORE's Avatar
    HARDCORE is offline Associate Member
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    How would you recommend running the eq? Any idea of how much I should expect as far as gains?

  4. #4
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Run Eq between 400-600 per week and youll get better gains than winnie

  5. #5
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'd wait untill you have finish accutane and that you truewly believe it has sorted the problem, it may not and it may come back. I speak from experience, save gear untill you have had clear skin for some time, and be prepared for the worse.

  6. #6
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    I,d agree with the comments here AAS can and will aggrevate the problem if you are suffering already.Wait until you have finished and you are clear

    Surprised no-one mentioned age!! So bro too young to do AAS really

  7. #7
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'm 5'8'' 213 pounds, w/18'' arms. I'll be 22 at the end of this month, and I've been training seriously since I was 15
    Based on his stats Billy he's probably good to go, apart for the ache problem.

  8. #8
    HARDCORE's Avatar
    HARDCORE is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys, I've thought abot this quite a bit. The thing is; I don't have serious acne or anything, just the occasional breakout, but I had tried the other antibiotics and such, and they weren't doing anything. Now I have a pretty laidback dermatologist, so he went ahead and prescribed the accutane, even though it's not a huge problem. And from what I understand, it's rare to break out on eq, and deca has little side effects as well-as long as you don't go overboard. My logic-though it may be flawed-is that in the unlikely event that I start breaking out again, i'll just cut the cycle short and save the rest of the gear, or just stay with it and finish the cycle if it's not a big deal, as I'll still have two gear free months left on the accutane to take care of the problem-I just finished my first month. Am I way off in my thinking here?

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