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  1. #1
    Steelfan is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    New guy looking for some truth!

    I have recently made the decision that I want to use gear to get back and shape and go beyond that and get into the very best shape of my life. My stats are as follows. I am 6'1" and 270lbs right now. My BF% is pretty much off the charts, I would guess 30% or greater. I am 39 years old and I have lifted off and on since I was 13. I know that I have a great body under all of the flab having worked out regularly most of my adult life. Unfortunately, I let myself go as I got older and now I am facing the fact that I am fat, nearly 40, and depressed about the whole situation. I am not a newbie when it comes to the medical aspects of all this. I work in the medical field and I have for many years. I am NOT looking for a source at this point, I need to do some research and a few months of serious, dedicated work before I find and use gear to blast me to new levels. My question is where can I find TRUTHFUL, RELIABLE, UP TO DATE, literature on the use of steriods for creating a SERIOUS physique? My second question is how can you mitigate risk and bad advice while locating a source? I realize I will probably get a few "offers" for gear right away from this post but let me be clear, I am NOT stupid, scammers and assholes should just move on to somebody dumb enough to fall for your crap! To the people that read this post and provide GOOD, HONEST advice I thank you!!

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Your in the right place, there is a ton of info on diet and exercise and some pretty good experts hanging around in the different forums to help out.
    I'm over 50 and in pretty good shape, or so I think.
    Hang out and ask questions, glad your here.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You and I are have been in the same boat. A few years ago (maybe bit longer) I was 6ft 280 and I would guess 30% or better. Slow steady progress has gotten me to (Still) 6 ft 236 today at 18% or so.

    This is not a source board and please report anybody who may try to sell you anything. The bottom line (and I know you already know this) is that you need to bring your BF% down before considering AAS. At that BF% you will not notice any gains and stand a MUCH greater risk of negetive sides. Test is the base for all cycles and it aromotizes in the fat cells. The more fat you have the more aromazation that occurs. Thus leading to higher Estrogen and problems that accompany that, such as high BP (big time), high cholesterol, ED issues and a number of other health risks.

    You really should consider visiting the nutrition subforum, posting up an entire diet with your macro breakdown and let the food Nazi's help shed you down to 15%-16% BF where you can safetly consider AAS usage

  4. #4
    Steelfan is offline New Member
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    Hey, thanks man! I really appreciate the advice and encouragement. I didn't realize a high BF would increase the aromazation. How do guys like lineman in the NFL get around that? You know they are juicing! I will definitely hit the nutrition sub forum. Thanks for the tip on that! I got divorced about two years ago and that led me to a really bad place. I have been eating like crap and drinking more beer than I did in college! My mid section shows the ugly truth, I eat like shit

  5. #5
    Steelfan is offline New Member
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    thanks! Any advice on available books out there on using steroids ? I am not going to use anything until my BF is down and I have done the appropriate research. I'm kind of a geek when it comes to that sort of stuff.

  6. #6
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Well the truth is your bf% is high. You need to get your diet and cardio sorta first before you start any cycle. you need to get to 15% or lower for your own well being. Bad sides/effects can happen if not.

    Now buy my gear lol.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelfan View Post
    Hey, thanks man! I really appreciate the advice and encouragement. I didn't realize a high BF would increase the aromazation. How do guys like lineman in the NFL get around that? You know they are juicing! I will definitely hit the nutrition sub forum. Thanks for the tip on that! I got divorced about two years ago and that led me to a really bad place. I have been eating like crap and drinking more beer than I did in college! My mid section shows the ugly truth, I eat like shit
    Dude..this place is like a small community full of all types...stick around, read, learn and commit to change. You have eperts in nutrition, exercise and supplementation right at your finger tips FOR FREE!

    As far as those fat lineman go...are some using? Sure...wouldn't you take the risk for the $ they make? Look at their health down the road and see if it's worth it for you in yiour situaton. Nope!

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You can make the changes you want, and this is a great place to get advice.

    I had 36% body fat at the beginning of last year. I am at 18% now and have been focused on building muscle. I will cut again soonish to get into the low teens. I feel 1000% better than I did.

    I agree with everyone above that says you should focus on a few other things first before AAS, but that time will be here before you know it (should you continue to thing AAS use is necessary).

  9. #9
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    All good advise but a big thing is the encouragement that you get. There is no such thing as perfect and everyone knows that, everyone has "those times" and they are willing to try and they give you good the best know how to succeed.

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